Before him

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It had been now 5 days since the Spain team was training. I didn't see much of Pedri and Gavi those past few days. I only see them back home or sometimes when I go watch them train. They would do at least one hour drive every day to go to the stadium they train at and come back again with an hour drive. I was spending most of my days with Pedri and Gavi's families. It was so much fun, we did so much in 5 days. There were two days when we went and walked in the city. For the other one, we went to the boy's training and had a guided tour of the Spain museum. The rest of the days I spent with the families in their hotels. I stayed with Pedri's brother and Pablo's sister and we talked about everything.

Today I decided I was going to go with the boys to training all day. Pedri wanted me to check his performance levels and watch him play. I didn't mind because for me it was a gift to watch him. I knew though that Xavi was probably going to talk to me since I will be alone.

Around 11 am, I took my car and did the hour drive that the boys do so I could go there. I wasn't going to wake up early like them to go in one car together because it was unnecessary for me. Pedri insisted on letting me sleep more. He also told me how hard it was for him to wake up and leave the house knowing that I was still home. I could imagine what he felt because waking up to him not being there is hard for me too. During the drive, I was so excited to see my boy. It was like every night when I wait for him and Gavi at the door and when they come I jump in their arms because I miss my two best friends. I arrived at the stadium and I knew where I had to go since I came last time with Pedri's family and Gavi's too. I went to the field and saw the team train in a circle. They were kicking each other the ball nonstop. I saw Gavi first and he waved at me and told Pedri I was there. My love looked up and saw me. He left his training and ran to hug me. It felt like it has been years since we haven't seen each other when it has been only a few hours. There was no way for me to live my life without this boy in it. I looked up at the workers and saw that Xavi was looking at me with a death stare. I whispered in Pedri's ear:

"I think Xavi is going to kill me."

Pedri looked up at him and said to me:

"He will not. I will protect you from him."

Then he kissed my cheek and held me closer to him.

I let him go because one of his coaches yelled his name. I went upstairs and sat down behind Xavi. He was looking at me and then at Pedri who was giving him a death stare. What was going on again? I didn't mind and I took out a notebook and a pencil and started writing about Pedri's performance. After a few minutes, one of the coaches came next to me and ask me what was I doing.

"I am evaluating Pedri's performance. He asked me to do so" I said.

The coach was surprised and liked what I was doing. Xavi looked at us and came to sit next to me. The other coach had already left.

"You and Pedri" Xavi said.

I nodded and said proudly:

"Yes. Pedri and I."

Xavi turned his face to look the other way so I couldn't see his reaction but he was probably mad. Pedri looked at us from the field and tried to understand what was happening.

"Didn't I tell you not to get closer to him" Xavi said.

"Please, I don't want to open back this subject."

I took my things and stood up so I could change my place, far away from Xavi:

"Sarah!" he yelled.

Pedri stopped what he was doing and started getting closer to us.

"Sit down. I'm not done" Xavi told me.

He was so angry, I didn't want to create any problems so I sat back down and listened to what he had to tell me. Pedri was watching closely this time and I didn't feel safe. The way that Xavi was talking to me reminded me of things I didn't want to think about.

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