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The next day Taehyung was at work, during his break he had snuck into the data office and logged into the computer.
He had twenty minutes to find something before he had to get back to work.

"what was it again....C blob right..." he questioned himself while he typed in the bacteria name. The wait for results was short as only one single document popped up. He clicked it and frowned when a password pop up appeared on his screen. "fuck, do i know this?" he said.He didn't think any documents required a pass word other than login. Someone really didn't want unwanted eyes to see this.

He might need Yoongi's help in this afterall..... For now he will leave it and check the other files. He exited the program and opened the regular program, typing again for the same bacteria name. Again there was only one result that had the same name as he was looking for.
It was a short text, just the general explanations of any bacteria they knew so far.
There was written in thick red letters 'requires more research'.

'C-blob (corrupted - blob)

A subtype of the general blob bacteria, bacteria is said to be corrupted. It's got a high concentration of bad bacteria, infection will cause the person to die within a short period of time.

If infected DO NOT TOUCH the person'

It was last updated a year ago, so obviously they haven't come across another case with this same type as Jungkook seemed to have. But taehyung didn't even remember there being ANY patient...So where did this document come from? There was no name filled into the details either. Everything was blank.

"well...At least it's something.." Taehyung muttered. He took a picture of the text and logged out. He has to think of asking Yoongi for help. Yes they were friends but its was risky to get Yoongi involved who worked so closely with the government. But Taehyung wants to know what was in the locked document. It was recently updated as well... There was definitely something in there.

Whatever it was. Taehyung will find a way to access it.


While Taehyung was out Jungkook had taken the task on himself to do the grocery shopping. He had gotten a list and a spare key from Taehyung.

Taehyung was a little hesitant to agree to give Jungkook his own key so he can go out. Because of what happened before he felt like these guards were everywhere. But he agreed, the guard still didn't know where he was and other people didn't know him... So why would he refuse to let the other do his own thing.

Jungkook assured the other he will be fine. Which he will, he knows his power. The thing was that he just isn't always able to control it. If his emotions get the best of him he will lose control.

"tomatoes...." Jungkook muttered, already knowing what that meant... A lot of red. "just take deep breaths, think happy thoughts" he told himself and smiled. His mind going to think of Taehyung, he misses him already and he only left this morning. Meaning he was already coming back home soon.

Thinking about the other made him able to grab the bag of bright red tomatoes calmly and place them in his cart. A proud smile formed on his lips. "good job Koo" he told himself and continued his way through the store until he got everything he needed. He paid for the stuff with the money the older left behind for him.

He felt good today, he could do things like normal people could. It almost felt like he was a normal person again. The person he lost long ago.

Jungkook walked out of the supermarket heading back 'home'. He was thinking of all the things he can do now before taehyung got home. Jungkook didn't know the time since he didn't own a phone, he just had to guess.

He was humming to himself when he got startled by a dog that started barking at him. The dog was a few meters in front of him. A man held the leash while talking to a lady. Jungkook just tried to walk around the dog but the dog started to whimper and ran away from him.

It must make sense that Jungkook isn't normal. So before he could raise any suspicion he quickened his pace and continued walking.

Animals were apparently the only ones that could tell he was infected. Anyhow, he got back to the apartment safe and sound. Putting the bags down to unlock the door and head inside.

To his surprise the older was already back typing something on his phone with still his shoes half untied.


"Jungkook! You're back" Taehyung smiled.

"I went shopping," Jungkook said, still surprised to see the other. "you're early"

"silly its seven, i'm not early.'' Taehyung chuckled and continued taking his shoes off. "i just got home. I didn't think you'd be out at this time. I thought you had already gone shopping earlier."

"I didn't really pay attention to the time..."

"do you need help with that?" Taehyung quickly grabbed one of the two bags from the younger and started to unpack. "sorry. I didn't think i wrote down that much, sorry to bother you with such heavy bags... Ugh im so stupid"

"...Don't worry about me" Jungkook said and said then one of the most hated things he could say, in his opinion, he wasn't proud of it. But it was true so he said it anyway. "....I'm a mutant.. I can carry them" obviously he would be stronger than a regular person, so carrying these was easy for him. But in Taehyung's eyes they were heavy. But he wasn't as strong, so of course they would be heavier for taehyung.

"how was work, did you find anything?" Jungkook asked, trying to get a conversation going.

"i did. I found the meaning of your type C-blob, and I found a recently updated document of it. But I can't access it, it's locked behind a password." Taehyung said while they both unpacked the bags. Jungkook gave the stuff to taehyung so he could put it all in their place. "I am debating asking Yoongi, my friend, for help. He is a professional hacker. But the thing is, he is currently working on a job for the government. So its a bit risky to contact him about this."

"can't Namjoon do it?"

"Namjoon is only hobbyist hacker. He can do simple stuff. But Yoongi is the real expert here."

"If you think he can help then you should ask him"

"But what if they hear us or question yoongi...." Taehyung sighed.

"then i will hide. I did it before, I can do it again. It's one of the things i've mastered to do."

"I've noticed," Taehyung chuckled. "its stays a bit creepy" he smiled. He can't help but feel a little shiver every time Jungkook would appear from the shadows like that. "so....I think i will give him a call soon"

Jungkook nodded in agreement. Sometimes they have to take a little risk...Right?


Its always the most fun as author to drops clues around through chapters and readers either having no clue or freaking out over them. Hehehehe

Also, sorry for any typos. I wrote this on my phone while in bed. Lol its 00:25 am💀✌️🏻

Anyways, goodnight. See you later in the next update. Probably tuesday since tomorrow i will be out the whole day.


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