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The next day Taehyung sat at his breakfast together with Jungkook who was already finished and doing the dishes behind the older.

Taehyung had seen the message of Namjoon and read the photos now. Looking at the message of Dr.White about Jungkook. It became more clear to him who Jungkook actually was aside from him being Jungkook. What kind of mutant was part of him.

But not only that, it also became more clear to him that this might be more difficult than he thought. They've done things with him for so long. Who knows, they were still able to undo it? Maybe Jungkook will be right in the end.... he was too far gone.

Taehyung sighed and put the phone down. Even if there was a chance of it happening, that will not stop him from trying. Even if he can help the raven just a little bit.

"What's wrong?" Jungkook asked. He had noticed the sigh and the tensed emotions behind him. "something is bothering you"

"oh.. Don't worry. I was just reading something about you that might help me. But it's all getting so complicated, I just don't really have anything to start from. Were still not 100% sure what exactly is inside of you." Taehyung said. "but yea, i will find a way. I just have to take your blood to the center with me and examine it. It will be my first step"

"It's okay," Jungkook said. The more he spent here the more he realized how serious his condition was. "even if it won't work. ..I will still be thankful"

"Kook...." Taehyung felt a sting in his heart when Jungkook said that. How could Jungkook say that so easily? There wasn't even sadness in his eyes this time. It was...Odd. "it will work, it has to. I just gotta find a way how. I will help you, no matter what"

Jungkook smiled. "thank you, you are too kind."


It was a good morning for both of them. Jungkook was really sad that taehyung had to leave. He doesn't like him leaving. It was harder to see the other leave for work now, everyday he hated more and more to be away from the other. He would feel worry but also longing. He wants to be with the other. having these unspoken feelings were making him miss the older only more than before.

And he wasn't alone in that. Taehyung felt the same. But both were too nervous and uncertain to mention it, to just open their mouths and say it. So they just kept their lips shut and pretended nothing was different. while in reality they were getting closer and closer, from just sitting next to each other to holding hands and even leaning against each other. Eventually one had to say it....

"Come now, work for me today' taehyung muttered annoyed while he sat in the ab section of the hospital centre. he was adjusting the microscope correctly. "there we go, now lets see what we have" he moved the blood a little more to the center and took a good look at it. Immediately he noticed his blood was very different, the cells moved differently. and the colors were different. this was not normal. But that was not it. Taehyung might still be learning about all these mutant stuff, but he was well experienced, he was one of the top doctors for mutation treatment. So he was not new to this, and he saw it right away, but he didn't want to believe it. there has to be something else...

"huh.....What" Taehyung frowned as he looked, he could see the normal cells were cold and unmoving. They were discolored. They were clearly dead. But that wasn't all, Taehyung also saw black cells. They were moving weirdly and moving around a lot, they seemed to fuse together and grow.

"his cells....They are.....Dead?" he frowned and sat back. "but that's not possible. He is alive, he is literally breathing...'' Taehyung frowned and took another look. But his eyes were not tricking him. The human cells were indeed dead.

"....Unless....." he stared at it for another good minute before he gasped and stood up from his chair in shock. "...No way....."


Taehyung's shift ended quite late today. He had to work extra hours because of a sick patient and he had to check up on Seokjin to see how his recovery was going. so far he doesn't seem to have any complications. But he finally could go home. He had given Jungkook a quick call that he was on his way, which is the reason for his big smile currently. Jungkook sounded very happy when he called.

The walk home was further than he would have liked but there aren't any buses in this area. you would have to take the metro but it's better to walk. Only the pure zone had perfect public transport. here it was uncertain if one would even go. But taehyung got used to it so he just walked everywhere mort of the time. He'd just put on some music and it will be fine.

same like tonight, he was calmly walking home until a group of patrolling guards passed him. They glanced at him and kept walking, but after a few meters they halted and turned around looking at Taehyung.

Taehyung noticed them in the reflection of a shop window and looked back confused. The guards and him had a few seconds of eye contact until the guards started walking towards him. Taehyung pretended to be dumb and turned back forward continuing with his walk, but he did turn the music off, just in case.

he tried not to look nervous but he obviously gasped shocked when a heavy hand was placed on his shoulder and he came to a stop.

"Sorry we didn't mean to scare you, sir," the guard said through the mask. but after that it was silent. leaving taehyung confused about the situation. Why were they looking at him like that?

"can i uhm.. help you?"

"What's your name?" the guard asked.

"taehyung, Kim Taehyung"

"Kim Taehyung," the guard muttered. "Alright then. enjoy your evening. we will be on our way" the guards all turned around and continued their patrol. leaving taehyung very confused.

"what was that about?" he muttered, turning the music back on. 




Jungkook sat there on the chair. Nervously waiting for the doctor to return with his medicine. While he waited he took the time to look around. The room was so empty and white. It made him nervous how clean it was here. Where was the color? Why wasnt there some color to break the white walls? Jungkook didn't feel at ease at all. But was it really the color, or was it his gut feeling? Whatever it was, it was too late now. The doctor already returned.

"How do you feel?" he asked. Jungkook just shrugged. The pain he was in before faded, the only thing that hurt him now was the wound from the attack. Other than that he felt fine.

"Okay, well. This will make you feel better okay? It will pinch a bit but you're not scared of needles are you?" the doctor smiled and Jungkok shook his head in reply. Letting the man roll up his sleeve to get to his arm. Instead of his upper arm the man injected the strange liquid near his neck. The location was a surprise for Jungkook who looked at the doctor.

"Why my ne-ah..." jungkook gasped and groaned when he felt a painful feeling spread from his neck through his body. It felt as if his bones were breaking. Tears sprung into his eyes and he fell off the chair grabbing his body. "What did you do!?"

The doctor didn't reply. When Jungkook reached out to him with crying eyes he just stepped back.

"H-help!" The desperate cries of the boy did not phase him. Little did Jungkook know that this was only the beginning of it all. His last day like everyone else. The last time he was the same Jungkook. It all changed when his body fell limp to the ground and the scientists carried him away. 




thank you for reading, see you in the next chapterrr. i dont know if i can update tomorrow because i have class and gotta fix the garden. so i decided to finish this update to make up for tomorrow hehe.


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