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The two unpacked the bags together. Jungkook insisted on helping, not wanting to be a bother more than he already was. Taehyung was already doing so much for him, even when he knew that hiding a mutant could have big consequences. It happened often enough, mostly it were family cases that would hide their infected family members. But eventually things will always escalate or they will be found out.

"...monster..." jungkook said softly while he stared at the red colored plastic bag in his hands that they got from the supermarket. Just the color of the blood stains in his skin. Stains that no one else saw but him. He didn't like this... Everything was spinning around him, the sounds got muffled. He didn't hear the tv reporter anymore. He didn't hear Taehyung wiping the kitchen counter.. It was a blur. All he saw was the red plastic distort onto his hands, his hands started to shake and he stumbled back trying to get away from it. "no..." he shook his hand but the bag wouldn't come off. He couldn't relax his muscles and release his grip on the bag. His body was not listening to him.

The commotion behind Taehyung caught his attention, he turned around when the lights began to flicker. "shit" he muttered and rushed to snatch the bag from Jungkook's grip, stuffing it into the other bag that was blue, taking it away from the raven's sight. "Hey, jungkook. You can relax now. There is nothing here, '' Taehyung said. He didn't know what exactly Jungkook was being scared of. So it was hard to find the right words to comfort the other.

"i-i didn't want to h-hurt them, '' Jungkook stuttered out. Pulling his shaking hands away from Taehyungd hands quickly. "i-i swear. I-it was an accident"

"i don't know what happened. But that's in the past now. You're away from all that, you're here now at my home. It's safe here. The guards dont even know you're here."

Jungkook's emotions were strange. He was not crying or sniffling. He looked more in shock, his eyes wide and breathing unsteady.

"Jungkook, breathe. It's alright, you have a friend here now"

Jungkooks eyes locked with Taehyung's and he seemed to calm down a little. He had been so in his head he didn't realize that the older had grabbed his hands back and held them gently in his. Slowly his eyes moved down to see Taehyung's wrapped around his hands, he could feel the warmth of his skin.....His skin was soft.... "warm" he said.

Taehyung smiled. It worked, Jungkook was calm again. The lights had stopped flickering and everything was normal again. Only thing different was that Jungkook didn't pull his hands back like before. Instead this time he gave it about ten seconds before slowly pulling them back and looking at them with a blank expression.

"Are you a little better now?" taehyung asked.


"don't be, it's alright." the older smiled. But it didn't ease Jungkook's thoughts. Because all he thought was that he was only causing trouble. He shouldn't have ran away, there is no place for him here. He will never be normal again. He will be this hated monster forever. He cant bring this kind person into danger.

"i will....leave"

"Leave, why? To where? Is-"

Jungkook stood up and looked around for his stuff. But then he remembered he didn't have anything....What was he gonna do... Where will he go?... Back? No... The thought of going back already sent a shiver down his spine.

"Jungkook. They are looking for you out there. It's dangerous, don't go. You can stay with me. I want to help you"

Jungkook stared at the small crumble on the just cleaned table. He didn't reply, but he was listening.

"You are welcome to stay. I'm not scared of you"

Jungkooks gaze moved from the crumble to Taehyung, and he replied. "i..... Don't want to be..... This.... Thing"

The older smiled apologetically trying to think of something. "I don't think you're not a monster, Jungkook '' Taehyung didn't know Jungkook's story, but from what he had seen till now Jungkook didn't seem like a bad person at all. There was probably more to the things Jungkook said. "maybe i can treat you. Get rid of the mutation, I've done it before. I can probably do it again. But....I will take some time." Taehyung said, getting Jungkook's attention."until then, just stay with me. I have friends, we can keep you hidden. You will just have to trust me, and i will trust you too"

Jungkook stared at the other. He wanted to reply but he doesn't know what to say. He cant find proper words to express gratitude. "im......Thank..Full" he said building the proper words to say. It wasn't much, but it was enough. Taehyung was offering a treatment, yet all he could say was that.

"Okay, then this will be the start of our friendship and your treatment!" Taehyung smiled. "We're gonna have a blast," he smiled and Jungkook chuckled. Taehyung looked like such a positive soul, too kind to be involved in Jungkook's mess. but he wont tell the other off anymore, taehyung really wanted to help so Jungkook will accept the help and try his best to not cause any trouble.

"Soo uhm.. can you tell me now what kind of mutant you are?" Taehyung asked while he pulled back a chair from the table to let Jungkook sit down. "You said you smelled the guards earlier... how is that possible?"

Jungkook was silent, he was thinking how to tell the other this. He doesn't like to talk about it, but if taehyung wants to find a cure for his type of infection then he will have to know what they've done to him.

"I am the evolved version of what you call...the blob" jungkook said. the blobs were the first stage and the failures of what he is. "except i am a controlled version." Jungkook said and gulped the rest of his sentence away. He doesn't want to say it. so in his head he altered his sentence before continuing. "My body can hold the mutation without breaking apart. thats why....im different" jungkook cleared his throat, it's been a while since he has spoken this much, it felt a little weird. But it was nice to be able to talk without getting emotional. emotions trigger his infection and cause complications to his health. He won't be able to control it if that happens.

"how is it possible that your body can do that? we humans aren't made for this, this disease is supposed to break you apart literally and figuratively!?" Taehyung didn't get it, it didn't make sense. no one infected came off like this. they all looked disgusting like monsters you'd see in movies.

Jungkook sighed and took a deep breath. if he wants taehyung to understand he will have to start from the beginning. He will have to tell him everything, and start from when he was.... normal.....

"I....i was a normal kid once.." he started,


alright imma cut it off here, hehe. ill see you soon in the next chapter! It will be mostly Jungkook storytime. thanks for reading! see you soon~


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