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Taehyung groaned when he pulled himself onto the bed in his cell. Sighing when he felt the mattress under his weight. The mattress hurt his wounds and bruises less.

He tried to look stronger than he was, but he failed. He wasn't strong, neither physically nor mentally. He was just Taehyung, he felt weaker than he ever felt right now. The brunette sniffled and stared at the locked door of his cell. He didn't cry for himself this time. He cried for Jungkook.

Because he knew that he got hurt because something happened on Jungkook's side. Did they hurt him? Was Jungkook okay? Tarhyung was dying to see the other or get some sort of update. The last thing he remembered of the other was when they got separated.... But he didn't want to think of it. He preferred to think of their happy memories.

Jungkooks precious smile...His honest reactions...Just...Jungkook. Taehyung smiled a little through his tears, oh how he wished they could hug right now. Everything was going so well, they were boyfriends. They were making steps into their relationship..... But of course... It was all too good to be true....

Taehyung sighed and curled into a ball holding his bruised legs with his shaking arms. Everything hurt, these people here had no mercy, they did not care.

They had to get out of here. But it seemed impossible. At least it was for Taehyung's side. Right now he would have liked to be stronger. To be like jungkook.. Just to have the strength to get out of here. He sighed and just closed his eyes.


That night Jungkook sat in his room. He hasn't been able to close an eye. Everything hurts and he had been puking again. There just wasn't anything left to get rid of. It was just slimey acids. Vaguely he stared at the black screen where he had seen taehyung's footage.

He wants to save humans. He wants to protect him. But how will he? He failed to do so. Because of him they ended up here. And this time Taehyung was here too. He ruined the elder's life.... Does Taehyung even want to see him? Maybe he doesn't want or have anything to do with him anymore?

He was being eaten by thought when they got interrupted by the screen lighting up. A few words appeared in front of him.

'you have ten minutes, thank me later' is all it said before it went back to a black screen. A heavy lock was heard and Jungkook turned his head to the closed door.

It got unlocked....

Slowly he stood up and swayed towards the door weakly. Testing it...It was indeed open. But he did not step out yet... Maybe it was a trap?

But the message, the door unlocking.. Was someone helping him?

Jungkook shook his head and stepped out of his cell. Trap or not, his door was unlocked and he will not let anything stand in his path to Taehyung.

He had to at least try.


At that same moment Taehyung laid in his bed. But he didn't get much sleep. How was he supposed to sleep like this? Every turn he made he felt his bruises sting.


Screaming? Taehyung was confused. Was he dreaming? But why was he still mentally awake.... It wasn't a dream?

"Shoot him shoot him!!" this definitely wasn't a dream. Alarmed Taehyung sat up in bed and looked at the door. A painful scream was heard and a fleshy thud against the door red splatters splashed against the small window. The boy gasped in shock and gripped his blanket in worry.

What was going on?? Were they being attacked??

He was ready to freak out when  the door got opened and someone almost fell inside but just caught himself on time at the big handle.

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