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It took an hour for Jungkook to be normal. He was still in the bathroom sitting on the ground. There was nothing going on in his head, it was just blank. his cold eyes staring at the dirty ground that was covered in ooze. He was worried to see Taehyung after what happened... and especially his reaction to what he was about to see here.

He heard the older's footsteps near the door and the lock falling back.

"Koo? are you there?" taehyung asked softly when he opened the door, when he stepped inside he heard a squelching sound under his shoe. "oh.." he looked down seeing he was standing in a thin layer of ooze... But it wasn't just at the door. it was everywhere, it's like a ball filled with ooze exploded and splattered it around the room. The door had Jungkook's print against it. you could see his hand on the wood and his shoulder that was leaning against it. It hurt Taehyung's heart to see it. This is where he was crying. He took a soft breath and approached the frozen figure on the ground. Around Jungkook was the most mess. a thick layer of ooze stuck to his legs that sat on the ground, and then his body also had traces of it.

"Kookie" he bend through his knees next to the other. not looking down to respect his privacy as Jungkook still wasn't wearing any clothes. The raven did not respond, he just kept staring at the same spot on the ground.

Jungkook did not feel anything, the only thing he did know is that he was ashamed.... not because he did have clothes, he was ashamed of the mess he made, ashamed that taehyung had to see him like this.

"I'm here now, you can relax." Taehyung kept talking. It usually helped Jungkook get back to his senses. Carefully he wrapped his arms around the younger and hugged him tightly, placing Jungkook's head in his neck comfortingly. "its okay, i got you"

that was the last straw. Taehyung's heart got again crushed when he felt jungkook go limp in his hold. "I wish i could take your pain away..." he whispered even if the raven won't hear him anymore. "But I can't..." tears sprung in his eyes and he gathered his strength to carry the raven out of the bathroom and place him in the living room on a blanket.

Jungkook was not well. He was exhausted, his mutant was hungry and taking a lot of energy from him. the lack of 'food' made him weak, and this was just the beginning. Taehyung had to get this medicine fast. But he will have to find a way to reach the hospital where he can make it. But that seemed too dangerous, they were all looking for them still. it's too risky to go outside. But there seemed no other way. Taehyung had to go, Jungkook didn't look like he had much time left.


"Come on chim, I just want to talk to him" Namjoon said standing at the gates talking to Jimin who sat behind the glass, wearing his usual blue suit with the government's logo on his arm.

"I can't do that. I am keeping them safe. just hand me the info on paper and i will make sure it gets to them" jimin could not let anyone in there, letting in jungkook and taehyung was already a break of the rules, and that was planned. if he just lets someone else in there he will be in trouble. The cameras are working fine now. He can't risk the two their safety, neither his own. if Jimin lost his position the two would be in a trap. they would not be able to get out again.

"Ugh, fine, hand me a paper then," Namjoon demanded, waving his hand at the notebook in Jimin's small office.

"Damn, watch your tone Joon," Jimin said and chuckled, but he handed Namjoon a paper and a pen. "there you go"

While Namjoon was writing he began to talk. "so.... how are they?"

"they are alive, and safe for now"

"That's good. we were so worried when they disappeared."

"we?" Jimin raised a brow.

"me and yoongi"

"Ah Yoongs" Jimin smiled. "how come he never comes visit me anymore, it's lonely here"

"I will tell him," Namjoon chuckled. "you still got a crush on him?"

"Well... yea, duh" Jimin blushed and averted his eyes. "ugh whatever, just leave it"

"Alright, here is the note. please give it to them, this is very important."

"yea yea, it will reach them, don't worry.'' Jimin took the letter and folded it just big enough so it could fit into his pocket.

"also... we will need your help soon"

"I know," Jimin sighed. This whole thing will cost him his perfect steady life, his well paid job and great income. But Taehyung was his best friend, and would not let anything bad happen to him. If taehyung needs his help Jimin was willing to drop everything and help his friend.

"Taehyung called me before his phone died that he will need help to reach the hospital"

"He wants to go there?" Jimin frowned, confused. He didn't think any of the two would dare to go outside until this whole thing died down a little.

"I don't know what is going on, but this letter is everything I still had to discuss with him, but they are unreachable."

"I will let you know what they reply when I can. '' Jimin sighed again. "They are keeping a close eye on me lately. They suspect I am behind the breach at the gates. but they aren't certain. I managed to convince them but I think they are still suspicious of me."

"take care, i have to get back to work now"

"goodluck, and be careful"

"will do"


Back at the house Taehyung was cleaning the bathroom. "sorry chim" he muttered when he threw the sixth towel in the bag, the ooze won't ever come off completely. and Jimin of course only had white towels in his house. It was hard to clean the ooze off, it was so slimy and sticky. But with enough spray he managed to clean the bathroom, except for some stains in the cracks and the wood. "finally" taehyung shook his hands and put a tight knot in the bag carrying it with him to the living room where Jungkook laid covered by a fluffy blanket. He had already cleaned the raven and managed to get him in some underwear. right now he was, again, waiting for him to wake up again. Hopefully Jungkook will feel a little better this time. but he doubts it.

Taehyung was about to put the bag in the trash in the garden when the TV screen suddenly turned on showing a breaking message.

'citizens inside the pure zone. This week we will run an inspection of every single household. you're required to show your documents and entry passes. Everyone who does not follow orders will be removed and put outside the walls. have a good evening' with that the message ended.

"fuck.... this is bad"  


double update. hmm haha thanks for reading again. see you in the next chapter!


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