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Later that day Jungkook stood in the bathroom, holding the pile of clothing taehyung gave him. He wasn't sure what to do now. He was allowed to shower and Jungkook accepted the offer yet he didn't feel safe here right now. He didn't like not knowing what was going on outside the door, what if Taehyung was calling them now? what if he will turn him in? He shook his head remembering taehyung helped him a lot already, why would he suddenly turn against him?

Jungkook sighed deeply and paced the clothes on the lid of the toilet as there was no table or anything in here. With a bit of a confused look he managed to turn on the warm water of the shower, staring at the big clean stream coming from the head. It was much warmer than at the lab, much more water. And the best part... no eyes on him. He smiled a little and undressed himself, glad to for once have some privacy. it felt nice, yet he would still clearly remember their grasps as he was being washed.

"warm" he said softly to himself when he stepped under the stream, enjoying the warm water wetting him from top to bottom.

While he was busy in the bathroom, Taehyung sat at the table with a book in front of him. A book he kind of illegally took home from his professor's library. No one mentioned its disappearance so Taehyung assumed it wasn't that important.

It was a book he was using in his studies about mutants. It was a book containing names of each kind of mutant with notes and details. He completed the pages with his own notes whenever he found more information. "the blob .....definitely not that one. '' Taehyung chuckled seeing the painting of an ugly misshapen mutant. "why is there nothing that connect to him... what is he?'' Taehyung frowned, not seeing any note that he could connect to Jungkook. These were all just regular ones, Jungkook looked and did different things, he turned into smoke that night when he just went on a roof so easily... and then these arms that came from the ground... he had never seen something like that. "when i think this might be useful it's useless" Taehyung sighed frustrated and leaned back in his chair staring at the pages.

Jungkook was so different that he began to wonder if he wasn't something else? he didn't have any dis-figuration going on, Jungkook looked completely fine. His skin was a regular color with no discoloration. The ones infected all had something similar going on. So if Jungkook got bitten or infected in general why was his strength different...

The opening of his bedroom door startled him and he quickly shut the book, turning his head to give Jungkook a smile. "Oh! those look good on you "Taehyung complimented the other, he still had wet hair which made Taehyung gulp for a second. Why did he have to be so attractive? "Focus Tae, damn" he mentally gave himself a smack and stood up. "I uhm, was going to the supermarket to buy some food, but you can just stay here"

"Alone?" the raven asked, looking skeptical.

"well, yea. you can come but i don't know the situation outside, if the guards are still knocking on doors. maybe it's best to give it a few days before you head outside again?"

Jungkook didn't reply. He doesn't want to be left alone but at the same time he doesn't want to go outside. But staying alone here was a more scary thought than going outside. outside he can run, here he will be like a rat in a cage, just how they want him to be.

"I want to....come with"

"But, it can be dangerous. who knows if they are waiting outside?"

"I don't want to be alone, '' Jungkook said and walked to the door looking at taehyung.

"Fine, but wear this hat. '' Taehyung grabbed a bucket hat, pulling it over jungkook's damp hair. they weren't too wet to be a bother. He also gave Jungkook a jacket and shoes that didn't quite fit but it will do for the short walk. "the store is close by, dont attract any attention. there are enough people here that will snitch.'' Taehyung said as he unlocked the door and they headed out towards the elevator.

Jungkook's heart was beating so fast when they left the apartment building that it made his wound throb when moving.

"I don't see any of them, I think they have already left this street by now," Taehyung said while looking around. They didn't see any guards walking around, just the regular people going on with their day. "you good?" he looked back at jungkook who was following him closely with his eyes looking around paranoid. The raven just nodded and went to walk next to the other.

"Were here" they turned into a brightly lit store with a lot of colors and funky music playing in the back. Jungkook smiled a little when he took in all the new impressions around him. this was nice, he grabbed bags from the shelf looking at the colorful packaging while taehyung collected whatever was on his list.

Jungkook ended up staring at a packed squid in the fish section. He frowned at it not liking these eyes staring at him. yes it was dead, he knew that but still. With his left finger he poked the squid's eye through the plastic.

"Ahem, sir, that's not allowed, '' a lady said next to him. Jungkook flinched at the sudden voice and looked around, taehyung was not nearby and that worried him. He didn't reply to the lady and took a few steps back before hurrying off to find taehyung. This lady will tell on him, she saw him, they will come get him-

"ow" jungkook bumped right into taehyung. "sorry"

"it's alright, why were you running? did something happen?" taehyung looked around them cautiously.

"lady saw me" Jungkook answered, staring at the woman he just saw walking past their row with her cart.

"dont worry about it, as long as you don't show any mutations you're gonna be fine. You look normal, people won't be able to see the difference alright.

Jungkook wasn't so sure about that, he thought he looked quite different. but he will trust taehyung.

"Really, trust me. you look fine!" Taehyung smiled and showed Jungkook a bag of chips. "Do you like chips? I know the bag is red but the chips are yellow."


'good, then that is all we need, shall we head back?"

Jungkook nodded and like before he silently followed taehyung around the store and outside towards his home. While they were walking Jungkook suddenly grabbed onto Taehyung's sleeve and made them stop.

"What's wrong?" taehyung asked turning around.

"hide hide" jungkook pulled them both into the alley next to taehyung's apartment and pushed them behind a dumpster. Taehyung, being confused, peeked over the top and his eyes widened when he saw two guards walk past the alley.

"how did you notice them?"

"I smelled them, we can go now" Jungkook stood up and looked around before walking out of the alley with taehyung.

"impressive" the older said and grabbed his keys to unlock the apartment door and get them inside already. seeing these guards was enough to let them know they have not completed searching this area. 


thank you for reading again, see you in the next chapter!


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