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That was the moment Jungkook's heart sank, the eyes of an unknown person stared at him with shock and confusion.

It was too late to run and he doesn't want to hurt this person. He doesn't know what to do. So he did the first thing that came to his head.

"are you...Okay?'' Taehyung asked as he was about to get on his knees. But as soon he lowered himself the other sprinted off. "shit...yo! i'm trying to help!'' Taehyung muttered some curses at himself before running after the other. He quickly caught up to the boy as he was limping heavily. the thighs of his shirts were soaked with blood leaving a trail. Taehyung frowned seeing the drops on the ground. they were not a regular red, his blood was so dark it was almost black.


"Hey, wait up!" Taehyung said seeing the boy standing still around the corner where it was a dead end. Jungkook's eyes widened and suddenly he turned into a thick black smoke that crawled up the wall before forming back into him when he was on the roof.

Taehyung was amazed and stood there in shock, he had never seen such a thing before. But it was definitely clear... Jungkook was one of... them. "hey, are you alright?" he shouted up seeing the boy swaying around. "ah!" Suddenly Jungkook swayed too far and stumbled off the roof. Taehyung was quick and somehow caught the boy, but it made both of them fall down. "ouch, my elbow" Taehyung whined and sat up, Jungkook on his lap, he seemed to be on the edge of losing consciousness.

"hey, hey. Don't pass out. Look at me!'' Taehyung gently patted the boy's cheek which seemed to help seeing how his eyes shot open and he tried to get away but he tripped and stayed on his knees. He had given up running.

"I'm not gonna hurt you, I want to help," Taehyung said, keeping a safe distance from the infected.

"no" is all the boy said.

"what...No?" Taehyung said, confused. But then he sighed. "look, you need to get that treated"


"I know you're one of them. But I can help, I am a student at the mutant center..."Taehyung really tried here to gain some sort of trust. He was not going to turn his back to him, he never turned his back on someone in need of help.

"why" is all the other said. Still not looking at him.

"because you can die out here if you keep it like this. Please..... Let me help '' Taehyung took a step closer cautiously. He doesn't want to scare the other off.

"danger, stay away"

Taehyung had to take a moment. Why was he talking with such minimal words? But even so after thinking he got what he meant, at least he thought so. "I'm resistant to the virus."

Jungkook looked up. Taking a good look at the other. This boy had such sharp features but such a gentle expression. He seemed like he was not one of the lab people. Maybe....He should accept the help.

He won't survive either way... It didn't really matter at this point.


"okay? Okay '' Taehyung smiled. "okay, cool. I will take you to my place. It's the safest for now '' Taehyung extended his hand towards the other but the boy didn't accept it and stood up on his own. "alright....Got the hint," Taehyung said, his smile fading a little hurt. But he shook it off and started walking, the boy following him at a safe distance.

Luckily it was dark and not a lot of people were walking around. So they won't be bothered with questions as to why Jungkook was covered in blood. Taehyung didn't want to ask nor did he want anyone else to ask.

"my name is Taehyung, can I know yours?" he glanced back at the limping boy. He didn't expect an answer so he turned back around.


"Nice to meet you Jungkook," Taehyung smiled and slowed down until Jungkook walked next to him. They were close to passing the pure zone gates. They were closed right now, but the big camera's were still moving around. A handful of guards patrolling around the wall.

Jungkook halted in his steps when they neared a camera's vision. The guard seemed to have noticed them too and turned his head.

"What's wrong?" taehyung asked.

"bad..... I'll die"

"you...'' Taehyung looked at Jungkook and then at the guard who was getting more cautious of them. "they... are looking for you...Aren't they?"

Jungkook kept silent. But his eyes were staring at the guard who was approaching them.

"hey you! Step away from the boy!" he shouted, aiming his gun at them.

Taehyung was frozen in place. He looked back at Jungkook who kept his eyes so firmly on the guard. Well, that was until the guard screamed.

Taehyung turned around shocked and gasped when he saw black oozed hands grab onto the guard and drag him into the ground.

"you.....This....." taehyung looked wide eyed at Jungkook, he had never seen one like Jungkook before. Taehyung had seen manu mutants....Mostly dead ones. But none were like this, jungkook had no deformation. He was different from all the cases he had been studying. How was it possible for Jungkook to be infected but still look so...normal? Jungkook had not lost his mind, in fact he was very self aware of everything and seemed to still have memories. It fascinated taehyung.

He has to keep Jungkook safe, out of sight, he can't be caught. He doesn't want to imagine what they will do to him if they catch him. He doesn't know if this is a good idea. Probably not, but taehyung had to at least treat his wound. He can think of something later.

So Taehyung stepped back from the camera's vision and looked at Jungkook.

"Are you going to turn me in?" Jungkook asked. his black eyes staring at taehyung. Jungkook was ready to run, but he wanted to trust taehyung. But right now he was starting to feel that he would be betrayed.

"i...." taehyung knew he should follow rules and turn jungkook in. he could be a danger to everyone else, even himself. but he can't get it over his heart to do it. "no, I'm taking you back. you're not going back there" Taehyung knew this was a mistake, he would get in big trouble. and he was not someone who is strong or violent, he had no idea how he was gonna handle this but that is a problem for later. right now Jungkook had to be taken to safety.


First chapterr! The first ones are always a little weird. Im not so good at starting up the base of a story. But i hope this is alright so far.

See you soon in the next update!


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