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Taehyung wasn't sure what to do right now. Jungkook wasn't responding to him at all. Worriedly he put the raven in a comfortable position and checked his chest. Letting out a relieved sigh when he heard the heartbeat and the soft breath from his nose.

He was alive. But he was not well, he looked very sick. Taehyung tried his best to lift the other up with all his strength. He couldn't carry the other but he did manage to get the raven on the couch in the living room. He made sure he won't be cold and also placed a cup of water ready for when he woke up. "i will be right back. You can relax now, we are safe here for a while" Taehyung said softly tp the raven while he gently brushed the black locks out of his face.

He didn't like seeing Jungkook like this...So...Hurt. Taehyung didn't exactly know what they did to him, but he did know it wasnt good. Jungkook looked so bad, and the red marks on his wrists showed he was most likely treated like an animal. The thought of that hurt him.

"i will go wash and come back. Take the rest you need "Taehyung stepped away from the couch and headed upstairs where he grabbed Jimin's spare clothing before heading to the shower. Finally some rest. He didn't have to worry about the guards right now. They won't expect them to be here. But as soon they found out they were in here they would come for them. But as long as Jimin didn't warn them they will be fine. Jimin is their eyes at the gate, if the guards came he would let them know and they will have at least ten minutes to get out of there.

So for now they are safe.


After a long shower Taehyung felt finally fresh again. All the dirt and blood washed off him and wearing clean clothes. Not his own but that was alright.
He didn't waste more time and headed back down with a damp warm cloth, back to Jungkook who was still passed out on the couch.

"I'm back, koo, '' Taehyung said a little sadly. He sighed softly to himself and used the warm wet cloth to clean Jungkook's face and hands. Removing all the blood that was there, showing his handsome face.... He didn't look like himself. He looked so unhealthy, did he even get to eat there?

Taehyung sighed looking at the now blood stained towel. Why did things go this way? Why did they have to be caught, why couldn't they just let Jungkook go? Taehyung sniffled and wiped his eyes. He wanted so badly to have a future with Jungkook and make him happy. But look at them now.... He was here cleaning the blood of his boyfriend who was deadly sick all while they were running from evil people.

This was not what he had wanted... He hated this future. Taehyung gripped the towel tighter and closed his eyes trying his best not to cry.

"don't be sad" a soft voice said. The older opened his eyes and let out a small gasp when he saw Jungkook's eyes were open. He didn't look okay, but at least he was awake now.

"are you okay, how do you feel? You passed out. I was so worried, I didn't know what happened, "Taehyung said and sat up grabbing Jungkook's now clean hand.

"don't cry please," Jungkook said, moving his hand to brush away the tear that sat on taehyung's cheek. But taehyung just cried more. Even if Jungkook didn't look the same, his heart was still the Jungkook he came to know. How could they hurt him, how could they hurt such a sweet person. How can someone be so cruel... Taehyung sniffled and dropped his head on Jungkook's chest crying into his bloodied shirt.

"why did they have to hurt you. I don't know what they did but...Look at you. You're sick! I will never forgive them for what they did to you! You were so happy..... I hate them, i hate them so much!'' Taehyung sobbed.

Jungkook didn't reply right away, he just placed his pale hands on Taehyung's head and caressed his hair lovingly. "you're too sweet.." he said, smiling at the older who cried onto his chest. "i love you, i really do.... I wish I didn't get you involved in my problems. It only got you hurt"

"don't think about me! This is about you!" Taehyung sat back up with a frown. How did jungkook dare to change it to him like that.

"i'm used to it. I'm more worried about you. You're my spark to live. Of course i will worry more for you than myself" Jungkook smiled cupping taehyung's face.

Taehyung felt a tear roll down his cheek when he saw Jungkook's red teary eyes. Holding back a sob he bent down and placed a kiss onto the younger's lips. "I love you too....We will find a way to win your freedom and fix all this.. Don't give up Jungkook, i will find something for you"

"i trust you. I won't go. I promise, i will be with you"

They smiled and hugged each other. Cuddling up on the couch.


The two didn't realize when they fell asleep. Because when they woke up it was already daytime, the light shining into the living room giving off a fake sense of 'normal day'. They had been awake for a while now, but none of the two had spoken up. Worried that once they acknowledge their waking the cuddling would stop. They both missed each other very much so they really treasured this moment for as long it lasts.

"they added more of the virus into me" Jungkook said. He obviously knew taehyung was awake. "they altered it.... It is eating the human cells that were left, that's what's making me so sick." he had thought of how to tell taehyung all this. He wasn't good with words so he spent his morning choosing the right words to explain all this to the other. "and the... Mutation is bigger than me now it is making me.... Hungry... Mutants are always hungry..." Jungkook's voice faded at the end and he gulped. He felt the strong urge to eat someone, and Taehyung was dangerously close to him.

He could just....Take a little bite... Jungkook's pale eyes stared at Taehyung's hair thinking of the satisfaction he would get if he ate. But before the thoughts could worsen taehyung looked up, he noticed the sudden silence.

"don't worry. I don't look at you any differently. I love you Jungkook, I wont judge the part of you that they created. That is wrong." he smiled. And that smile... So warm, it calmed Jungkook down who hugged the other tightly suddenly. Pressing his nose in the other's neck trying to feel the countering effect of Taehyung's blood.

" know what will happen...But..... I'm really sorry if I can no longer control myself.... Please don't fear me, just let me go if it happens, "Jungkook said softly.

"i can't do tha-"

"You have to. I don't want to hurt you or worse...Kill you. Just let me go okay, you have to promise me"


"please... " jungkook's voice was sad.

"i..... I promise" as much as taehyung didn't want to even think of that happening. He knows he can't just let go of jungkook. But the raven wanted him to, so he will have to accept his request.


Quite a short update. It was raining really bad here so i got some time to write Hihi. Don't expect a lot more until im home tho.

I hope you liked it! And i will see you soon in the next chapterrrr


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