Our night

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Pedri had reserved a restaurant so we can celebrate our wedding. The night was amazing. We were all dancing and having the best time of our life. I danced close to Pedri while our bodies were touching. I pressed my nose on his. My arms were wrapped around his neck and his hands were on my waist. The song that we danced to was perfect.

"I love you Sarah González" he whispered.

I took a deep breath and smelled his perfume.

"I love you more my husband."

He smiled and so did I.

"I can't believe we are married. You are my wife Sarah."

I smiled and added:

"I can't believe you are my husband Pedri. It's a dream come true. I found my Prince Charming. I found my soulmate."

"So did I. My first and only love."

I kissed him and heard some of his family members yell again with joy. It made me laugh.

"Keep smiling like this your whole life Sarah. It makes my heart feel better" Pedri said.

I smiled again and he did too. The night ended quickly. It was already time for my husband and me to leave his family and go to our hotel. It was hard saying goodbye to Pablo but I knew that I was going to talk to him every day on face time. I never would believe you if you told me a few months ago that Gavi and I are inseparable. I would have laughed at you because I would think that it was absolutely crazy. I hugged Pablo tightly and he told me to enjoy the time in Paris to the fullest with my husband. It was so real to hear him talk about Pedri as my husband. I loved hearing this word. Husband.

We left the restaurant and went to the hotel in Pedri's car. The whole car ride Pedri and I couldn't stop smiling. We just couldn't. I kept looking at him and thinking that this man is my husband. I kept looking at his ring and mine. It felt so real this time.

When we arrived at the hotel it looked really modern. I loved the cozy vibe of it even if we were going to stay only for a few hours. Our flight was at 8 am so we had to leave at around 6 am for the airport and it was already 1 am. Our room was already ready when we arrived inside the hotel. A worker gave us the key to the room and Pedri and I took the elevator and walked to our room. I was holding his hand the whole time while he kept kissing my cheeks and forehead. It felt like we were falling in love again from the beginning.

When Pedri opened the door of the room and let me in, I saw candles and rose petals everywhere on the floor. It was so romantic. They were all doing a path leading of course to the bed. I looked at Pedri who was already smirking. He knew what was going on. I go into the room and Pedri locked the door behind him. We both placed our luggage in a corner and then we took a moment to look at each other. Still. Couldn't believe that this man was my husband.

"I love you so much wifey" Pedri said while getting closer to me.

I laughed and said:

"I love you more hubby."

He laughed and kept coming closer to me.

"Do you want to do it tonight?" he asked me.

"Are you ready to do it?" I asked him just to make sure.

"I have been ready since day one. I just waited for you to be my wife."

He smirked. I laughed and fake-hit him. He laughed too until I pressed my lips to his and said:

"I am ready too, Pedri. I always wanted this special moment with you babe."

He smiled again and started kissing me. After an hour, we were in bed, naked and both breathing heavily. It was amazing. Sharing this moment with Pedri brought me closer to him. It made me feel like we were one.

Meant to meet ❤️‍🩹|| PedriWhere stories live. Discover now