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In the morning Jungkook had woken up to an empty bed. He felt a little disappointed to see it empty, he had hoped to see the other first thing as he opened his eyes. but today wasn't the day it seems. He sighed and rolled on his side looking out the window between the small slid of the curtains. They seemed to have been opened to get some light in without having the sun wake the other sleeping person in the bed. Speaking of sun, what time was it even? jungkook had no clue, but seeing how bright it already was outside made him think it must be quite late already. how lang had he slept for? 

He rolled back on his back and stared at the ceiling when the sound of a shower running reached his ears. Taehyung was showering... He thought about it, so he was.. showering.. The raven chuckled a little. That meant he was... naked. an exciting tingle went through his body and he pressed his lips together. He shouldn't think about the things he thought of now. but he couldn't help it. Ever since he began to spend this much time with the other his feelings grew, and so did his desires too. Nightmares were not the only thing he would dream or think of....

He sat there with a slight smile on his face when the bathroom door was unlocked and Taehyung walked in. Jungkook almost immediately sat up looking... well, staring at the other.

"A-ah-" Taehyung was surprised to see the other awake. He quickly covered himself more with the towel. "i-i just forgot my shirt" he stuttered out and snatched the first shirt he saw quickly running back into the bathroom.

"pretty...'' Jungkook muttered to himself. He had already seen the other's torso, his soft looking skin, the elegant curves of his collarbones and the hint of his hips above the edge of his pants. Just so pretty. Jungkook would like to look like him... he found himself looking too rough. But he can't do anything about it, the mutation made him like this, he can't do anything about it.

Eventually Taehyung left the bathroom again, his face red. "i-i didn't think you w-were already awake" he said, avoiding eye contact out of nervousness.

"I didn't see anything, '' Jungkook replied, hoping it would ease the other. but in reality he had seen all of it, and the image was now forever in his head. an image only he had seen. he would like to be able to touch him-

"I uhm.. thought of going lunching together in a bit" taehyung changed the topic. he knew jungkook must have seen him. They had serious eye contact at that moment. and he rather not think of it or he will never get rid of these blushes on his cheeks.

"I'd like that, I will get ready right away," Jungkook smiled and got out of bed. fixing his shirt that was all messy and lifted up from the sleep. letting the fabric fall back down over his waist. They locked eyes again for a second when jungkook passed the other. As soon as Jungkook got in the bathroom and locked the door, Taehyung let out a breath he didn't realize he had been holding. He felt an overwhelming feeling when Jungkook approached him like that. A build up of curious excitement.

"oh fuck" he whispered placing a hand over his heart, "relax relax" He took a seat on the bed and chuckled at himself realising his own behaviour. He can't fight what he deep down really wants. Oh the thoughts that ran through his head just now when Jungkook walked past him... he wouldn't dare to say them out loud.


Whatever happened between them this morning was surely to have left a flame burning between them. It wasn't just a spark anymore. it was something real, something they both didn't want to end. Even if this was a bad situation with the whole mutant thing going on. But they will find moments of calmness to spend time together. like today.

"So, it's an official date"

"huh-" jungkook was taken off guard by that comment and looked up from his menu. They had headed for the restaurant after Jungkook got ready earlier. Taking the bus to the big hall of the city, it had a lot of shops and restaurants, the perfect shopping place. you could spend a whole day there, it even had its own subway and bus stop for the best public transport access. "ooh a date? you want to date me?'' Jungkook said with a grin. He had found out how to make the other shy. and Seeing these reactions made it fun for him, they made him feel a different type of strong.

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