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The next day arrived, and this time Jungkook was finally able to sleep like a rose. He didn't wake up even once until the sun rays creeped through the curtain, slid and hit his eyes.

Slightly he was pulled from his sleep and became aware of himself again. He heard noises, he smelled... Food.

Jungkooks brows furrowed when he opened his eyes and looked around, waking up more and more until he was awake enough to sit up and rub his eyes.

"oh, good morning. Did I wake you? I didn't mean to, i tried to be quiet." Taehyung said from the kitchen side of the room, he felt guilty when he noticed Jungkook had woken up. But it was almost twelve and he was too hungry to wait longer...

"..it's okay..." Jungkook said but still looked confused. "what.. What is the time?"

"its eleven fifty one"

Jungkook turned his head and stared at the bedsheets. "oh...." he didn't know how to feel about that. He had never slept this long before. At least not in one go and not voluntarily...

"Are you hungry, shall I make you something to eat?"

Jungkook shook his head. He can't let Taehyung make him breakfast. This wasn't a hotel, he can only profit here while he just was chilling all day. The least he could do is make his own food.

"are you sure? I'm already busy, it's not a problem!" Taehyung smiled warmly. He knew Jungkook might not immediately accept help so to be sure he asked again. Not wanting to make Jungkook feel bad about it.

"...If it's no problem...., i can help, I will get ready quickly"

"Alright, but no rush, I will be fine. You take your time, if you want you can even take a shower!"


"Of course" taehyung smiled and took out some more sandwiches, he got brown ones for Jungkook again. "Also, I thought of taking you to the hairdresser today. To get it into a nice even shape"

Jungkook thought about it and felt his hair. Would he look as good as Taehyung with a new look of hair? Taehyung's hair was so soft and pretty. It flowed in a curved flow back so elegantly. He wants that too.

"okay '' Jungkook smiled. Taehyung smiled even wider and giggled a little, his hands nervously grabbing a slice of bread. "i will shower now. I won't take too long"

Jungkook got off his couch bed, and after neatly making the 'bed' folding the sheets halfway and fluffing up the pillow, he went to the bathroom. Undressing himself quickly so he won't waste a lot of water.

"warm..."he said and let his muscles relax under the stream of warm water. But his attention was soon caught by his wrist. With his finger he traced over the black lines. If he were to get this off.....Would that mean he wasn't property of the lab anymore? Jungkook scratched the barcode with his nail gently and then harsher. Of course it didn't come off, he had tried it before. Yet he always felt disappointed when he got reminded it was permanent.

But maybe if he... Cut it out? He stared at the marking before sighing and grabbing the soap bottle.


After a good breakfast Jungkook and Taehyung were on their way to the hairdresser in the city. On their walk they pass that one spot. Jungkook stared at the spot on the road where he had seen that mutant get killed. It was as if he could still see it, even if it clearly wasn't there anymore. Yet the smell of its blood was still in the air. Jungkook could pick it up from the air, he sniffed a little and looked and thought. The guards killed it, why? mutants were supposed to be taken for neutralization...not death... but well, that is also what he thought was going to happen but his future was something else. He thought he would get help but instead they only ruined him more, for their own benefit.

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