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This must be the best morning Jungkook had ever had. Opening his eyes after a soundless sleep and looking right at Taehyung who slept next to him. His eyes still closed and face squished against the pillow.


Jungkook smiled and gently touched Taehyung's cheek with his fingertips, tracing the soft lines. To know that they did that together, that Taehyung loved him so dearly that he wanted to do it... it warmed Jungkook's heart, he felt so happy that it happened. Everything was going to be okay.

Jungkook was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't even realise that taehyung's eyes were open and looking back at him. Well, until he suddenly spoke up. startling jungkook who quickly retracted his hand.

"Morning Koo"

"A-ah.... good morning"

"thinking about something?"

"Just how happy and lucky i am" jungkook said and blushed when he said it.

"You deserve everything good that happens" Taehyung smiled and scooted closer to the other to cling onto him. Jungkook smiled warmly and wrapped his arm around the older holding him close. Even if Jungkook was mentally the weaker one, that didn't hold him back from wanting to make the other feel safe and protected. Even if right now he didn't have to worry about that anymore. He still wants to hold the older and keep him safe, to protect what he loves so dearly. to make sure he won't be taken from him, to keep the one that saved him.

while the older breathed softly against his chest Jungkook looked at his wrist, seeing a part of the barcode peek at him. As much he hates it being there, he had decided to live with it. it can be used against him anymore. He can't escape who he was, removing this won't make a difference. He still was a mutant, he still had to share this body with that thing. It won't make a difference to his reality. So he was going to accept it there, it's his story in one spot.

"Are you okay?" Taehyung asked softly, Jungkook had gone silent again.

"I'm fine, don't worry. just thinking about things" jungkook stroked Taehyung's hair and placed a kiss on top of it. He knew he couldn't kiss taehyung right now, especially after taehyung confirmed his morning breath smelled bad. He would keep it at head kisses for now.

"You know what I really want right now?"


"to share a shower together"

"really? is that okay with you?'' Jungkook asked, but he didn't expect that.

"after we made love? duh, it's not like I'm going to be embarrassed of undressing for you now, "Taehyung joked and chuckled. But it's true, they literally had sex, he wont start acting all shy now because he had to be naked in front of the other. Jungkook had already seen everything of him, there was nothing new to show.

"you're right, there is nothing to be embarrassed about. you're beautiful, aside and outside"

"Ahw, baby" Taehyung melted in his arms, pressed his face into the raven's chest and giggled softly.


"Okay okay, stop making me more shy. lets brush our teeth and shower okay"

"that's fine with me."

and so they did, brushing their teeth quickly while the shower warmed up. Jungkook was the first to hop in and taehyung after standing closely against Jungkook so they both got wet. Jungkook playfully used his hands to make the water pour over taehyung's head, wetting his hair.

"yah, not in my face!" Taehyung shook his head when the stream coming from Jungkook's hand fell against his face on purpose. In response the raven just chuckled and lowered his arms reaching for the soap.

"Shall I wash your hair?" Jungkook offered. thinking of the time he read about it in books. He had been reading taehyung's books while the older was at work.

"oh, what a service" taehyung said and did as if he was at the hair salon sitting down. but he quickly stood back straight and smiled at Jungkook, closing his eyes to let him know he could do the soap.

"how can you be so cured?" Jungkook awed and soaped up the older's hair, making sure everything was making bubbles before rinsing it out carefully. He also let Taehyung do his hair in return after the older offered to return the same.

But taehyung used the left over soap to soap up jungkook's body. rubbing his hands over Jungkook's torso and arms going up to his shoulders and neck. by the time he got up to his face most of the soap already had washed off his hands making him able to worry free cup Jungkook face and pull him in for a kiss. He had waited until both of them had brushed his teeth but he couldn't wait longer. He just wants all of Jungkook now, now that they can be together without interruptions or being torn apart. they had to catch up to the time they lost. All the time they longed for each other's touch.

Jungkook wrapped his arms around taehyung's waist pulling him against him and with him under the stream of water. They didn't care they got water in their face. all they care for now was their boyfriend. Lips moving together with love. The kiss wasn't long, but it was definitely one they would remember. it felt like they were in their own romance story.

"I love you, beautiful~" Jungkook said and cutely rubbed Taehyung's chin who blushed in return.

"i love you too, handsome"

"shall we go somewhere today?"

"where to?" Taehyung asked while turning off the shower once they both were done. He handed Jungkook his towel so they can dry off and get dressed.

"I don't know. maybe just for lunch. it's been a while since we properly went out to do something together... and i think i can use some fresh air, i've only been to the supermarket so far"

"you didn't go outside? i told you fresh air would be good for your health."

"but... you had video games-"

"you were gaming all this time??"

"no...maybe" jungkook quickly covered his head with the towel to avoid the judging glare of the others.

"Fine, we're going out today.we are going to go on a walk and have lunch. get you some sunlight and fresh air. You're still not fully healed from everything, don't lie to me. I can see the exhaustion still in your eyes."

"Doctors are annoying," Jungkook rolled his eyes playfully.

"whatever puppy"


"jokinggg you're a cute baby bee"

"That's worse!"

"big bunny"

"fat bear"

"Yah!'' Taehyung frowned and pushed Jungkook when he was about to step into his pants, making him almost trip because his foot got caught. but he wasn't angry, he was enjoying this moment. the smile on his face said it all.

"I love you so much"

"i know"

"damn, i don't even get it back anymore" Jungkook chuckled.

"i love you too baby, id say it a million times more if you asked me to"

Jungkook smiled warmly and his heart fluttered. He really really loved taehyung.


sorry that updates have been so short lately. im sorry about that, i just really dont have any time to write but i still want to update in between my work and side work. 😭

thank you for reading again, see you in the next chapter!


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