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"Such a good creation is it, it piqued my interest even more. Seventeen will be perfect for use" Dr.white's voice echoed in his head...no it wasn't an echo... he heard him clearly....what was going on? Was this a nightmare?..... Jungkook let out a sigh and took a deep breath, no this wasn't a dream.... slowly the memories of what happened came back to him, and in an instant his eyes shot open and he tried to jump up only to come to find he was chained up again... just like before.

"no...." he said and he tried to get out his eyes grew teary. He doesn't want this. not again, he can't do this anymore.

"ah, you're awake." dr. white approached him and gripped his chin, examining his face for a few seconds before he roughly let go and grinned. "Welcome back, subject seventeen. Your little runaway caused me a lot of trouble"

Jungkook didn't reply.

"but no matter, i already know how i can make you pay for the lives your stupid chase took me"

Jungkook's eyes widened... he feared for Taehyung, remembering that he had seen them hold him.

"Where is Taehyung, what did you do to him?" he asked, a frown on his face.

"Oh, so you're talking now too. what a surprise" dr. white said uninterested. "But if you must know so badly, I am keeping your annoying... boyfriend.. here at the lab.speaking of him, i already expected you to ask for him" Dr. White reached in his pocket and turned on the tv that was built in the wall. the screen showed a whole view of many different online cameras, he clicked the sixth camera which showed taehyung's cell. "See, he is fine... Well, he is alive" the scientist chuckled, looking at the screen where they could see Taehyung lay on the mattress with his eyes closed, there was blood on his face and shirt. "this will make up for a few lives you've taken, don't worry, your debt will be paid off in no time like this!" dr. White smiled fakely, he got the reaction he wanted, seeing the worry on Jungkook's face was exactly what he needed to see. "but i'm willing to make a deal with you"

Jungkook didn't reply but just stared at the screen. Only when he saw Taehyung's chest rise and fall slowly he could calm a little, at least he was alive... he feared for a moment he...he didn't want to even think of it.

"If you do just as I want, I won't harm him any longer. I will not add a single scratch to him any longer. but that all up to our behaviour if i will keep my word"

"...fine" Jungkook said still not looking away, he wants to get to taehyung so bad. he wants to hold him, to never let him out of his sight ever again, he wants to go there and see the damage, eh wants to make sure he was okay. But he couldn't, he was stuck here with White.

"good. see it's not that hard. now let me see if they didn't mess with you" dr. white motioned his hand as he walked away. making space for the assistants to do their work. "i've adjusted your current bacteria into something even better, it should get rid of anything they put inside of you."

Jungkook looked at the assistant that held the syringe with a dark liquid. his breathing sped up in panic.

not again.... no... jungkook leaned away, but when he saw Dr. white point his finger at the camera with a daring look Jungkook closed his eyes and let the assistant inject the stuff into his neck.

He didn't know what the hell this was, all he knew was that it was worse than he thought it would be. the pain he felt was too much, it's like his body was on fire. He felt his infected blood moving around in his body, the mutation growing and fading. He groaned before he screamed the pain out of him, his hands forming fists. it's all he could do with these chains holding him in this position.

"oh.. forgot to mention. it also gets rid of any unnecessary cells inside of you. can't have you be too human now can we..." he chuckled and watched jungkook until the injection finished its job. Jungkook just sat there breathing slowly, his head hanging low.

"take him back" the scientist said and made sure the assistants had the raven completely sedated before he left the room.


That same day Taehyung moved his pained body to sit up on the mattress, wrapping the blanket around his cold shivering body. "Ow... why can't I be stronger?" he mumbled to himself and wiped the dried blood from under his nose. He didn't remember much of the beating, but he does feel everything that it left behind on him. He stared at the glass of water that was left on the small tray in his cell. He hadn't touched it, he didn't trust it. he wouldn't be surprised if they put something inside.

there were sounds outside of the door, it caught his attention when they stopped at his door and the door was being unlocked. an unknown man walked inside with hair that was turning grey. He grinned at him. a smile that would surely not mean anything good.

"Kim Taehyung, you surely made everything a lot harder for me than it should have been."

"Who are you?"

"my name is Dr. White, I'm sure you've heard of me before."

"you're a monster, you will be arrested, you're going to rot in jail for what you're doing here, for what you've done to Jungkook!" taehyung stood up but the scientist suddenly pointed a knife at him.

"i wouldn't try to do that if i were you, I promised my mutant something, and if i break that word now would not be good for progress"

"your mutant!? he's got a name, use it '' taehyung frowned, there was no other thought he had than that white was talking about Jungkook.

"subject seventeen. or Jungkook if you want his name so bad. Is the one keeping you alive right now."

"i swear if you hurt him again-"

"oh. but its already too late for that. the rest of his certain already started, the first steps are completed" dr. white said and chuckled. "I told him as long as he listened to me nothing will happen to you. so dont break his heart by acting all tough with me, i will not hesitate to kill you"

"i hate you" taehyung said and sat back down angrily. He was right, it's best not to make this harder than it already was. But he doesn't want Jungkook to be hurt again.... but taehyung knew he wouldn't make it out of this hallway if he tried, he was not like Jungkook. He would get shot and die, unlike him... taehyung didn't stand a chance.

Maybe Jungkook would manage to break free again? But he didnt know how unlikely that actually was now. Dr. white built a whole new cell for Jungkook to stay in. Which is where he was now.

Inside Jungkook's cell sat the raven, the room was a big metal box with solid walls. not even a single creak where he could slip through. a bright fake light in the ceiling and machines that followed all his movements, if he even showed a small bit of aggression he would be tasered immediately. So all Jungkook did now was sit on his bed that stood in the middle of the confronting white cell. He hasn't bothered to take the three electric bolts out of his body yet, he just stared blankly at the one that was in his thigh. He couldn't think of anything.... It was impossible to get out, it only caused more pain for him to take. He failed. He got taehyung in danger, and now he will never have his life back. He ruined Taehyung's life with his own problems. he never should have gotten him involved.... Jungkook felt like he was going to drown in guilt and worry. but he didn't show any emotion, he was scared to move in here.


 uh yea, another update heh. see you in the next chapter, probably tomorrow since i gotta work soon.


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