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As soon as they were back in the apartment Jungkook grabbed Taehyung by the arm. And cupped his face. his hands back to normal. With his thumb he gently brushed the bruise on Taehyung's cheek. "Does it hurt?" he asked softly.

"n...no" Taehyung replied, feeling hot all over. for a moment he thought they were about to kiss. But instead of a kiss Jungkook just rested his forehead against the other and let out a relieved sigh.

"good... i was so scared something would happen to you because of me"

"Oh.. kook. Really, don't worry. I'm more worried about you, they won't kill a citizen... Unlike you, '' Taehyung said, cupping jungkooks face too. both speaking softly, they didn't need to raise their voices. they were so close just a small whisper was enough to communicate. "You were bleeding.... i should clean your wound"

"later... i just want to hold you...'' Jungkook closed his eyes and took a deep breath. his cold skin became warm again. Finally he relaxed, he didn't have to fight anymore. He doesn't want to think about it. He didn't dare to look at himself knowing he was covered in blood. a sight that would always trigger him to panic. So he kept his eyes on Taehyung.. eyes that looked back at him so warmly.

"Thank you.... for keeping me safe," Taehyung said gently, rubbing his thumb over Jungkook's cheek.

"As long as I'm standing they won't hurt you," Jungkook replied. no matter the danger, he would never let taehyung get hurt because of him. He will not be harmed by those who were after him alone.

Taehyung smiled and moved his face closer... so did Jungkook... he couldn't hold it in any longer, he pressed his lips against Jungkook's who let out a soft breath closing his eyes. his now warm hands moving away from taehyung's face to pull him closer. Taehyung had been thinking of this for a while now, and to finally feel it in reality was making his heart explode. He felt so many emotions right now. He chuckled a little and kissed the other again this time with more confidence.

"i told you i felt more than just friendly for you..'' Taehyung said parting but he didnt step away. not that he even could because Jungkook's hands were around him keeping him close. "i.... I actually wanted to say I love you.... I know right now isn't a good time to discuss this. but I don't want to risk if anything happens that I've never told you."

"Tae...." Jungkook's eyes softened and he felt his heart beat faster. "I... i'm so happy.... I love you too. and i know it's indeed not a good time but we can try to make it work... right?" Jungkook ended in a hopeful tone. he hoped taehyung won't just stop already now. Jungkook got a lot of hope from this kiss that things will be alright between them, even if their situation didn't have a bright look in the future so far.

"If you're open to it, we can make it work. Even with them after you, i will be with you"

"boyfriends?" Jungkook asked cutely with his puppy eyes. "Can we?"

"Do you want me that much?" Taehyung chuckled at how fast and cute the other said that. "i would love to be boyfriends." and the smile that appeared on Jungkooks face after that made it even more worth it. He looked so happy. who knew that just a kiss and some words can make someone so happy.

"thank you for loving me like this.... not seeing me as a monster"

"No need to thank me. i just see you for who you are" taehyung gently placed a hand against Jungkook; s cheek. "Now, we really should clean your wound.

"fine..'' Jungkook sighed and let the older go and followed him to the bathroom. The two both showered and got into fresh clothes. Glad to be rid of the disgusting blood that covered them. It took Jungkook a longer time to shower because he was confronted by himself in the mirror, seeing the blood splatters over him where the clothes did not cover... he only saw a monster...

But he had shaken his head and gone under the water, quickly washing himself off. not even once looking at the barcode on his wrist, he didn't want to see it.

"Jungkook... everything alright?" Taehyung asked when Jungkook was getting dressed after spending so long in there. The raven buttoned his jeans and opened the door.

"...yes.." he answered. "just... had a hard time seeing myself like.. that.."

"Are you sure you're okay? And the wound too?"

Jungkook showed the other the well treated wound which they patched up. "It will heal," he said. He will heal quicker because of the mutation. It won't take him weeks to close it, for him it would be at most a week if not in just a few days.

"that's good... I've prepared dinner. if you're hungry '' Taehyung said and sighed. He himself tried to make something but he wasn't hungry, he was only now realizing what had happened and felt really disturbed and shaken by it. He hasn't been able to calm down since he started cooking. He cut in his finger two times already until he decided to just let it be and prepare something else.

"you're shaking.." Jungkook said with a worried tone in his voice.

"i-it's nothing. I'm just..' Taehyung tried to say something but he teared up from all the tension he had inside. everything that happened, the blood, the disturbing scenes, just everything. It was too much. "i-im just shaken by today.... i-im not used to things like that happening." he sniffled.

"oh... I'm sorry if I scared you.... i..." jungkook hoped the other wasn't talking about him because that would break his heart. "I'm sorry you saw all that" he grabbed the other and hugged him. This time he was the one comforting Taehyung. And he was glad he can return the favor. He held the other tighter when taehyung started to let the tears go leaning completely into jungkook's hold. He felt safe in his arms, yet he couldn't stop shaking. The image of that guard exploding in front of him was the worst.

Jungkook knew how taehyung felt right now. He had experienced it himself first hand enough times. and he can't get used to it either. Carefully he lifted the other up and walked him to the bed where they sat down and he comforted the other in silence. No words had to be spoken. Just being together like this was enough.


double update. i decided to write some more while waiting on my class to start lol. this chapter is a lot shorter compared to the previous one. but the last one i really lost myself and just coudlnt stop writing more and more hahaha, anyway i hope it was still to your liking even if it was shorter. see you in the next chapter!


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