4.8 [END]

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Jungkook remembers everything so well. The white walls that had him closed in, the doors that blocked his way to freedom. The eyes that stared at him like he was an object. Everything would forever be in his mind.

He can even feel it. Whenever he got nightmares or got triggered he could feel the experiments that were done to him. the injections, the virus spreading through his body. the time he completely lost everything. It used to scare him, thinking about these things. to feel it all over again. He used to cry and push everyone away in a desperate attempt to protect himself from being hurt again.

But now he didn't have to, he didn't have to cry, he didn't have to push anyone away. Because all he had to do was let them in. let people help him, and that's exactly what taehyung did. He found a way to still pass Jungkook's walls and pull him out of the dark pit everytime. Taehyung was the reason he didn't stay there. Everytime Jungkook felt himself falling into the dark pit, being pulled down by the soul of the mutant, Taehyung would be there reaching out for him. All he had to do was accept it, accept the hand and let Taehyung support him.

Taehyung was the reason he was still here, the reason he could live. his boyfriend, his one and only love. With a smile he stared at the older that was skipping the tv channels. He wished he was better with words so he can express how thankful he was, but Jungkook never could put it into words.

But taehyung knew,. jungkook didn't have to say it, he knew what the raven wanted to say.

"why are you staring at me, you're making me nervous" taehyung chuckled glancing at Jungkook to check if he was still staring. He was zapping as a distraction because Jungkook's eyes on him made him feel butterflies all over.

"sorry... I just like looking at you. I just love you a lot... i was thinking about everything you did for me"

"ahw kook, i love you too" taehyung smiled and put the remote down to scoot closer to the younger and lean against him. "and i would do it again"

"Let's hope something like that never happens again, I can't stand seeing you hurt." Jungkook said and held the other. Yes, this was it, this is what he wants. He doesn't need anything anymore. He just wants to be with Taehyung and make him happy in any way he can. Even if Jungkook didn't have anything, he can still give him his heart. He can give him safety, and most importantly be his support.

"it wont, the company doesn't exist anymore, they took everything down, even the servers."

"what will happen to all the other mutants?" Jungkook asked.

"We will give treatment to those who can still be saved. It's... a sad job to do but seeing these families happy to get their lost member back makes me feel better about it." he said and sighed. They can't help everyone, most of them are so far gone that they have to remove some of their body parts that are just too reformed to be able to get fixed. The mutant grows from the inside out which causes many disfiguring to happen to their bodies,most people would be disabled for the rest of their lives after such treatment.

"you're a good person Tae"

"i try my best. thank you" taehyung smiled and fiddled with Jungkook's shirt, playing with the glitter beads that were on the side of his shirt as decoration.

"My baby" Jungkook suddenly squeezed him tightly, rubbing his face against Taehyung's head cutely.

"What's up with you today, you're so sticky," Taehyung chuckled. He didn't mind it, he thought it was cute and it made him happy. But Jungkook wasn't THIS clingy before, he wasn't sure if something happened or not.

"Just felt like it"

"i love you so much, don't you dare ever leave me, i really want to stay with you and get old together"

"I wouldn't dare to even think about leaving you." Jungkook replied and had stopped rubbing his face, he now was just holding the other while he sniffed his fresh soapy scent that still lingered on the older's skin from his shower earlier.

"That's good then," Taehyung smiled content. His life was complete, his goal to safe the broken Jungkook he took into hiding had been fulfilled. He lived up to his promises and got the best addition to it. He got someone to love and someone that loves him back.

Yes, it will be okay.

they will be okay.

Jungkook will be okay.



I think this is the shortest chapter I've ever written lol. But its just to wrap things up, I've written out everything that i wanted for this story. it feels good to end it here, im happy with the results!🌼🐣

I really hope that you all enjoyed the journey with me, i cant thank you enough for all the support during the writing. I love every comment that i read, you're all so kind. Thank you so so much for reading. 💖💕😭🌹


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