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The next morning Jungkook was the first to wake. To be honest he hasn't really slept at all. He couldn't rest, he was feeling too uneasy about everything that happened yesterday. From his escape to meeting Taehyung to him now here in a safe place having his first night without fear.

Him not being able to get more sleep made him get up and explore the house. The more he knows about this human the better he can judge if he was really to be trusted. So far Jungkook hasn't found anything alarming.

The things that were most interesting were all the photos Taehyung had around the house. Jungkook used the dim light from outside to look at the images. Taehyung seemed to know a lot of people, he wondered if they would be like taehyung. Or would they also see mutants as monsters.

Jungkook stepped back but forgot he had dropped his pillow there earlier and tripped falling on the ground with a thud. The frame fell from his hands and landed a bit further.

"oh no, shit" he quickly reached for the frame, and he let out a relieved sigh when the glass wasn't broken.

But the relieved smile faded when he heard the bedroom door open and Taehyung looked at him.

"Jungkook, what happened? Are you alright?" the boy walked over shuffling a little, he really just woke up. His eyes were still half closed and hair messy.

Jungkook felt Taehyung's hand on his arm and immediately scooted away like he burned himself.

"a-ah, im sorry" taehyung pulled his hand back feeling a little offended to see jungkook refused his help like that.

But he didn't know what was going on in the raven's head.

Because in reality Jungkook doesn't want to risk hurting Taehyung by accident...

"I tripped.....Im sorry" Jungkook grabbed the photo frame and showed it to Taehyung. "not broken"

"It's fine. It's just a frame, they cost almost nothing" the older smiled and watched Jungkook get back up on his feet. Placing the photo back where he got it from.

"im sorry i woke you....I didn't mean to"

"It's okay, are you hungry? Shall I make you some breakfast?"

Jungkook went back to silence after that whole sentence. In reply he shook his head, but his stomach replied otherwise. Grumbling at the thought of food. Immediately the younger averted his eyes hoping taehyung didn't hear.

"Let me wash my face real quick, I will make you something to eat then" Taehyung smiled kindly and disappeared back into his room.

Jungkook doesn't know what to do with all this kindness. He never really received such a thing. And he definitely didn't expect it. All he knew was that he would be spit on, cursed at and thrown out by everyone if he would dare to escape. Yet he ran away.

But actually now he thought about it....Why did he run, knowing there was no life for him out there? Why was he running when he was already dead? Why bother trying.... He fell into a daze, staring at the photos again. He'd love to be like that again, to be with his family...

Did he even have one? He doesn't remember..... Everything is so vague inside of his head.

"I'm back" Taehyung's voice snapped him back to reality. His eyes noticed that Taehyung's face was freshly washed and hair neatly brushed back into shape.

'Pretty', is all that he thought. His hand felt his own locks that were in desperate need of a proper haircut.

"soo, what would you like to eat?"

Jungkook shrugged. Not that taehyung could see him with his back turned like that. But the older didn't need to see, when he didn't hear a reply he just continued filling it in himself.

"Do you like some sandwiches?" Taehyung held up a bag of white bread.

"its white"

"yea...?" Taehyung was confused before he sighed and looked in the basket for another. Finding a few slices of brown bread from earlier this week. "brown then?"

"brown is okay"

"and what on it?'' Taehyung looked in his fridge seeing he had some jam...Red, some forest fruit sprinkles...Contained red, anddd cheese.. No red. So he went with the cheese. "you like cheese?"

Jungkook shrugged.

"alright... You don't know a lot do you" taehyung tried to joke but Jungkook didn't seem to get it and frowned at him. "i meant it as a joke...Sorry"


Jungkook watched taehyung make the sandwiches in silence. Noticing how he only made brown for him and white for himself. The older handed Jungkook the plate and motioned him to sit down.

"aren't you tired?" jungkook asked, it was still dark outside, yet here they were. Now both awake.

"its alright. Im off tomorrow so i can miss a few hours" taehyung replied and started eating. "Soo, I'm curious. What kind of things can you do as a mutant?"

"nothing good"

"What do you mean?" Taehyung asked. He thought Jungkook could control him. He could use it to do good things!

"i only cause death....I can't control it"

"oh... I see, that sucks"

"I don't want to hurt anyone....I-im not a bad....Person" jungkook wasn't sure if it was okay to call himself a 'person'. At this point he wasn't even a person anymore. "but....They made me"

"You don't have to. You're here now, they don't know where you are"

"i can't stay"

"why not? It's dangerous going out alone! Especially with them looking for you, You should go outside yet"

"i don't.....Want to hurt you"

"you wont, it wi-"

"i'm dangerous, i'm a monster." jungkook said and his breathing sped up, all the lights suddenly switched off and the air grew heavy.

"Jungkook, relax. Take deep breaths. You're safe here, no need to get stressed. It's gonna be alright. I will help you. '' Taehyung placed a gentle hand on Jungkooks that was tapping the table nervously.

It seemed to work somehow. He felt the pressure in the air get less and the lights flickered back on one by one.

Even Jungkook was surprised, with confused and puzzled eyes he looked at Taehyung's hand and then at his face.

"i worked, holy shit" taehyung stepped back and let out a relieved sigh placing a hand on his heart that was racing. He might have looked confident back there but he was so scared. After Jungkook said he is dangerous and cant control his powers, that moment felt like he was gonna die. So he was really relieved to see everything turn normal again.

While he collected himself Jungkook fiddled with his fingers and stared at the table.

He didn't hurt him... He managed to push his powers back....

With a slight turn he looked at Taehyung. 'he calms me down'.....But, how?


thank you for reading again! See you soon in the next update~


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