4.3 (m)

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Days passed and Jungkook was feeling really happy. He had never been this relaxed in so long. He felt free to be himself, he was alone in his mind. And he didn't have to fear accidentally hurting someone. But the best part is that he now had a future ahead of him together with Taehyung and his new friends.

Jungkook was alone right now, Taehyung had gone to work this morning, so Jungkook was grocery shopping again. Holding the list in his hand he walked down the isles he was now quite familiar with. Unlike other times he was now smiling and humming to a son that played in his ears. "Snacks for yourself? uh" Jungkook thought, did this mean he could add whatever he liked? It does sound like it. He chuckled at it and headed straight for the snacks section. grabbing two bags of chips and some cookies. His hand halted when they reached for the red bag of chips. why did his favorite flavor have to get a red rapping, why not blue or green, something not red. He told himself to not be a baby and grabbed the bag, but once he touched it he could see blood all over his hands, a screeching whisper in his ear. instantly he dropped the bag, making people look at him confused.

Jungkook just stood there staring at the bag then at his hands, they were clean. there was no blood. It's just plastic. He kept telling himself that and bent down to grab the bag again, this time managing to place it in his cart without troubles. People watched him walk away until he turned the corner.

While Jungkook was at the check out he looked at the daily papers that were laid in a crate. The name on the front cover caught his attention.

'Dr.White of Synth Laboratories arrested for criminal activities' His eyes widened and he grabbed the paper. "Can I take one?"

"of course, its free!" the man behind the counter said and smiled and showed Jungkook the price of his groceries. The raven paid with Taehyung's card and grabbed the two bags in one hand. He was now kind of happy he didn't lose his strength. But it isn't so surprising, he was still a mutant after all, or else he wouldn't be standing here. But he would have carried it in both hands if it wasn't for the daily paper in his hand that he had to read. How come he didn't hear about this earlier?'

oh right, he hasn't been watching tv or listening to the radio today, he had just been playing a video game until he remembered to do groceries. But that's not matter now, right now he has to catch up to the news.

'Dr.White of Synth Laboratories arrested for criminal activities

This morning the police arrested Dr. White after a tip was received by them and research confirmed it. Dr. white had been creating mutants that were a danger to human kind, his evil intentions were enough to arrest him, he will be put to trial to be sentenced for prison. The police can't reveal any other information yet.'

Jungkook felt like a weight fell off his shoulders. It was over... He really was free. Dr. white can't hurt him anymore. He smiled wide and folded the paper back, putting it in his bags. He can live now. Jungkook felt happy, this was the news he had been waiting to hear, but then he wondered. Who gave that tip? how could they now have found out about him? did he maybe turn himself in? no, he would never do that, Dr white was too selfish for that.

That's something to worry about later, right now he just wants to relax and put away the groceries before taehyung got home from work.


Taehyung was ending his shift, well he was already finished but he still had to clock out. but before he did that he had to check up on Seokjin and Hoseok. Hoseok just transferred here because of possible infection by Jungkook and they had to share the room. When taehyung entered the room the two seemed to be bickering about something.

"I told you to be careful! how many times do i have to tell you to quit the job!" Seokjin scolded the younger who sat in the bed next to him with a grin. "look at you, broke ribs and a possible infection!! af if my infection isn't already bad enough, now i gotta worry about you too!"

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