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Taehyung and Jungkook both were chilling on the couch together when Taehyung remembered something. He almost forgot about it.

"oh, kook. I need a blood sample from you, would you mind giving me one?" Taehyung asked as he sat up from his position against the younger.


"yea, I can take a look at it. Maybe i can find out more"

"uh...Sure," Jungkook said, feeling nervous. The last time someone took a sample of his blood he removed the person's arm and it only got worse for him. But then, that time he was feeling threatened. Now he was relaxed, so it will probably be fine.

"Okay, wait here. I will grab my box, "Taehyung stood up, leaving Jungkook alone for a moment. A moment for Jungkook to think. Will Taehyung be able to see it if he examined his blood? Will he look at him differently? Would he be scared? Would he...Give up on him?

He had so many things in his head just about the mentioning of a blood sample. With a sigh he shook his head and already rolled up his sleeve. He knows how this works by now.

"back! Of you've already got your arm out. Perfect" taehyung smiled sitting down next to jungkook and open the box. There was a small locked container and next to it a sealed syringe. Taehyung put on his gloves and opened the seal taking out the clean syringe. "Alright just relax" he held with one hand Jungkook's arm positioning the needle at the right spot. "ten seconds" he said and started counting as he pierced the skin and began taking the blood. Immediately Taehyung noticed that Jungkook's blood looked very dark, almost like dried blood. It was also thicker than normal blood. He was wondering what he was going to find when he took a closer look at it, there was definitely something wrong with it, aside from the obvious.

It was perfectly ten seconds when Taehyung removed the syringe and locked the small glass with a good amount of blood. He began placing everything in the box. "Do you want a flower plaster?" Taehyung jokes as if he was talking to a child.

"....No... It's fine, '' Jungkook said after a short silence. It was quite tempting to get one. But he wasn't a child so he decided to just refuse.

"you get one anyway," Taehyung giggled as he put the plaster in the small dot of blood.

"oh...." Jungkook smiled and looked at the colorful plaster. Chuckling at the older's action. "you're cute"

"a-ah thanks" Taehyung blushed and he grabbed the box hurrying away to hide it. But Jungkook had already seen it. And he couldn't feel happier right now. He was almost quite sure that Taehyung must feel the same....At least he hoped he saw it right, but he wasn't good with emotions so he didn't want to jump to conclusions.


That same day Namjoon was at work he had gotten access again to some new files. With some help from Yoongi of course. Who was even sitting here with him at this time.

"so... What exactly are you looking for?"

"something useful, thank you again for the help" namjoon said, not mentioning anything about Taehyung and his search. "So how is vacation so far?"

"short. But I'm glad I have something" Yoongi replied. He was currently on a few days break from work. He might be just a hacker but that doesn't mean he just sits at his work one day and then chill for the rest of the week. They also got him in charge of modifying their protection and firewalls of certain programs. Yoongi had to ensure no one could hack them or there were any errors in them. Yoongi knew a lot, and for that reason he got paid a lot of money to keep his mouth shut. He might be working for them, but that doesn't mean he agrees with their view. Yoongi was only in it for the money. Namjoon and the others were still his dear friends and he will help them. like today he was helping Namjoon to get into another program he created the security for. He only did not have access to the passwords but Yoongi didn't need them. He can get around them, he was the creator after all. The program he made was called Emperux. It was on almost all of the digital parts of the current industry.

"So... uhm what is subject seventeen?" yoongi asked suddenly, he had been staring at Namjoon's typing in the bars and it kept repeating the same names. Namjoon was clearly looking for something specific.

"Uhm, it's a mutant I've heard about."

"i heard they are looking for him, at least that's what i've read in the emails i saw come by"

"And why are you so invested in it?'' Yoongi was fishing for namjoon to finally tell him what the hell he was up to. Yoongi isn't stupid. Namjoon was asking such specific things of him lately that he had to be up to something not good.

"i can't tell you about it.'' Namjoon sighed.

"Fine, well. i will go use the toilet then, be right back"

Namjoon nodded and clicked further. when finally he found something. A deleted file lost between the mess of destroyed files. He downloaded the file and managed to recover the whole document. "alright, please don't be a virus " he muttered and opened the file. 

'Good evening Dr. Fluke, here is the information about Subject 17 you requested,

Subject 17

Subject seventeen has been given different types of C-blob bacteria and shown good reaction. He appears to be able to make them better every time we add something, he has shown good control over them and his body hasn't shown any mutation yet. Do keep in mind he is still a dangerous project. His mutation is very concentrated and can be unpredictable at times.

He is a silent killer. The corrupted bacteria is doing a good job. The kid is one with the virus. He is able to call up the ooze of the dead to his command. I have seen him kill an employee by just looking at them, we did not see it coming at all. We have to be extra careful with any further steps. but i did find out a warning, his powers call up the dead. everytime he is building up his attack I've noticed it affects his surroundings. Our lights have popped multiple times, and the room goes cold. I think life around him just stops. But I will have to look into it more next time I test him.

About your request, i can not let you see him in person just yet. he is too unstable for any activity, he is too dangerous to release. But you don't have to worry about it, he won't go anywhere, I have him locked in isolation. but the good news is that I am convinced I will be able to have him ready next year. But since there has been some complications, his creation already costs a lot of my employees their life, i request you give me more time to get him stable in obedience. 

Kind regards, 

Dr. White


"Taehyung gotta see this.." namjoon muttered and took photos of his screen, sending them to Taehyung. He did not notice that yoongi had been watching him from behind him.


Back at the apartment Jungkook had gone to shower, he had taken a small knife with him this time without taehyung seeing it. While he stood under the hot steam of water he used the pointy tip of the potato knife to scratch the corner of his barcode in an attempt to get it off. Which obviously didn't work to his frustration.

"get off!" he said and threw the knife out of the shower and sat down on his knees in defeat. dark red drops mixing with the water. He had to cover this somehow, if anyone sees it he is done for. It's too obvious. especially if it's someone who works for the special forces, they would recognize it immediately. Only being like him had one, beings from the lab that is.

"Hey, everything alright?" Taehyung asked, he had heard something hit the door, not knowing it was a knife.

"... Im fine" jungkook said and sighed standing up from the floor. quickly he finished washing himself. after the shower he used some make up he found in taehyung's shelf to cover the barcode, some of the foundation mixed uglily with the creme,leaving a red spear through the makeup. But Jungkook didn't care, as long as he didn't see the barcode it was fine. He doesn't want to be reminded everything that he was just a number.


Aaaaand on to the next part of the story. new topics have been sliced. im curious if anyone will be able to guess the story line with the hits i've dropped so far. kekekeke anywayss, thankies for reading again! i will see you soon in the next update. if i have enough time i will try to finish the next part tonight, i already started on it. but i cant promise anything hehe 👀😊


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