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Time passed slower than Jungkook had wanted. Its been so long already while in reality its only been two days. But these last two days felt like a year. He hasn't gotten any sleep from all the stress and experiments he had to take. The only one who was happy about all this was dr. White. The man who kept smiling and telling him how happy he is with how Jungkook is behaving now.

It disgusted the raven, but he did not say a word about it. Its best to keep him happy. Him being pleased meant no harm would come to Taehyung. That's all that mattered now. Jungkook left without a care about himself. He didn't care much for the future. He knows he can't be cured. The least thing he expected was to find a friend, and fall in love... So now.... Now he won't have to live for himself anymore. He can keep enduring this for Taehyung. He can stay alive to protect him.

"Taehyungie..." he whispered softly to himself as he sat on the ground, leaning against the edge of his bed. He hasn't moved from the ground since the last experiment. They just dropped him back in his room, not bothering to put him in bed. The only thing Jungkook had done was sit up straight.
He didn't feel like himself anymore. He felt different, and it was not just because he was scared again. It was because his mutation was worsening, it was affecting him mentally and physically. He had started to feel sick since yesterday. His skin was very pale and his hands were an ashy color. The mutation was growing to the surface and he can't do anything about it.

"taehyung this taehyung that." Dr.White said when the door was unlocked. Jungkook didn't bother to look at the man. He just stared at the wall silently. "You're not going to see him ever again. Unless. You're doing exactly as I say tonight."

That was when Jungkook moved his head up and looked at the doctor that kept a safe distance from him. Even if Jungkook had a metal collar that would shock him if he made sudden moves, everyone still didn't come closer to him until he was either sedated or chained.

Dr. White chuckled seeing how easy Jungkook was to predict now. Dr. White was an evil person, he won't lie about it. He takes pride in what he does, saying it's for a better future for himself and his business. "now, then. Chop chop, were going to move you to my new special testing room for you."

"testing?" Jungkook said his eyes following White as the man walked back to the door, he got replaced by a group of guards that cautiously chained the mutant before making him stand up.

"yes, its gonna be so much fun" white said and walked ahead.


And so Jungkook found himself locked in a white room. It felt like he was put inside a white box or cube. He didn't even see the glass window through which he was being watched. But his highly sensitive senses showed him where the clump of people was standing. He kept staring at that point until White removed the glass cover and it came into view.

"Subject seventeen. We want you to show us what you can do right now. Go have fun on some volunteers that were going to send in there" the intercom spoke to him.

"i'm not going to hurt anyone," Jungkook said and frowned. "i do-"

"you will" dr. White interrupted the other sternly and shut off the intercom.

Jungkook just stood there wondering what white had in mind this time. It's been a while since he was put in a position like this.

And oh, he found out too soon. And he wasn't happy about it.

From a heavy door a man got pushed inside, a man who immediately started banging on the door screaming for help.

"noo! Don't leave me in here! Help!!! Please, I'm sorry!! Dont do this!!" the man took a quick look at Jungkook who just stared at him confused. He let out a scared yelp and covered his head. "p-please spare me!"

"Jungkook, do it" Dr.White's voice was heard again.

"no, I don't want to hurt anyone anymore... He didn't do anything to me"

"He is a traitor. He is sentence to death...By ME, so you will kill him." Dr.White gave the raven a few seconds before he scoffed and spoke again. "fine, then i will make you"

Jungkook didn't know what dr.White was about to do but out of nowhere a blue fluffed dart hit the man in his back. A strange smell reached Jungkook's nose and he felt something change inside of him.

He can't hold it in anymore. His mutation was growing stronger and he fell on his knees groaning in pain as his body deformed.

The man in the room started screaming even more and distanced himself from the mutant. His eyes filled with fear when the mutant stood back up, its white blank eyes staring at him, a full set of fangs smiled at him hungrily.

"no no...Nonono no please!! Aaaahhh!!"

Jungkook didn't want to do this. He never wanted to fall this deep into it... He had hoped it never came to this. But right now, he isn't Jungkook anymore.

It was just Subject 17.

It was him who jumped the man and ripped him apart. Who made such a mess  of the white room. It was him who ate the man from skin to bone....

After the cruel scene and a mutation going wild in the room damaging the walls, but then he regained own consciousness again. Slowly the mutation faded and it returned his body.   Jungkook slumped to the ground crying when he realized what he had done. The blood all over him.

"no...No no...." he tried to wipe the blood off his skin to his shirt but everything was soaked. He couldn't get it off, and this triggered him. He muttered things to himself and let out a frustrated scream before pulling at his hair. "nooo!!"

Like a child he kicked his legs and began to scratch his arms in an attempt to get the blood off of him. "i-im not a monster. Im not a monster!!...." but he didn't even believe himself anymore. What he just did was unforgivable, right now he was the monster he feared he would become....


Jungkook doesn't remember how he got back in his cell. He doesn't know anything right now. The word 'monster' kept spiraling in his head.
He felt sick...Even more sick than he was before. He really was not doing well, the bags under his eyes were dark and sunken.

"Seventeen" a voice said, but jungkook did not show any reaction. He didn't really hear it. It was so distant... His eyes kept staring into space. "subject seventeen, answer me" an annoyed groan was heard before the man said something that did catch Jungkook's attention "Jungkook '' there was a very clear annoyance and unwilling sound when he said it. Dr.White never used his name after that day. Yet he did now, jungkook didn't seem to be reacting at all, he assumed using his name might do the trick. Which it did.

"there you are. You might be wondering why i am here" white said, acting fakely. "well my mutant... I have news for you." he pointed to the tv screen that was behind a thick layer of glass in Jungkook's cell wall. "this is all your fault. If you had obeyed my request and did as I asked, this wouldn't have happened." With that he left, leaving Jungkook to watch the video tape of Taehyung.

The video was the last straw for Jungkook. Dr.White watched in his office at the camera of Jungkook's cell. Chuckling to himself while he watched Jungkook lose his mind. The raven screamed and shifted partially in an attempt to trash the room. But it only made him more angry when he was only able to break the bed off the floor, he threw it around in anger before changing back and falling to his knees puking on the ground. The red blood mixed with every else. Jungkook shivered and hugged himself, gagging a few times before he gripped his hair.

"Sleep well my monster" Dr. White grinned and turned off his camera wall so he could head home.


After writing small snippets everyday here i managed to finish a short chapter for you all. I hope you will all wait for me to return home, then i can update again regularly.

See you soon in the next chapter! Thank you for waiting for me to post this chapter


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