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Taehyung entered the apartment and smiled when he saw Jungkook. But after a good and surprisingly long hug, Taehyung's smile faded.

"Uhm, Jungkook. We might have a problem" he said, as much as he doesn't want to say it. He knows he should, Jungkook and him were together in this, anything that happened they gotta share. Keep eachother updated.

"a problem?...."

"the blood I sent to identify.... It's gone, and I fear someone took it. Someone gotta know it was something important or else they would never take it. I locked everything! I think someone at the hospital did it, but i'm not sure"

"could it be one of the special forces?" Jungkook suggested. "they get access to anything if they have orders for it..." jungkook knows how far their authority and power went. It was higher than any other duty,above police and even the army. They were the best trained guards to fight mutants. They get access to anywhere they have to be if they get orders from their boss. Or if there is a mutant at that location. So Jungkook would not be surprised if it was actually one of them who stole the blood.

Dr.White doesnt want Jungkook to be revealed to the world. And Jungkook knows that. For now it was good for him since he will be able to get around without being recognized by the regular citizens.

"maybe...It's unlikely but definitely not impossible..." Taehyung sighed. "i can't put more in there or else someone might see me or take more action than just remove the blood, they might find out who i was. .. But what i think is that someone is trying to prevent us from knowing what inside of you."

"maybe..." this thought was concerning for the younger. He doesn't want to get caught, he can't. Never. He can't go back, if he does he might reach a point he will no longer be himself. They might poison him so far he won't be able to return to normal again.... Or worse, he would die...


"I also have news," Jungkook said, remembering Namjoon's phone call.

"oh what is it?"

"Namjoon called. He asked me to tell you that you have to come see him, he found something you had to see...Oh and that Yoongi was with him as well"

"yoongi??" Taehyung frowned. "since when?"

Jungkook shrugged, not realizing it wasn't even an actual question.

"So when does he want to see me?"

"he didn't say"

"then i think i will head there, now. If Namjoon says that then it must be something really important." Taehyung sighed. It won't be a relaxing day for him today, from one thing to the other. He had hoped to be able to spend time with Jungkook tonight. "Do you want to come along?"

".. i guess" jungkook was alright with visiting Namjoon, but this Yoongi guy, he didn't know him. But as long as Taehyung goes he will go too. He will see it as being with taehyung.

"alright, I assume he is at our usual spot so we can just walk"


And like that they headed to their secret hiding spot, this time checking twice if they locked the basement doors behind them, just in case. Inside it was lit and the smell of food lingered in there.

"I smell pizza, '' Taehyung joked as he turned the corner, seeing his two friends at the table looking at Namjoon's laptop.

"Too late, we already ate them all," Namjoon chuckled. "Come sit, hey Jungkook. glad you came along too, welcome"

"Jungkook? Who is this dude?" Yoongi asked, confused. But when a silence fell he hummed. "I think I already know what this is about.

"you do?"

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