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One year later...

Sarah's POV:

I woke up because of the sound of the birds outside. Every morning I hear them on my balcony at around 8 am and they always wake me up. I got out of bed and opened my balcony door to chase them so I could go back to sleep. I was exhausted because of yesterday night. It was one of those crazy unexpected nights.

I went to a bar with Nicolás, my friend. There was nothing more between us even if it could be since Pedri, my ex-husband, sent me divorce papers the week that I moved here to Madrid. My life has changed in a year. I can say that I moved on from Pedri, but it was the hardest and the only "move on" that I will experience in my life. I still love him but I can't forgive him. I started hating him the more time I thought about what he did to me but love is stronger than hate. I didn't have trust in boys anymore. He took that away from me. It took me a long time to heal. I guess recently I felt completely healed for the first time in a year. Nicolás was there for me. He helped me get thru it. 

It's funny to think about how we met. There was one day after I had received the divorce papers and signed them, I walked outside on that same balcony as this morning and looked down at the street. I was on the third floor and my balcony led to a view of the city but was facing another apartment building with a small street between them. I looked at the street thinking:  "What if I fall down? Will my pain disappear?" I was in a very low and dark place in my life. Like I said before, losing Pedri hurt more than losing my parents. My pain was at another level. I was grieving or probably...dying. I wasn't eating or drinking anything. I didn't have the strength to stand up without holding onto something. I looked at that street down there thinking of just ending everything when I made eye contact with a boy, Nicolás.

He talked me out of it and came into my apartment a few minutes after. I opened up to him and told him everything. He was listening to me just like a friend would, even tho we were complete strangers. We started becoming closer and closer until now. He is my best friend. He is the only person that I have in Madrid. He always reminds me of someone I loved before as a brother, Gavi.

My relationship with Xavi got better over time. We talk every day or so on the phone. He tells me about the team but not about the boys and I tell him about my career and my life in Madrid. My career was going well for me. Modelling was my only income and it was far enough. I was also posting more on my Instagram since brands wanted to see that and I was growing a huge base. I never expected any of that to become true but it did. I probably gained followers because of Pedri just like how I have paparazzi following me around the city. Some of them were interested in my career but most of them wanted to know about my relationship with Pedri.  Neither of us confirmed our divorce or told anyone but it was pretty obvious. I wasn't wearing my ring and neither was Pedri.

I never talked to him since that last time in that hotel in Barcelona. The only time I see him is on television when I watch him play but it's only because I watch the team play. I saw the performance growth of Pedri and Gavi. It had increased a lot. Gavi was still very much aggressive when he plays and Pedri was becoming the star of the team.

Anyway, let's go back to the topic of my evening yesterday. So, I was at the bar with Nicolás and we were a little bit drunk. We had a couple of drinks here and there. We walked back to my apartment since it was a few blocks away. Nicolás would come sleep at my house sometimes after our late nights since he lived a little bit farther away. He sleeps on the couch, of course. But yesterday the night didn't go as expected. When we were near my house, we were both a little loopy because of the alcohol. We were laughing in the street and holding hands, only to try to gain more balance so that we wouldn't fall. Out of nowhere, a paparazzi came up in front of us and started filming me and my hand into Nicolás's hand. I instantly removed my hand and tried my best to explain to the paparazzi that it wasn't true but Nicolás wasn't helping. I kept trying to tell the truth to the paparazzi when Nicolás pressed his lips to mine.

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