Won't lose you

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We both went into my office and talked about what happened. Pedri heard the last few minutes of my conversation with Xavi because he came when he saw the lawyer leave the office. He was also as confused as I was when he saw him.

"What are we going to do now? You can lose your job, Pedri" I said.

"And you too, Sarah" he added.

"I don't care about my job Pedri. If I lose it then I lose it."

"But I care about yours."

"Pedri now it's time to prioritize your career over me. That's what you have to do now" I said.

"But I don't want to lose you, Sarah."

"You won't because I don't want to lose you, Pedri."

I thought about a solution. We needed something to help us. I don't want Pedri to lose his job because if he does he will lose everything.

"We can't act like we don't like each other since I told Xavi how I feel about you" I said.

"Yup that's true. The only option is that we get married" he said.

"What? But we can't. I'm just 18 and you are 20. Don't take it the wrong way I don't mind marrying you but not now. I don't want you to regret anything too" I said.

How? I don't even know Pedri's family. What if they dislike me and they have to suffer with me marrying their son? I want to marry Pedri because I know that no one can replace him in this world but what if he doesn't want to?

"I will never regret marrying you my love, okay? Never. You are the one. No one can replace you" he said.

I smiled because he said my thoughts.

"We should wait a little bit before we do anything. We need to ask Gavi too and I want to meet your family first."

"They love you, Sarah. I have talked about you to them since the first time I saw you" he said.

"What? I didn't know that" I said.

"Yes I didn't tell anyone but I did talk about you to my family and they already love you."

I smiled even more. That's the sweetest thing ever.

"We will get married on paper and when the time comes, we will be able to show it to Xavi. I will call the courthouse and take an appointment for after the World Cup and for now we just act like friends. When the final game is over in a few days, Xavi won't be able to kick me off the team since we will be at the World Cup. We will get married and when we come back I will show Xavi the papers. He will not be able to say anything" Pedri said.

I smiled and went closer to him to kiss him.

"I love your idea Pedri. I would love to marry you on paper and later we will do a celebration for our marriage."

He smiled and kissed me back.

Pedri's POV:
I am marrying the love of my life. It wasn't the way I wanted it to be. There wasn't even a proposal but that was the safest option for me and Sarah. I didn't want Xavi to win this game and take Sarah away from me.

I also told Sarah that I have been talking to my family about her. My brother knows everything about her other than her family situation. My parents know the general information about her. I even showed them pictures of her that I took when she didn't notice. My family did like her much more than Amelia. They find something special about Sarah.

I was going to tell my parents after they meet Sarah that I will marry her. I will do it even if they refuse. I will sign the papers with Sarah after the World Cup and make sure that Xavi can't fire either of us. I will see about the living situation of Sarah wants to move into a new house with me or we stay with Gavi. Thinking about Gavi reminded me that I have to tell him the plan. I want him to support me.

Meant to meet ❤️‍🩹|| PedriWhere stories live. Discover now