Him and I

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Pedri's POV:
I think I just realized how Sarah is my world. This girl is my everything. The talk I just had with her made me realize that we both can't live without each other. The possibility doesn't even exist. In this world, it's only me and her. No one else other than her and I.

Sarah's POV:
"I am proud of you, Pedri."

He looked at me in a confused way. We were both laying in bed, arms wrapped around each other, closer than ever and he was playing with my hair.

"Thank you but why?" he asked me.

"I am proud of you because I saw your performance grow so much in soccer. You haven't given up. You kept going and going and got better. You motivate me to never give up either."

He smiled and I pressed my lips to his.

"Don't give up, Pedri. If you win or you lose during the finale, I will be proud of you because I know that you worked hard for it, okay?"

He nodded and he kissed my forehead.

"Thank you, mi vida. Thank you for everything. I promise you for now on when I score a goal, I will dedicate it to you."

I hugged him tightly and we fell asleep.

When I woke up, Pedri was already watching me. He smiled the moment our eyes met.  He put one of his hands on my face and stroked it. I smiled because it was the best way to wake up. Feeling Pedri's hand on me felt good.

"Good morning mi amor" I said.

He smiled even more.

"Good morning babe."

"It's a big day today but we got this. I have a meeting when you will be in the resting session and I will come maybe for a few minutes to watch you and finalize my work for the last time" I said.

"So we won't see each other a lot today" he said.

I nodded. My smile disappeared a little bit and I kissed Pedri and then hugged him. We got out of bed and prepared ourselves for the day. Today Pedri gave me another one of his hoodies. This time it was grey. Just like always his smell stayed with me.

"Pedri take this" I said while giving him my hair tie. I know you love to smell my hair so you can keep my hair tie with you.

He smiled like a kid on Christmas morning and came to hug me and smell my hair. Then he pressed his lips to mine and smelled the hair tie. I have never seen someone love my hair as much as Pedri does.

When I went downstairs Gavi was preparing his bag.

"Good morning bestie" I said while laughing.

"Good morning bestie" he said while laughing too.

"How do you feel about tomorrow's final?" I asked him.

"I am really stressed" he said.

Pablo did look nervous. His mood changed quickly when I started talking about the game.

"Hey don't worry. Just do your best and always be proud of yourself, okay? Pedri and I are proud of you. Your family must be proud of you too. Don't let the stress destroy your performance" I said.

He smiled and I gave him the hug he needed. The finale was a big deal for the team. They really needed to win. It was very important for them. I was going to be proud of the boys no matter what happens in that game because I know they did their best.

We finished getting ready and we went to Camp Nou. As always people were running towards us when they realized who was in the car. I could hear the screams from outside. It was crazy. Sometimes Pedri couldn't move the car because of the number of people around it but he was a good driver so he managed to do it after. When we arrived at the stadium Pedri parked his car near the entrance where Xavi was waiting for us. Great, I told myself. Pedri looked at me and said:

Meant to meet ❤️‍🩹|| PedriWhere stories live. Discover now