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After their visit to Namjoon and Yoongi the two had returned to the apartment. Both standing in the bathroom brushing their teeth. A moment where they had so many words to say but could not speak any. Jungkook didn't really like being reminded of things like today, and now taehyung knew it all too.He wasn't sure how to feel about it, but it didn't bother him as much as he thought it would. Taehyung really had a positive effect on him.

But so did Jungkook to taehyung. This was by far the most excitement Taehyung ever got in his life. He had a purpose now, he had something to put everything he studies for to use. At first he just wanted to treat the infected people. Knowing it was an endless cycle that won't stop. He will never be able to save everyone, but he can save Jungkook. He even found out whoever was responsible for this chaos. Dr.White had to be behind all of this, it only made sense for him to be.

Jungkook was done first and rinsed his mouth. He was about to leave when he locked eyes with Taehyung in the mirror. watching the other's brushing slow down until it was completely forgotten. There was a spark between them, you could almost see it. Taehyung got nervous and averted his eyes, continuing with brushing. Feeling a little sad when Jungkook left the bathroom after wishing him 'goodnight'. He doesn't want to sleep yet.

Meanwhile Jungkook had changed into his sleep clothes and fixed his couch bed for the night. fluffing up his pillow and making the blankets, he didn't do it this morning. But before he could get into 'bed' Taehyung opened the bedroom door.

"uhm.... if you want.. you uhm.. could sleep with me, in a proper bed. there is space for two..."

".. i don't want to bother you by taking your space. I can just sleep here.." Jungkook said having a hard time refusing the offer. because he really would love to. It will also most likely prevent him from ever having these nightmares like that again.

"Oh...okay. just know that uhm... you're more than welcome... i would.. like it if you came" after saying that taehyung quickly shut the door and went into bed calming his raging heart after saying those words. He doesn't know what he was so nervous for. Jungkook was a kind person, it's not like he would hurt him for saying something. there was nothing to be scared of, yet he was so nervous to say things to the other that shows he likes him. even after he had already said it to the other with the actual words. But he didn't get the chance to calm down completely because before he could process it he heard the bedroom door open and a soft voice talk to him.

"i'd love to sleep here... if the offer still stands"

Taehyung smiled wide and removed the blankets from his head to sit up. He turned on his nightstand light and looked at the raven who stood there with his pillow that originally came from Taehyung's bed in the first place. "of course, come in." he patted the empty spot next to him. feeling his body heat up when Jungkook laid down next to him and made himself comfortable.

"Your bed is soft." Jungkook noticed that first, because the couch was not as soft as this. He prefers this if he had to be honest.

"i'm glad, i hope you will sleep well here"

"I'm sure I will" Jungkook smiled looking at the other who also laid back down. they laid on their sides facing each other.

"....im sorry jungkook... for everything they did" taehyung said, he remembers the notes, but he hasn't had a moment to talk about it with the others.

"....its okay.." jungkook said, not wanting the other to worry.

"they will get what they deserve. we will break his fake good man image, he will be arrested. And you will be free"

"you're being too kind"

"I'm doing whatever is right, I do it because I care for you," Taehyung smiled and then sighed. "It's late. we should try to get some sleep" he went to turn off the light next to him. Jungkook agreed, he already had the feeling they might not be able to get proper rest soon. So for now they have to enjoy the calm time while it lasts. But even if right now he had nothing to fear, he did fear for another memory or nightmare... afraid to accidentally hurt the other in his sleep.. maybe he should just stay on the couch- his thoughts got interrupted when he felt a warm hand wrap around his, holding his hand so gently. "You can sleep, I'm right here. nothing will happen, "Taehyung's beautiful ocean voice whispered to him in the dark. A small smile formed on jungkook's face and he closed his eyes.

Taehyung was right. nothing will happen. Jungkook might lose control sometimes but Taehyung calms him, it was okay. he doesn't have to be afraid.


And like that jungkook had the best sleep in a while. So good that he hasn't even woken up yet while Taehyung already was. Laying still in bed at almost twelve he spend his minutes looking at the raven. seeing how calm and relaxed he was now... how could anyone hurt him. He doesnt deserve what happened. no one did. Taehyung felt angry, he wishes to have superpowers and destroy this Dr. White, but he wasn't. He was just Taehyung. He was just a normal human. the only thing special about him is that he was resistant to infection. A secret not many know about him. Right now it felt like a gift. because because of that he was able to be with jungkook without worrying about getting infected by him.

Jungkook.... he was very good looking. Taehyung found it very hard to keep his hands to himself. So that's why he ended up gently caressing the raven's hairs and moving his fingers along Jungkook's jaw, feeling the sharp yet round features of his face. "oh how he wished this mutation thing would be over with and he can try to make a future with him. Everyday his feelings grow more and more. there was something about him that attracted him so much. He wants Jungkook.


does this count as a double update? its 00:20 rn lol. anyway. thank you for reading again, see you in the next update.


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