Over you

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Pedri's POV:

It was probably the saddest talk that I ever had with my family. They were so sad when I told them what happened. My mother didn't believe me at first but when she saw my face on the face time call, she immediately knew I wasn't lying.

"What are you going to do now?" my brother asked me.

"I guess divorce."

I said it with such a low voice because I couldn't hear myself saying this. I couldn't. I didn't even look at my family when I said it. The possibility never occurred in the past and now it's a huge one.

"You are giving up?" my father asked me.

My mom looked devastated. I was giving up on my love for Sarah. I was giving up easily just like she did.

"I don't know" I said to my father. "I just don't want the press to know and make a big story out of it."

"I think you should wait before making a huge decision. Maybe she will come back, mi amor" my mother told me.

I nodded and forced a smile to not make her worry about me.

"It's not right what you did Pedri. I understand Sarah. She trusted you in the first place and you broke her trust. But also she should give you time and forgive you after all since you guys got married. It wasn't just a relationship" my brother said.

I nodded. He was right. I guess I will wait for her. The problem is that even if I can move on, I don't want to. I love her too much to forget about her. To erase her from my life. Even with what she told me, I forgive her. The words that I told her came out all from my anger and I shouldn't have told her that.

I ended the call with my family and looked again around my room. All the moments that I had with Sarah can't end up being memories. I won't let that happen. I won't let our marriage break apart.

I grabbed my phone that I tossed at my side when I ended the face time with my family and I texted my wife:

"Can we talk? I am sorry for what I told you yesterday."

I didn't write more because I didn't want to add pressure on her. It was enough if she only wanted to talk to me.

I spent the rest of the day with Gavi. We played video games and had some kind of talk about things we haven't talked about. We did not open the subject of Sarah. It was the only thing we did not talk about.

Sarah's POV:
I was packing my suitcase while sitting on the floor because I did not have the strength to stand up when I received a message from Pedri. At first, I thought it was Xavi sending me some places I can stay in Madrid since I have nowhere until I saw Pedri's name. My heart sank to my stomach when I saw his message. Should I respond? I don't think I should. He wants to talk but I'm leaving for good. There's no point in talking anymore. At least he was sorry. I am sorry too but once again. There is no point in telling him. It won't help us move on. It will only hurt us more.

I close my phone and finish packing. I will take my car and drive to Madrid at the same time as FC Barcelona's game. This way it will help me to not think about Pedri or at least not see him play. If I stayed at this hotel, I would have probably watched the game and driven myself crazy.

I planned to go to Madrid and start over there. It worked perfectly with my job since I got an agent who wanted me in that new city. My only worry is finding a place to stay. I already have a hotel booked so I can stay a few nights until I find an apartment that works for me. I can create a new life, away from football and Pedri. It was going to be so hard. I know it. Just the thought of it makes my heart break. It makes me feel sick.

Meant to meet ❤️‍🩹|| PedriWhere stories live. Discover now