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-two days later-

"Are you really sure you're okay with meeting him?" taehyung asked once more while they were putting on their jackets.

"Yes," Jungkook replied blankly, focussing more on tying his shoes.

"Okay, just so you know. You don't have to talk if you don't want to. And don't worry. We can trust Namjoon. He is a good person"

Jungkook smiled a little and nodded. He listens to Taehyung. If he said so, then jungkook would stand with that too.

"okay. Are you ready?" Taehyung already stood in the doorway holding his keys to lock the door. The raven nodded again and followed the older out of the apartment. He felt so much more comfortable on the streets. He had his own clothes and a good cover. They didn't suspect Taehyung having anything to do with him yet. It was going better than he had thought. He just hoped he would be able to stay here... He doesn't want to leave Taehyung anymore. He liked it there, he felt so loved and welcome.

"here right. From here we gotta make sure no one follows us or sees us." Taehyung said softly so only Jungkook could hear. The raven took the hint and glanced around. Scanning everyone around them.

"No one is watching us," he said and they quickly turned right into a small alley. There was not a lot of space so they had to walk behind each other. "almost there." Taehyung said and they went under a broken iron fence. It was halfway cut open, leading towards the back sides of a few buildings. Trash was scattered around and spray paint on the bricks of the walls. "we're here '' Taehyung said and pulled open an underground basement door. The lock was already open.

"in here?"

"Yes, let's go!" Taehyung smiled and closed the door behind them as soon as they got down. In there was a corner before the room was quite brightly lit by a lamp on the ceiling. The room was decorated with a table, six chairs and a closet with a lock on it. at the table sat, to Jungkook, an unknown man. The man stood up and smiled, giving taehyung a quick hug before putting his attention to Jungkook.

"It's good to see you," Taehyung said.

"It really is, who is your friend?" Namjoon asked, this was their secret spot so bringing someone here would mean Taehyung found someone new they can trust.

"I need your help," Taehyung said. "I am in a difficult position right now and could use your research."

"so.. I may assume this person got something to do with it?" namjoon asked, looking back at Jungkook who stood there silently, not saying a word.

"uhm... yes" taehyung stepped a little aside because Jungkook was standing half behind him. "this is Jungkook....Subject seventeen"

Namjoon was silent, his eyes widening a little. "wait... you're serious??" he took a step back looking at Jungkook a little weary of the other. "you brought a mutant here??"

"Joon, he is not like them. He can control it... for the most part. He is still like us" taehyung quickly spoke up. "He comes from the lab I told you to get the info from. They made him and the others, but Jungkook is special. they want him back, but i can't let them"

"you're telling me that this mutant somehow controls the mutation and is of high value to the government?! and you are hiding him in your house??"

"That's exactly what I want to tell you. yes"

"holy shit. Well... whatever it is, you got my help Tae" namjoon looked at Jungkook and approached him. He extended his hand towards the other. "i am Kim Namjoon, nice to meet you"

Jungkook glanced at taehyung before hesitantly taking the handshake.

"Sooo, you're jungkook. you got a surname?"

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