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Taehyung ended his work and was heading home now. But taking a little detour so he can chat with his friend who is closing for the night as well. That was the person he was waiting for now. standing a good ten meters from the closed gates of the pure zone waiting for his friend to come out. It didn't take long for the small door next to the gates to open and Jimin waved at him excitedly.

"Jimin!" Taehyung shouted happily. When they were close they shared a tight hug and started walking in the direction of Taehyung's apartment. "How was everything there? i heard there was some commotion going on at the gates earlier today."

"Yeah, there was a family who begged for access to the city but they were scanned and the father was infected so he was taken from the crowd. It was a mess, the family started attacking the guards and well, they obviously didn't win. they ended up being sent away and being blacklisted for the rest of the year."

"sometimes i'm glad i don't have your job"

"Well, someone's gotta do it. and i am very decisive, i'm good at following orders so they hired me, i was perfect for the job remember"

"of course i do haha"

"Also, I have gotten an important message from the government about the escape of a highly dangerous mutant. He is said to have black hair and be quite tall as well. They think he is roaming this area, he was last seen in your street last week."

"oh, really?" Taehyung said, pretending to be surprised. He knows he has to tell his friend about Jungkook hiding at his pace at one point. but right now he gotta figure out what was a good timing. Jimin worked quite close with the higher ups so telling him might risk the information reaching them, he had to be absolutely sure Jimin will not tell anyone or accidentally spread it around.

"Have you actually heard from Namjoon lately? i haven't seen him in quite a long time, he is also not picking up his calls either. I getting a little worried"

"Namjoon? no he hasn't visited me for a while either. i will try calling him tomorrow.'' Taehyung frowned a little. He hoped the older didn't get in trouble, taehyung knew namjoon was very suspicious of the government and all the other higher ups, he was investigating everything. But if someone were to find out him bringing out such information to the people would get him arrested.But this being the case only made it more suspicious, why would they not want any information about what they are doing being spread? Why did they keep so many secrets from the citizens? Taehyung only supported Namjoon's research and shared information with him, same as Jimin. Jimin always got the latest news first, he was the one who had to watch everyone wanting to enter through the gates. He had to be up to date with current situations.

"well, we're here now. Ill see you later this week?" Jimin said as they stopped in front of Taehyung's apartment.

"Yeah, it was nice seeing you for a moment. I'll text you later. We should plan to meet up again soon. When are you off?"

"Well, I just had a day off. I think my next day off will be in two days."

"Alright, just let me know. I'll take care, I will have time!"

"cool, then talk to you later!" Jimin smiled and they gave a goodbye hug. Taehyung smiled and waved at Jimin while he watched him walk away. As soon as Jimin turned the corner, Taehyung quickly went inside and up to his apartment. It was quite late and he hoped Jungkook was still awake.

After ruffling with his bundle of keys he finally entered the house. Closing the door behind him. "Jungkook, I'm back," he said. The house was dark, the younger was probably already asleep-

"hi" a voice said next to him. Taehyung was startled and dropped his keys. "You scared me, stop, aish" he bent down to grab his keys and sigh.

"sorry..." Jungkook said and just stood there in the dark until the older turned on the lights.

"you have been sitting in the dark all day? didn't you turn the lights?"

"i like dark"

"have you eaten?"

"yes." Jungkook followed the other around the house watching him put the coat away and everything else. "How was it there?" he then asked, trying to start a conversation.

"It was alright, we have done a lot. Another mutant came in and I kept seeing things coming back. it's almost as if there is a pattern, but i will have to check the previous files before i know for sure" taehyung said, he wanted to check if he was right that almost all mutants that came here dead had this barcode on them. It was really suspicious if that was indeed the case. thinking of them, he had to ask Jungkook about it.

"Jungkook, can I ask you about something?"

Jungkook thought for a moment before nodding.

"That...thing on your wrist, what is it for?"

Jungkook heard those words and he unconsciously held his wrist. Before he replied he brought his arm up and looked at the black lines on his wrist with his number below it. "It's a marking."

"a marking for what?"

"To scan, it's my registration." Jungkook pulled the sleeve back down and folded his hands behind his back. "So they know which subject i am"

"so when they experimented they gave you that code... i get it now" taehyung thought. did this mean those other mutants that got delivered to them also came from the lab? but that wouldn't make sense? Jungkook was too different for them to come from the same place? and why were they even outside here like that.

no it can't be like that, it didn't sound right.


"Huh," Taehyung looked up. "oh uhm, i just saw a mutant that i was checking also has a barcode like that. I thought maybe it was the same as yours"

"oh.." jungkook fell silent again. Taehyung noticed the small change and assumed Jungkook knew more, but he doesn't want to push him too much and have him close himself off again. He was now starting to be more open and relaxed.

"you're making a puzzle i see" the older changed the subject.

"It's hard," Jungkook replied, walking to the table and grabbing a piece. "I can't find where it should go..."

"oh, can I see it?" Taehyung took the piece and looked around the edges. His sharp eye for detail quickly found the error. He chuckled and took out two pieces that didn't quite match up correctly. "there we go, this should be swapped." He fixed the puzzle and Jungkook just stood there staring at it.

"i hate puzzles"

"just because you didn't find one thing shouldnt discourage you! Come on, let's finish it together, it's not a big one '' Taehyung smiled.

Jungkook couldn't refuse Taehyung's happy face and nodded, taking a seat behind the table again.

"Do you want chips? or something else?"

Jungkook nodded.

"great!'' Taehyung went to the kitchen to get them some snacks and drinks. ready for their puzzle time together. Taehyung wasn't used to having someone over for this long but it was quite nice, it didn't feel weird to have someone over he never met before.


Thank you for reading again, see you in the next chapter!

(sorry no flowers this time. my pc isnt letting me click anything outside this tab so yea. next time better haha)

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