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Two days later

Taehyung was back at the research  section of the center. He stood at the big iron gates that will deliver their next mutant for treatment.

"so, how was your time off? We missed your sharp eye here" his collegue chuckled.

"It was good, I took enough rest so I'm ready to learn again," Taehyung said. Totally lying, because in reality he was hiding a mutant at home. And not just any mutant. A mutant someone apparently really wants back.

"gea-oh they are here" the guy said when the red lights started flickering indicating the door was about to be opened. Slowly the iron doors opened and an attached cage opened as well. Out of the cage a cart was being pushed out by four heavily armed guards.

"he looks...Awful '' Taehyung muttered, the mutant there didn't look sedated. He looked dead. He was shot... Multiple times. "this isn't right"

"you said something?"

"no, i was just talking to myself" Taehyung smiled and took the clipboard from the blue colored guard. He was the team's commander, they were always responsible for giving all information about the mutant to the staff at the center. In which case here, it's Taehyung. He was the main talk point for new arrivals. "thank you, uhm one question. Why is this one dead already?"

The guard didn't reply but just walked back taking all the others with him. Taehyung sighed and walked after the staff pushing the mutant into the big elevator.

While they headed up Taehyung already started examining the mutant and he noticed something. On the mutant's wrist...Or well the shape that was left of its wrist, His arm was completely disfigured, a lot of bloating, clearly one of the 'blobs', there was a barcode marking. Just like the one he noticed on Jungkook's. He hasn't mentioned it because it might be a sensitive topic but seeing it on this mutant, Jungkook must know more.

It wasn't the first time Taehyung saw this. Almost all of their dead arriving Mutants had this barcode, It didn't alarm them at first they thought it was done by the forces that caught them as a marking for their capture. But if Jungkook had one and he was still alive.... Something doesn't add up...


Meanwhile Jungkook was at Taehyung's home. Trying to make a puzzle that he found somewhere on the shelves.

"i don't get it" Jungkook frowned. He had grabbed this piece five times already and he still can't find where it belongs. With a deep sigh he put it back down and stood up.

He wants to go outside, he doesn't like being inside. He had been locked away for too long, he wanted to see the sun and have fresh air. But now he looks outside, he doesn't dare to go out alone yet. He felt more comfortable when Taehyung was around. Taehyung knew how to calm his stressed out thought processes. Jungkook doesn't fully realize yet how normal he looks.

Thinking of Taehyung, he wondered what he was doing right now. Was he operating a mutant? Was he on break? He didn't know, but he was curious. When will he come back? Jungkook looked at the kitchen and sighed. He won't be back for dinner, because he prepared a meal for Jungkook to heat up.

But also, he promised to give a call so he will wait for that. For now he will have to entertain himself......

Jungkook doesn't know himself anymore. He doesn't know what he likes to do, the puzzle wasn't good, it only made him frustrated, he had to find something else.
Instead of thinking of something he just continued staring outside. The window was opened slightly to bring in fresh air and the sound of chirping birds. It was calm out there different than jungkook expected. The lab people made him believe it was crazy out there. But it looked rather normal.

People walking the dog, playing kids... Everything looked normal.

"hm?" Jungkook frowned and sniffed the air, his eyes squinted and scanned the streets. Something wasn't right, he smelled a strong reek in the air. But he didn't see anything yet. He doesn't recognize the smell. Almost a whole minute passed until a scream was heard and everyone started running in one direction. A black car stopped in the middle and a froup of five species force guards jumped out their guns on sharp.

Jungkook's eyes widened and he leaned closer to the glass to see more of the road. And there he saw it. The source of the smell. A mutant. Not even human anymore besides the two legs carrying the weight forward. There were eyes all over the fleshy mutant and thick saliva running down from its dislocated mouth.

When it came in range the guards started shooting. They were electric shocks used to paralyze the target. It went so quick. Within thirty seconds the mutant was on the ground paralized by the shocks. The guards circled around the thing and a high pitched shot was heard. A shot not a lot of human ears can hear. But to Jungkook it was very clear. He frowned in shock.

So these forces were killing them...

Jungkook stared at them when they turned the mutant and held a device in front of its 'wrist'. Then they dragged the mutant into a second truck and washed the blood away with water. Three others were telling people to go inside and clear off from the area. One of them stood below the apartment telling someone at their entrance to get inside. But he also looked up. Quickly before they could make eye contact, Jungkook closed the curtain and stepped back.

The raven felt his barcode and looked at it. They scanned it on the other mutant just now....Why. Was it registration like when Jungkook first got it? Jungkook had an idea but he doesn't want to jump to conclusions.

*riiiing* he was startled and quickly out of reflex pulled the sleeve back down. His eyes searched around until they fell on the house phone stuck to the wall.


'That must be taehyung' he thought and answered the phone. Normally someone would say Hi, but Jungkook stayed silent.  Waiting for the other person on the line to say something.

"Hey, it's me Taehyung. I'm on a break now"

"...Hi" is all Jungkook said, just to let him know he was listening.

"How is everything there? Did you turn on the oven for your dinner yet? Don't forget it, it takes a while to heat up"

"i didn't"

"haha alright, then here was the reminder. Have you found anything to do? I believe I also have some movies on my television that are still available. Feel free to look around my house. Feel at home"

Jungkook smiled a little. Taehyung's voice sounded so sweet and happy. It made him feel welcomed.

"okay" jungkook didn't want the call to end already so he thought of more words to say. "uhm....How is it there?"

"its going well, i'll tell you all about it when i get home. It shouldn't get too late, when we finish our notes on this mutant we can call it a day and go home. "

"okay..... I'll look forward"

"haha im glad, well now. I gotta get back to my dinner and finish off our research. See you later! And enjoy your dinner later"

"....Thank you"
The beeps on the line made Jungkook's smile fade. He doesn't like being alone, it's scary being in here without someone else. If something were to happen. If he were to stress out he wont have Taehyung to get him to relax. He will lose himself and hurt someone. He will be that monster...

"...Relax Jungkook, you're safe here." he said remembering Taehyung's words. "they don't know where you are '' he rubbed his hands over his thighs nervously as a distraction. He needs to be distracted, so he decided to go back and try the puzzle again. He started it and he knows he can't rest well if he gives up on it now.


Some new cuts and info entered the story hmmhmm.  See you soon in the next update!


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