Travelling (Part 3)

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I woke up a few hours later in Pedri's arms. We had slept for a good 4 hours and I woke up to the voice of the flight attendant telling us to put our seatbelts on. I kissed Pedri and that woke him up.

"We arrived, babe."

He nodded and I helped him incline his chair and put his seatbelt on. Before I put on my seatbelt, I quickly looked around and saw Ferran. His face was really destroyed and had a black eye. He didn't notice me since I was really quick. I attached my seatbelt and told Pedri what I just saw.

"He deserved it" he said.

He kissed my cheek and resumed:

"No one gets to put his hands on my fiancé other than me."

I smiled and kissed his lips. He then grabbed my hand and told me to look at him so I wouldn't be scared. It did in fact work. I didn't feel anything until I knew the plane had arrived in Qatar. I kissed Pedri and said, "thank you".

When I looked out the window, there were paparazzi everywhere and cameras held by everyone.

"I hope Ferran doesn't say anything" Pedri said.

"I hope too."

After a few minutes, we all got off the plane. We walked from the plane to a bus that was going to bring us to our hotel. When we got out, Gavi was in front of me and Pedri was behind. He tried his best to push the paparazzi that were getting close. I heard some ask questions like: "Pedri are you in a relationship with Sarah", "Pedri do you and Sarah are together", "Do you have a girlfriend?", etc. It was pretty much all about Pedri's love interest.

On the bus, I sat next to Pedri. Gavi was in the row next to us with Alba, one of his close friends too. Pedri seemed better than before but I checked again under his shirt to make sure there wasn't anything bad.

"Babe, I already told you I am okay. It pains me just a little bit" Pedri said.

"Don't lie to me. Are you sure 100%? You could have interior bleeding and don't feel it" I continued.

"I am 100% sure. Don't worry, I promise."

He took my hand back and kissed it. In the bus hallway, there was Ansu who walked by and winked at Pedri.

"Personal doctor for you, Mr. González" he said while laughing.

I saw the smirk form on Pedri's face when he looked back at me, so I laughed and fake-hit him. Ferran was surrounded by two coaches when he boarded the bus. He gave us again a death stare but Pedri did the same. I hope this story was going to end soon because I couldn't take it anymore.

"Ignore him, mi Vida" Pedri said.

I nodded and kissed his forehead. The whole bus ride, Pedri and I talked about the World Cup and how did feel. Gavi and Alba joined our talk. It was interesting to know how everyone felt. Gavi was so cute. He couldn't process that he was going to play at the World Cup at 18 years old. I was so proud of him. And Pedri, of course. I was proud of the team.

When we arrived it was chaos outside. From the window, I could see that it was going to be hard to get out there. The bus was surrounded by so many people. We had to walk only a few seconds to get to the door of the hotel where the team was staying. Some coaches got out first and the noises were insane.

When Gavi walked in front of the fans, they started yelling his name like crazy. I stayed behind Pedri, head down. When Pedri passed, everyone started saying how he was a good player. Some fans said: "I love you Pedri". I saw his smile and he turned towards me and smirked. Oh, Pedri. What game are you playing with me?

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