The after game

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When we arrived home, Pedri and Gavi asked me if I wanted to come over with them. I was exhausted but I really wanted to. We all went into Pedri's green car. He was driving and Gavi was sitting next to him. I was in the back and we were about to leave when someone knocked at Gavi's window. We all thought it was a fan who wanted a picture until we saw... Ferran.

"Where are you guys going without me?"

He looked in the back and he saw me. I then looked at Pedri from the rearview mirror and he looked annoyed.

"You even have Sarah with you" said Ferran while yelling.

"Yeah we wanted her to come over. Do you have a problem with that?" Pedri said with an angry voice.

"No. I don't have a problem Mr. González. I just want to come with you guys."

But before Pedri could say anything, I said:

"Pedri. It's okay. Let him come."

Pedri looked deep into my eyes. His anger was building up. I knew that what I just did wasn't ideal but I didn't want a fight to break out right here. Pedri looked at Gavi and gave him a look like "you see" and Gavi looked at me hopelessly.

Ferran sat next to me and was so happy that I let him come with us. He was smiling the whole car ride.

Pedri's POV:
What the hell? What is Sarah doing? She is playing with me or what? Everything was going well until she let Ferran in my car so he could come with us. What the hell? Why did she even do that? Gavi told me that Sarah wasn't really attached to the man, and now she is bringing him with us. The whole car ride I was driving while being so mad.

Sarah's POV:
The city is beautiful at night time. It took us a good 20 minutes to arrive at Gavi and Pedri's house. The whole car ride, Pedri was avoiding my eyes. He was pissed that I told Ferran to come with us. Ferran was next to me and he kept telling me funny jokes and I really enjoyed them. Each time I started laughing, Pedri would increase the music volume of the car. Gavi knew exactly what was going on. He kept looking at me and then at Pedri. When he arrived, we all went into the living room except Pedri. He went upstairs to his room. I asked Gavi where the bathroom was and he told me it was upstairs. I knew there was a bathroom on the first floor but Gavi knew me well. He knew I wanted to go see Pedri. Ferran didn't even suspect anything.

I went upstairs and found Pedri's room. I knocked on the door and he opened it for me. He looked very tired. I even think I woke him up.

"What do you want Sarah?" he asked me while looking directly into my eyes.

"Can we talk?" I said with a lower voice.

Pedri let me into his room. His room was really big. He had a massive bed in the center of the room. A desk was placed on the left where there was a screen for video games. A huge TV was placed on the wall in front of the bed. There was even the same living room on the right. He had the best view of the mountains and city out from his window. I walked through the room just to look out the window. It was gorgeous outside.

"What do you want, Sarah?"

"Did I wake you up?" I asked scared of his reaction.

"Yes. I was sleeping."

I turned around to face him.

"I am so sorry Pedri. I didn't mean to. I can leave now if you want to."

"No Sarah. It's fine. Stay."

I saw that he wanted me to stay and his anger went away.

"Okay. I'll stay but I'm really sorry."

Meant to meet ❤️‍🩹|| PedriWhere stories live. Discover now