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I woke up by hearing a strange voice telling us that we landed. I looked out the window and saw that we arrived in the city of love: Paris.

"Mi amor, wake up babe" I said gently to Pedri.

He opened his eyes and met mine. He immediately smiled and when he looked out the window, his smile grew even more.

"We are in Paris" I said excitedly.

My husband looked again at me and said:

"We are in Paris, baby."

I started laughing and then we got up to get out of the plane. The air was so fresh when we got out. I loved the smell of Paris. I immediately asked Pedri to stand next to me so I could take a picture of us in front of the plane. It was something I wanted to remember for the rest of my life.

Then a taxi was waiting for us after we finished everything at the airport and we were able to get the rest of our luggage. The taxi driver drove us to our hotel which had an old vibe to it. I loved Paris. Just looking outside made me so happy. Pedri held my hand when he saw my smile and I kissed his cheek.

We arrived at our hotel and paid for the taxi. Then we entered the lobby. It was so beautiful and looked old in a good way. We then went upstairs to our room which looked more like an apartment than a room. It had a living room and a kitchen. The bedroom and the bathroom were in another room separated from the rest. Pedri and I placed our luggage in our bedroom and then I looked out the window and saw that we had a balcony outside. I immediately went outside and Pedri joined me. It was gorgeous. Paris was really the city of love. We had a view of some of the buildings and from far away we could see the Eiffel Tower.

"I am so excited" Pedri said with a smile on his face.

"Have you seen my smile since we arrived?" I asked him while laughing.

He pressed his lips on mine and said:

"I love your smile."

It made me smile even more and I kissed him again.

"And I love you entirely."

He kissed me once again and didn't stop until I did.

"Come on, we should go explore the city because if we don't stop this kissing, it's going to go in another direction" I said while laughing.

Pedri winked and smirked. He knew what I was talking about. Then we left our hotel and walked outside the whole day. We went into a few bakery stores and of course, a few fans came up to us. Pedri and I tried to hide, as much as we could, our rings so no one notices them. I didn't want to remove it because I wanted to be able to enjoy my "honeymoon" feeling married.

We went to dinner in a fancy restaurant and took pictures. There wasn't a place we didn't go to and didn't take a picture of. We took some everywhere, even in the beautiful streets. The food in Paris was on another level. They had really good pastries and the dinner was amazing. There was a baby with his family sitting next to us in the restaurant. He couldn't stop crying and the parents didn't know what to do. Pedri randomly looked at me and then at the baby. I was wondering what he wanted to tell me until he stood up and asked the parents if he could hold the baby. I was surprised by the way Pedri acted. He just took the baby in his arms and calmed him down. The baby completely stopped crying and was laughing with Pedri. My heart melted. I was now imagining Pedri with his kids. With our children. He was going to be an amazing father. The best one that could exist and I wasn't going to doubt it for a second.

After dinner, Pedri and I went to the Eiffel Tower. It was dark outside but the tower was illuminating everything. We were on a small bridge looking at the beautiful Eiffel Tower and without realizing it, Pedri was taking pictures of me.

Meant to meet ❤️‍🩹|| PedriWhere stories live. Discover now