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I....i was a normal kid once.." he started, tapping his finger on his thigh to keep his mind distracted. "i uhm......Was outside one day when i got attacked by a mutant who bit me. I thought i was gonna die, but the mutant got shot.'' Jungkook stared at the table. He can't keep eye contact while telling this. It made him uncomfortable. "but the guards that saved me didn't help me....They just.... Stood there watching me..... I was in...Pain" jungkook gulped. He had a hard time controlling his emotions so he took a few seconds break to take deep breaths and calm himself down before continuing the story. "i could feel the infection burning inside of me. But nothing happened. I think i passed out shortly after, i don't remember what happened after..... Last thing i remember i woke up in a white room with scientists, i was locked to the table while they examined me. I was hoping they were going to treat me..... But i was wrong..." jungkook said and the lights flickered again. Taehyung looked up and back at Jungkook seeing he was having a hard time. So like he did before he reached for Jungkook's hand and held it.

And again, the raven felt himself calming. The lights stopped flickering again, and he could continue.

"they kept injecting these things they have created. They said it was their best subject yet. I apparently could control the mutation to a certain level which is what they want....They never wanted to help me... They just want to use me for their stupid experiments! They made me like this!'' Jungkook suddenly gripped Taehyung's hand so tight it hurt.

"ow!" Taehyung tried to pull his hand back but Jungkook's grip was like an iron chain. But his hand also changed. It was black and a little thin on flesh, a strange layer on top like the ooze hands that he had seen grab the guard that time. It went up under the sleeve, who knows what it looked like under there.

"they killed me!" Jungkook shouted and the lightbulb above them popped. Shards falling into the table. All the light was sucked from the room leaving an almost unbreathable heavy air.
Taehyung could not process what was happening. There was so much going on at once. He kneeled on the ground feeling where he was with his hands. He couldn't breathe, this was bad, the strange air made him cough and gasp for air.

But then the lights went back on, except for the one above the table. Taehyung quickly breathed the air filling his lungs, panting. "holy shit..." he placed a hand on his chest and stood up. But Jungkook was not there anymore...

"Jungkook?" he called out. Quickly he checked the front door, it was still locked. "Jungkook, where are you, its okay. I'm not mad!"
The older searched his apartment which suddenly seemed a lot bigger. Until he came to the bathroom. He could hear Jungkook was in there.... The sniffles were too loud to not hear them.

"Jungkook.... Can I come in?" Taehyung asked while pushing the door open slightly. Suddenly a force pushed the door back shut.

"Don't look at me!"


"i'm a monster, i don't want you to see me like this!"

Taehyung felt a strange feeling inside of him. Why didn't Jungkook want him to see him? Was he mutating? Did it have something to do with his hand that looked like that earlier? No matter how scary it looked Taehyung doesn't want Jungkook to be so scared and worried. He wants Jungkook to feel safe around him.

"Jungkook... I don't care what happened or what you're like now. I'm here for you, dangerous or not"

There was a long silence and Taehyung sighed walking to his bed. It was no use to talk to the other, Jungkook was not replying again. Well...He thought so, until the door was pulled open and Jungkook stood in the doorway, his eyes staring at the ground.

Taehyung didn't say a word at first. He studied Jungkook's current appearance. Right now he could see he was a mutant.... Still it was very controlled compared to the other. Blobs usually had big outgrows and bloats in their body disfiguring their whole appearance. Jungkook didn't look like that. It's like it got inverted, instead of inflation it's more as if all blood gor sucked from his skin. Skin that was deep black and looked like it got a slimy layer of coating. His hand was still like that and apparently it went up all the way to his face. His eye and a part of his lips were sunken into that strange thing. It was definitely something Taehyung didn't expect to see. But he didnt let it scare him, how can he. Jungkook looked as if he was going to break if he even said the wrong thing right now. How can you be scared of someone that looks so insecure right now.

"thank you for letting me see you," Taehyung smiled. Which surprised the younger. He expected to hear screams, gasps or even someone throwing up. All these things had happened before when he was like this.

Taehyung did neither, he just smiled at him. "you're....Not...Scared?"

"Of course not, you told me you mean no harm to me. I have no reason to fear the way you look."

"but just now i did hurt you!'' Jungkook got stressed again, the lights of the bathroom flickered violently and the ooze seemed to spread over his skin. Now also deforming a part of his nose. "fuck, it hurts!" he placed his misshaped hand on his face.

"Jungkook, calm down. Relax. Nothing is happening, nothing happened. I'm fine, it's only a lightbulb that broke. We are fine '' Taehyung rushed to the other and grabbed his hands again... Yes, both hands. The normal and the changed one. 

Jungkook didn't say a word but just stared at their hands. He felt so warm and welcomed here, he doesn't know what to do with all of that. The distraction of his negative brain to Taehyung and how sweet he was made him relax. Slowly the mutation began to shrink and shape back into his normal appearance, all until he could feel the warmth of Taehyung's hands. Feeling it so strong made him pull his hands back again and take a step back. "sorry..."

"for what, you don't have to be sorry for anything?"

"your hand" Is all the raven said.

Taehyung got a little confused but looked at his palms. On his right hand he saw black prints of Jungkook's claw-like hand just now. So he saw it right, there was a sort of ooze glace over them.

"You have got rid of it..... You'll be infected if it stays too long."

"don't worry, I'm resistant to the virus." Taehyung smiled and wiped it off on his pants which were already black anyway.

"resistant..." Jungkook frowned, so he wasn't lying earlier. He was really resistant to infection. Is that why Taehyung calms him down so quickly? Was it his aura having a deactivating or calming effect on his mutation? It would explain how well Jungkook could collect himself and get back in control everytime Taehyung touched him.


thank you for reading! Sorry if there are more typos this time. I edited on my phone and its hard to see them this small. But i did my best!

See you in the next chapterrr


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