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The next morning Jungkook had woken up feeling surprisingly well rested. He doesn't remember dreaming about anything anymore. But he was the only one awake so far, and it's been a while since he had opened his eyes. He had been spending his time so far staring at Taehyung, who was sleeping on the chair with a blanket covering him from shoulders to toes.

He was so pretty. Jungkook smiled and gently touched Taehyung's hair. It was just as soft as it looked, it felt nice. When Taehyung shifted and turned to lean against his left shoulder Jungkook quickly looked away and pretended he just woke up. He doesn't want the other to catch him staring.

But then as well, he shouldn't be staring. Maybe Taehyung doesn't like him to. With a sigh, Jungkook stood up and headed to the kitchen. He will try to make them something to eat this time. To repay Taehyung for making him food almost every day since he came here.

He had no idea where to look for the stuff anymore. So he just started opening every door and drawer to get what he needed. Eventually he found all the things he needed, making first his own sandwich. He tried to get it toasted but he had no idea how the machine worked. So he just made soft sandwiches, both were fine. But now he had to make Taehyungs. The white slices of bread were no big deal for him but cutting the tomato was a little difficult. The color was so red...And when he cut it the red splatters made him think of the times he cut someone's throat... He was again reminded by all the things he had done. He stared blankly at the tomato, his hand shaking a little halfway the last slice of tomato. He didn't know what to do, he wanted to finish this but he couldn't make himself move. He can't finish it...

Jungkook didn't know for how long he was standing like that until he felt a warm hand on top of his right hand that helped him finish the last cut. It was the same hand that gently removed the knife from his grip and removed the tomatoes from his sight.

Jungkook didn't have to look; he knew who it was. "I'm sorry...." he said softly.

"don't be, it's okay," Taehyung's ocean-like voice said. Jungkook looked at him, he felt so useless right now. He couldn't even make the other a simple sandwich. He felt like he can't do anything good, he can only cause death. That's all he was apparently good for.... "how did you sleep?" taehyung asked pulling Jungkook out of his thoughts.


"No more nightmares last night?"

"no.... You were there, I mean....Uh" Jungkook stuttered something before giving up and just accepting that he said what he said.

"I heard you were having a bad dream so I went to sit with you. I'm glad it worked" Taehyung smiled. And these words with that smile warmed Jungkook's heart and he smiled back. "do you want to set the tea for us? I will make the table then"

"yes" jungkook turned around and got the boiler started.


After a long breakfast Jungkook had gone to the bathroom for a quick shower and to try his new clothes. While he was doing that Taehyung got a call.

"Uhm, this is Kim," he said, answering the private number. Who would call him like this?

"Hey Taehyung, it's Namjoon."

"Joon! Holy shit, we haven't heard anything from you in forever!'' Taehyung said, relieved to hear something from the other finally. "how are you doing?"

"I'm doing well, sorry for disappearing, I had to stay low for a while and not use any servers. I think they were able to track me down if I did, but it's all fixed and I am back! They cant get rid of me that easily."

"i'm glad to hear that. Jimin has been asking for you as well. We were worried, I think you should give him a call today."

"I will, I will. But I just called you to let you know that uhm. Seokjin got infected and was sent to your hospital yesterday."

"really...Oh no, is it bad?"

"i don't know, I think you will find out today when you go to work. I think it's not as bad because he is in the hospital and not quarantined by them"

"i will go check on him and let you know what i find out"

"thanks...I'm worried for him, I told him before that he shouldn't take the job, it was too dangerous. But he never listens to us," Namjoon sighed.

"True, also Joon. Can I ask you to research something for me?" Taehyung asked, glancing behind him.

"sure. If its something i can i will"

"can you try to find out something about these barcodes i keep seeing. I think all of them come from a laboratory like you already suspected. Because i know now that the lab does exist. Things are being made there but i want to know more about these codes. I will send you a few pictures I've taken.

"alright, i will do my best." namjoon said. "i might have to ask Yoongi for help since the government system is something i can't get access to. I know he can, me might be able to convince him"

"I just need to know what they are being scanned for. What is behind their barcodes? I have to know"

"I will do my best. I'll keep you updated if I find something useful."

"thanks, it will be a great help"

"i gotta go now then, talk to you later"

"alright. Bye, goodluck and be careful.

They ended the call and Jungkook walked in. "Why do you want to know?" the raven asked.

"you heard..." Taehyung didn't want Jungkook to hear it. He doesn't want to make the raven think he isn't to be trusted. "i want to know what they put in you. I think there might be a profile of you behind that barcode. Why else would it be there? There has to be something more than just registration of property."

"Did you tell him about me?"

"no, of course not. I'm not going to betray you like that."

Jungkook kept silent.

"I really like you Jungkook, and i told you i would try to get the mutation out of you, i would never turn against you like that. you can trust me"

"I do trust you.... I'm just...sorry" Jungkook sighed. He did trust taehyung but still he felt unsure whenever the other spoke about things related to him. It was so drilled into his head that everyone was against him that it's hard to just let go of those thoughts.

"I get it, now let's just forget about that for now. I was thinking of maybe going to do something fun today together?" the monthly fair is back in our city, if you like to we can go there"

"A fair? its with these.... games and such... right? colorful and all" jungkook thought." He doesn't know if he remembered it correctly.

"Yes, exactly."

"sure.... i'd love to go, "Jungkook smiled. but then he remembered something. "but.... the lab, they know i am still in this area... what if they find me?"

"they won't, I will be there. I will keep an eye out. Today were going to be fine, "Taehyung smiled. "well then, shall we go?"

Jungkook nodded.


thankies for reading again, i just got home from the Ateez concert yesterday. i had so much fun, i cant believe i actually got to see them so close. AAAAAhh they were amazing, worth every cent i paid. i had so much fun.

i hope you liked the chapter, see you soon in the next chapter!


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