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That same evening Jungkook was at taehyung's house waiting for him to return. It was again very boring for him to sit here, he had decided to watch movies. He had been watching a series, the movie had three different parts to it and he was currently on the last one. It was a way to quickly pass time. In the movie they were chasing a huge demonic monster, using their magical powers to take it down.

Slowly Jungkook brought up his hand and transformed only his hand into his mutant, looking at the black, long boney claw. He compared it to the monster on the tv, they also had claws. He sighed and transformed it back to normal suddenly, not feeling like watching it anymore.

"monster...." he whispered softly, leaning back on the couch. His mutated eyes looking perfectly fine in the dark, he hasn't turned on any light since Taehyung left. He had just been walking around like this in the dark. He doesn't like bright lights anyway so for him it was fine. It was silent inside the room except for the movie, which he wasn't even listening to anymore when he suddenly heard voices outside. A voice he recognized, to be more precise, Taehyung's voice. So in curiosity he got off the couch and peeked through the curtains down on the street. A few meters from the apartment building stood a group of people. A few armed guards and Taehyung. They were questioning him... Jungkook slightly pulled the window open to listen. Focusing his attention on the voices.

"-they told us they have seen a mutant exit your apartment complex. Have you seen or heard any strange noises while you were inside? Specifically during the night?" one of the guards asked.

"no, i haven't heard anything, did someone get hurt?" Taehyung acted. He hoped they would fall for it because he had no idea how to cover up if someone had seen and heard Jungkook leave the building.

"someone also complained of noise in your room that same night. They just stated their story to us. Do you mind if we check your apartment?"

"uhm is that really necessary?'' Taehyung was starting to get nervous. It was hard to control his emotions and think of the right things to say. These guards can not enter his apartment. It will be over for them. But he also cant refuse it. He will have to let them check, or else it will only get him into more trouble and they will return with official documents.

"yes" the guards said and walked with Taehyung into the building. Heading up to his apartment.

"Here we are," Taehyung said and unlocked the door. He was about to go inside first but the guard pushed him to the side and they all walked inside looking around with their guns on sharp. Taehyung entered after them looking around in the room.....It was different.

The couch was folded back, everything was tidy, no sign of Jungkook ever being here. He let out a relieved sigh when the guards came back with their guns on their back. The leader flipped up his helmet and looked at him. "Is it always this cold in your apartment? You should use the heater" he said, shivering a little. The room had gone ice cold. You could see their breaths if you talked slow enough.

"yea, i'm not home a lot so i don't leave it on the whole day" taehyung made up an excuse. He knew why it was so cold, and he now just needs these men to leave his house quickly.

"alright. We've seen enough. Have a good night and be careful of the roaming mutant. We do not know its current location." The guard gave the hand sign and they left the apartment. Taehyung closed and locked the door behind them waiting for them to enter the elevator.

"Kook, are you here?" he said softly. When he said this the room warmed up again and his tv turned on. From the dark corner next to the tv Jungkook appeared.

"....im here..."

"thank god, i was so scared they were going to find you. They wanted to check the apartment. I-i didn't know what to say anymore i just had to let them. Are you okay?'' Taehyung asked, placing his hands on Jungkook's shoulders.

"....I'm fine..." Jungkook replied. "I knew you were coming. So I removed my traces."

"you're so smart, thank god you're alright. I would have never forgiven myself if they found you."

"don't worry about me, Tae '' Jungkook said, even if he meant these words to make the other feel better they came out without any expression. "i am not so worried for them anymore. Like you said. They don't know where I am, I can just hide until they pass. I'm fine"

Taehyung smiled and nodded. "Okay" he sighed and relaxed himself. It was in the past, now no need to worry over it still. "and...Tae?"

"You've been calling me Kook.... I thought... i could give you a nickname too"

"No, I didn't mean it like that. I was just surprised you said it. But I like it, you can call me anything you like." Taehyung smiled and felt butterflies through his body. How can Jungkook look so hot but things he said sounded so cute.

"u-uhm yea...Shall we make your bed again?"

"Sure" Jungkook felt a little sad when taehyung walked away, it felt warmer when the other touched him and stood close to him. He wants to hold taehyung. Taehyung made him feel normal, he made him happy.


They turned the couch back to Jungkook's sleep spot and grabbed themselves snacks to finish watching Jungkook's movie. a movie taehyung had seen four times already. They munched the snacks while sitting next to each other, their shoulders brushing past each other every now and then.

"why did you stop watching actually?'' Taehyung asked, remembering Jungkook told him while they were setting his bed that he didn't feel like finishing the movie anymore, but then Taehyung offered to watch it together and the raven immediately agreed to finish it.

"It just made me think of myself," Jungkook said, looking at the monster that the heroes were fighting. it was causing so much destruction. "I don't want to be like that...." he clenched his fingers into a fist.

Taehyung glanced to the side and saw jungkook's expression and the clenched tightened hand. He placed his warm soft hand over jungkook's clenching fist, feeling the muscles relax under his palm. Jungkook stared at their hands. He didn't know how it happened or why but then he felt taehyung's fingers push themselves between his and they were holding hands. A warm wave went through him and he turned his head more to look at taehyung.

Taehyung...taehyung..taehyung...taehyung his head was full of him. yet he can't say a single word. He was frozen like this. He had never felt this warm before. He usually brought cold wherever he went, now he was being warmed. warmed by just a simple touch from the older.

Speaking of him...was he blushing? jungkook looked closer and smiled when he noticed taehyung was blushing and nervously fiddling with his free hand. So Jungkook wasn't the only one feeling like that. They had the same feelings...

Did that mean Taehyung wants to be closer to him as well? Jungkook wants to be closer to taehyung but he doesn't know if the other will think the same. of were they just plain friends in his eyes. Nervously jungkook moved his hand to his own lap pulling taehyung closer against him until he was leaning against him, his head resting on jungkook's shoulder.

"you're warm," he said.

"You are too, '' Taehyung replied, a smile growing on his lips. this was nice, he knows it might not be the best thing to do... but he can't help it, he cant fight away his feelings. feeling like this only makes him want to help the raven more...maybe...just maybe they can be more than friends when jungkook is healed and ready? he didn't know. for now he was happy with what they had now..... but he does wish there was more in it.

but he was a mutant.... it was so wrong..... yet he doesn't see anything bad in it, Jungkook was not a bad person. Jungkook was different, jungkook wasn't a monster, he wasn't some animal. He had a mind just like him... Jungkook deserved to be loved..... But will it be mutual.... will it even work out...


im on a spree damn, i cant stop writing this. i have so much fun writing a single story instead of six at once. this is a lot more fun, i can update regularly for you and it feels really as if were on this journey together! thank you all for supporting it so far, i hope to see you in the net chapter as well!


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