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"Kookie i'm home!" Taehyung called out as he entered the apartment. Out of the bedroom Jungkook came with a big smile, they shared a big hug. Both couldn't keep their hands to themselves, they just wanted to hold the other already.

"how was work.... Did you manage to examine my blood?" Jungkook asked.

"I did, it was...Interesting, '' Taehyung said. But he kept it at that, he can't tell Jungkook. He doesn't know how he would react right now....

But he didn't know that Jungkook already knew about that.

"Have you eaten?"

"i have, it was delicious. Thank you, "Jungkook smiled, thankful for the change of subject. He doesn't know why he asked if he already did not want to talk about it.

"you're more than welcome. Also....Uhm, on my way here a group of guards stopped me. They asked for my name and that was it...It was very strange" Taehyung said, he decided to tell Jungkook. In case there was more to it than just a normal question from them. Because it did not seem normal, why would they ask for someone's name? Were they looking for someone?

"they did?.....Oh..." Jungkook felt a little more tense about that. What if they knew about taehyung hiding him? What if they knew taehyung was trying to find a cure. What if they take Taehyung away from him?!

Jungkook doesn't want that. They can't. It isn't like Jungkook can't be on his own, but he doesn't want to hurt anyone anymore. He doesn't want to lose control again, and for that he needs Taehyung, he was going to help him be normal. And in exchange for that Jungkook will protect him. So the thought of guards asking Taehyung's name was alarming. Who knows what they were up to. Of course it also could just be nothing, but Jungkook was so used to negative motives it's just the first thing that comes to his head.

"Yeah, it was weird. But I just thought to tell you. But I think they just saw me for someone else. Maybe a criminal or something?"

"technically y-"

"shhh" Taehyung covered Jungkooks's lips and chuckled. "i knowww. But that's not what I meant" me smiled. He was happy that Jungkook started to make jokes now. The raven was getting comfortable around him. He still wasn't ready to open up to other people but at least he can be open and free around him.

"you're cute," Jungkook said once the hand was removed from his lips.

"s-stop saying that. You're making me nervous" Taehyung said with a blush.

Jungkook just smiled back at the other.

"Whatever, let's just be on our guard nonetheless, can have anything happen to you," Taehyung sighed. He was sure it must have been nothing but it can't be bad to be on their guard for now. "Also, I've put your blood in a divider which will identify any bacteria it finds. Hopefully we will be able to fix a medicine for you that counters them. I do have some medicine but i know it can end badly if i give the wrong one"

"What do you mean?" Jungkook asked while he followed Taehyung to the couch where they sat down, using the small spot Jungkook did not occupy with his 'bed'.

"We've had occasions where we would give a patient a medicine that did not completely fit all their infections. it caused the bacteria to grow angry and it hurts the patient. But those were smaller cases, you're much more infected than them. I'm afraid it will cause you more pain than it will help. I gotta find something that won't agitate your mutation." Taehyung said. The virus was like a living thing, they moved on their own and spread on their own. If the mutation grows big enough they will take over the infected person, they will be completely controlled by the virus and the person would no longer live. Seeing how much Jungkook had inside of him was enough to make him throw out the idea of just trying any medicine, it might make things worse than they already were. He had to be careful and precise.

"I trust you do what's good, '' Jungkook said, placing his hand over Taehyung's. He didn't think it would happen but he felt so much more confident now. The time he spent with Taehyung really helped him to let go of his constant fear. Not everyone was against him, he can trust some people. He can trust Taehyung. and having someone like him at his side made him feel confident. Even if he still relied on the other so much he isn't scared of every sound anymore. He can live the most normal life he has ever felt.

"I will, i really want to help you... so you will be happy"

Jungkook smiled when their fingers intertwined. "can i... ask you something?"

"sure, anytime"

"if someone would ask who you are....what would you say?"

Taehyung waited a few seconds. looking at Jungkook who stared at their hands, clearly avoiding the eye contact at this moment. He wasn't sure why Jungkook would ask this but he still replied. "well, i think i would say that my name is Kim Taehyung and i am twenty two. studying mutant health care and working at the mutant center. I uh like to listen to music and stuff... something like that" he said and looked at Jungkook again. His expression did not change anything. you would almost think he hasn't been listening.

"I see..."

"why were you curious about it?" Taehyung asked the younger.

"as... reference.... i wouldn't know what to say. I don't know myself... at least not like you know yourself"

"Well, I think I know you. you are Jungkook, a sweet person who care for others and wants to to good, someone who i want to make happy"

Jungkook chuckled, feeling his heart flutter at the other's words. He was so thankful that Taehyung didn't see him as a monster. a monster that he from the inside was.

But his happy feelings didn't last long when he felt his body go cold. He could feel it grow inside of him forcing its way to the surface. but how? why now? jungkook was calm, what was going on? in a panic he stood up from the couch pulling his hand away from taehyung's and rushed to the bathroom. leaving taehyung confused in the living room.

"Did I say something?" Taehyung muttered, but when he looked at his hand he saw black smears of ooze. "oh no...jungkook..."


quick update, i gotta work early today so no double update today! see you tomorrow in the next chapter!


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