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The air outside felt different. It was oddly silent outside. Not a single soul was seen, everyone seemed to have moved inside. The three moved onto the street heading into the direction of Taehyung's house, it was the closest of them.

"They are close," Jungkook said. He halted in his steps and made the two others back away behind the wall. a few seconds after a black van drove by with orange alarm lights.

"They are looking for a mutant, the orange lights," Namjoon said. "they use them when they are on search, warning others to head inside for safety"

Jungkook didn't know that. but how was he supposed to, he never went outside before. this was all still quite new, but he was adjusting well so far.

"We should be faster, who knows how many more of them will drive by," Taehyung suggested.

"yea, lets go" namjoon took the lead again and they all hurried their way back. They were nearing home, yet Jungkook could still not calm down. But this time he could put his finger on what he was feeling. He slowled down and grabbed Taehyung; s shirt, making him stop too. The older was confused by the sudden stop but immediately alarmed.

"We're being watched, '' Jungkook said softly. his eyes glancing around, he didn't want 'it' to know he had noticed its presence. "Go inside, both of you, '' Jungkook added. they could already see the apartment from here.

"you're coming too, we just run-"

"It's not human Tae... I can sense its presence.... I can smell it" Jungkook spoke so softly that Namjoon didn't even hear it.

"are you sure. i don't want to leave you alon-"

"I don't want you to get hurt. please g-" Jungkook didn't get to finish his sentence when a swift wind was felt and he pushed the two away. barely making the mutant miss the two. from above the mutant had jumped down. The human was heavily disfigured into the shape of what could be compared to a fat dinosaur. it didn't have a neck, two big claw hands attached to its bloated body. four eyes on his face and two randomly on its body. all fixed onto Jungkook.

"Oh my god!" Namjoon said, shocked.

Jungkook who stared at the creaming monster that was clearly in for violence moved his attention to taehyung and said, "don't look". That's when he fell down, turning into a black goo. it moved over the ground before growing up behind the mutant. it was shaped back into Jungkook, but with his mutated arms. the three claw fingers sank into the mutant's 'neck'...well not that it could be called a neck. Its flesh was easily pierced by Jungkook's boney hands.

the mutants roared and frantically began to sprint around trying to shake the other off. But Jungkook didn't let go, he tried to dig deeper but before he could reach anything he was swung off, with a painful hit he hit the wall. the mutant shoots its body, feeling the blood roll down its back. Even if it was in pain it still smelled the food near him, so quickly his attention was back on Taehyung and Namjoon who were trying to hide somewhere.

Jungkook noticed it and crawled back onto his feet and limped towards the two but the mutation was hurting too much and he fell onto his knees. the wet goo that coated his 'hands' left prints on the road.

"Taehyung ruuuun!" Namjoon shouted, grabbing onto Taehyung's arm and pulling him along when the mutant charged at them again. Jungkook's eyes widened seeing the danger.

Taehyung was in danger, he could not let him get hurt.

taehyung, taehyung, taehyung, taehyung....

Jungkook's pupils grew, making his eyes a solid black color. Then all the street lights popped. glass shattering and falling into the ground. ice appeared on the windows and the wind stopped blowing. The mutant being unfazed did not see the attack coming. it growled when hands shaped from ooze grabbed onto him and started pulling him into the ground. his body breaking as it was being pulled between the cracks of the road. The tension was growing bigger and bigger, blood and guts being pushed up until he broke and the mutant splattered apart, its body got pulled until it disappeared under the road, but the blood and guts stayed on the road. leaving a disgusting sight and giving off a strange unnatural smell.

The wind started blowing again and the cold began to get warm again. Taehyung and Namjoon had stopped running and just stared at the road where the leftovers of the mutant were laying. Namjoon could not watch it and threw up into the bin near them. Taehyung on the other hand moved his gaze to find Jungkook.

The raven was on the other side of the road on his knees hugging himself. The older headed his way with a jog, kneeling down in front of Jungkook. "Kook.... are you okay?" he asked carefully.

"....it.....hurts" Jungkook said, holding his still mutated arm. it seemed to be stuck between turning back and mutating. Taehyung could see the mutation moving as if it was alive, trying to take over more of Jungkook. Taehyung took a hold of his arm and started talking. "I'm here, you can relax for a moment." this seemed to always work so far, and it did now too. The longer he kept a hold of Jungkook the faster the mutation started to fade and give jungkooks body back. Jungkook did not look well right now. He looked very spaced out and was breathing heavily.

"Can you walk?" Taehyung asked.

Jungkook didn't reply, but he stood up when taehyung tried to pull him on his feet. The whole walk back to the apartment, Jungkook hasn't moved on his own. just letting taehyung pull him to wherever he had to go until he was back inside and being sat on the couch.

"Joon, can you give us a moment?'' Taehyung asked when he had locked the door of his apartment.

"of course" namjoon went into taehyung's bedroom and closed the door.

Taehyung sighed and approached Jungkook who still seemed not fully aware of where he even was. "kook, w-"

Jungkook didn't let the other finish before speaking. "are you hurt?" he asked looking at taehyung.

"what, no. I'm fine."

"That's....good," Jungkook said and took a deep breath. "i can't let you get hurt... im... sorry you had to see that..."

"You were protecting us, it's okay. Namjoon threw up, but aside from that it's all good."

Jungkook didn't say more there. He never wanted to mutate, but he had to. He knows just throwing a few punches won't kill such a thing. He was worried he scared off taehyung. Jungkook realized he might have been a bit too brutal, but he couldn't think straight. He only saw the mutant as a threat for taehyung and he couldn't have that, he had to get rid of it as fast he could. so he just decided to drag it into the ground.

"Kook...thank you," Taehyung said and gave the younger a smile before he pulled him into a hug. This action and words really cheered the raven up.

Taehyung wasn't scared of him, he doesn't have to hide his other self?

"were going to get you healed. i promise. I will find a way, i will do anything to help you." taehyung said while they hugged and squeezed the other tighter. Jungkook really almost melted in the other's arms. He doesn't want to let go, and they didn't. They stayed like that for a moment longer before parting, Taehyung with a red blush on his face. Jungkook smiled at the cute face and gently touched the other's face, feeling the soft skin. skin he wished he had too, but his would change into something ugly if he wasn't careful.

"a-are you hungry?" taehyung asked trying to get himself out of this spot. he was getting too nervous. He can't right ruin their friendship by falling in love like this. He has to stay in line. He doesn't know if Jungkook even likes him. probably not.

at least that's what taehyung tried to believe.

"Namjoon, are you hungry?" taehyung asked opening the bedroom to let the older back in the room.


Why do i always make myself such complicated characters to write. Jungkook is so hard to write and keep a steady character while still making him improve along the way. ughhh. i hope its still alright, if something is bothering you, let me know TT

for now, thank you for reading my double update and see you soon in the next chapterr


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