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"gone.... what!?" Taehyung looked around in panic and looked the room all over but did not find any trace of the blood. Someone must have taken it. "No no no... this isn't good. where is it!?" taehyung grabbed his head and groaned in anger. "fuck!" There was no way that someone from the hospital took it. They would not interfere with the machine's work. Heck, they didn't even know it was something important, they would just assume it was blood from one of the mutated patients here. So with this thought Taehyung could only think that someone was trying to keep him away from all this.

Someone was on to them....

He left the room and went to the hospital section of the center tapping his fingers nervously on his hip. He didn't know what to do right now. He can't do this again, someone knew what he put there. someone had taken it, if he does it again it might end up worse. He paused his train of thoughts when he arrived at a specific door. knocking a few times before he went inside.

"Hey Seokjin.. it's me Taehyung."

"oh, it's good to see you. i didn't expect you until next week" Seokjin said, his check schedule did not include taehyung today so he was pleasantly surprised to see his friend. but also a little worried, was something wrong with him? "is there.. something?'

"don't worry, you're still stable. the mutation is being held back well by the current medication." Taehyung smiled. they had given Seokjin the medicine and it managed to freeze the virus and prevent it from growing further. "i came to ask you something... But i must know i can trust you"

"of course you can, were friends. what is this about? are you in trouble?" seokjin sat up straight a worried look on his face. "don't tell me namjoon did something again-"

"no, its not about him. were all doing fine. I just had to ask you something. you might know more"

"sure.. ask away"

"What exactly happened the day you were attacked?" Taehyung sat down on the chair next to the older's bed.

"uhm well, i was on patrol near the laboratory gates outside the city. When out of nowhere I heard a strange sound behind me. Before I could react I felt an immense pain in my shoulder and I fell down. It was so strange. I think I passed out after that, I do not remember what happened there. Last thing I knew I woke up here and they told me I was hypothermic when they found me. i was lucky to be alive, not many have survived that got attacked. This.... thing... this mutant really did some destruction i've heard."

"I see..." Taehyung hummed and thought. But someone entered the room, it was another doctor holding the regular clipboard with the new results.

"oh, Hello dr. Kim, I didn't expect you here" the man smiled.

"oh i'm not on duty here right now. i came to visit him as a friend" taehyung smiled and stood up greeting the other properly.

"I see, well. Mr Kim Seokjin. I have new results for you. not so good news. The virus that you got infected with is something we are not familiar with. It seems to be fighting against the medicine we've given you. We will need to try a new medication on you. "

"Can I see the notes?" Taehyung asked, approaching the doctor. The man nodded and handed him the clipboard and walked to Seokjin to discuss the further steps they would take.

"?-blob....hypothermic ... and the invisibility like Seokjin said..." Taehyung frowned. He recognized these things. even if the type of blob infection was still unknown it could only be one thing. He handed the doctor the clipboard back who was already waiting for him. "thank you"

"I will come back later to take him," the doctor said.

"oh i will leave in a bit. I gotta attend to a new mutant that got dropped off here."

"Alright, enjoy your visit," the man smiled and left the room. And as soon as he had closed the door and his footsteps faded, Taehyung spoke up again.

"uhm.. Jin.. do you recall seeing this.. mutant?"

"hmmm... i think i vaguely remember something moving just before i got hurt, yes"

"What did they look like?"

"well... it was black.. and i think it had a boney appearance, but i'm not sure if i had seen it right. It all happened so fast"

"i see..'' Taehyung knew enough. There was no other thing that made sense than this. Seokjin must have been attacked by Jungkook when he escaped that lab. And if it was then Seokjin was in big trouble... C-blob was a very dangerous type of bacteria and it would kill their infected patient. but since Seokjin was still alive that would mean he wasn't infected by the Corrupted kind. It must be one of the others that Jungkook had. the wound was small on Seokjin's arm, the bacteria must not have fully developed yet. it would explain why the medication was able to freeze them from growing for a short period of time.

"Is there something I have to know about what happened?" Seokjin asked.

"no, nothing. I was just curious. Do you know where I can find Hoseok?"

"Hoseok. uhm.. I wouldn't know. I haven't been in contact with our boss about such things lately. I also haven't spoken to him after he visited me yesterday. He said he had to work all week, but I don't know where he will be deployed next."

"okay. I really gotta go then, they will need you for inspection again. I will come see you again soon"

"Alright, see you," Seokjin waved at the other.


Earlier that same day Jungkook had decided to clean the mess he left behind last night. Holding a damp towel he rubbed the window clean, removing all his slimy ooze marks he left behind.it was annoying to get off, but he managed, using a little of cleaning spray it got off with a easy swipe of the cloth. He turned around to the door and cleaned the door as well, but when he got to the handle he frowned. The ooze was already wiped. not fully, he could see some spots at the bottom of the handle still left behind. But he doesn't remember cleaning this already...

"must have been Taehyung" he said and went to clean the cloth. using hot water to rinse the ooze out of the fabric.


Jungkook turned his head seeing the house phone was ringing. thinking it was Taehyung, he fired his hands and answered the call.

".....' he didn't say anything. Taehyung always spoke first. but this person didn't. not until a good ten seconds passed.

"uhm, hello?"

Jungkook frowned and was about to end the call when the man spoke up again. "Is this Taehyung?"

"... who are you?" Jungkook replied. Who is this person and what do they want from Taehyung?

"Namjoon, who are you? im sure this is Kim Taehyung's number"

"...yes, it is...'' Jungkook remembered him. "Taehyung isn't home right now, he is at work"

"Oh, this must be Jungkook then," Namjoon chuckled. because that would explain the odd conversation. "uhm no worries, can you tell him something when he gets back?"

"I guess," Jungkook shrugged.

"Tell him that I need to meet with him as soon as he can, I have found something he needs to see. Oh and tell him Yoongi will be there too'

"Who is Yoongi?"

"a friend of us"

"ok" Jungkook said and just listened.

"uhm.. so will you tell him?"

"Sure, bye" Jungkook didn't wait for a reply and ended the call. He doesn't like talking to others. He still didn't feel like he could trust them. He only trusts taehyung completely. But he will try to trust the others too, he just needs some time to get comfortable around them. 


thankies for reading againnnn, see you in the next chapter!


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