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During that same night,

"Sir, the scientist is here to see you" the guard said as he walked in with the head scientist. The man was in a hurry and walked fast forward to the man on the silver seat. Sitting behind a broad table with two guards next to him.

"I'm sorry to bring you bad news but uhm...you see...." he was feeling scared to say this. This was not just a normal bad news, this was something servere and something that was never supposed to happen. This can ruin everything they have been working for.

"what exactly happened..." the boss stood up from his chair leaning on the table to give the scientist an intense glare.

"well...Subject 17 escaped earlier this night." he lowered his posture hoping the boss won't lash out.

"subject...17.... The ONLY thing i told you to keep hidden and locked away, you now tell me he ESCAPED?!?" the boss slammed his hand on the table creating a loud echo. "You have disappointed me and created a big problem for all of us. If our secret comes out it's in your life! I will drag you to hell myself." the boss turned to his right guard. "gather the special force. I want subject 17 caught" the guard nodded and walked off.

When he left he turned his gaze back to the scientist. "i want you to spread the message that subject 17 escaped and that everyone that helped him will be killed"

"y-yes, sir." The scientists bowed and left the room.

The boss sat back down with a deep sigh. He had to come up with something, and quickly. This might end up costing their head the longer he is out.


"so, how was the lasagne?" Taehyung asked as he was doing the dishes.


"I'm glad. Make yourself at home here. I will finish washing all this."

Jungkook didn't reply. But he did do what Taehyung said. He stood up and walked to the window, looking outside through the blinds. The city looked empty and silent. He thought it was going to look different. His eyes scanned over the dark houses to the part where there was more light. Was that the zone? He didn't know about that. But then, he didn't know anything about outside the lab.

Suddenly there was a knock on their door. Which was odd because Taehyung lived in an apartment, you wouldn't expect a visitor directly at your door.

Jungkook's eyes moved down and his heart sank seeing a black car with a heavily armed man standing next to it. When the man looked up, Jungkook stumbled back.

"I'll go '' Taehyung dried his hands and looked at Jungkook, seeing his scared eyes. The raven shook his head and tried to stop taehyung, without touching him. But it didn't work so he tried to look for a way out while Taehyung answered the door.

"Hello, oh..Can I help you?" Taehyung said surprised when he saw two heavily armed men stand in front of his door. One of them looked past Taehyung into the house.

"We are looking for any mutant activity. Have you seen or interacted with one during this day?" the man spoke through his mask. "we've had reports of a mutant roaming around in this area"

"no, I just came home from work. I work at the mutant center. Other than that i haven't seen any of those"

"I see. Well, if you see anything suspicious, report it to us. Have a good night" the guards stepped back and moved on to taehyung's neighbor, knocking the door loudly.

"Jungkook, they are gone," Taehyung said once he closed and locked the door again. But jungkook was nowhere to be seen, did he leave? "shit..."

"you lied" jungkook's voice was heard and suddenly he appeared from the shadow in the corner. Taehyung was sure he looked there just a second ago and Jungkook wasn't there.... Odd.

"of course, i told you i'm not going to turn you in. You're safe here, as long you haven't lied to me I'll help you" Taehyung said. If jungkook was really speaking the truth about him not wanting to hurt him and all then taehyung will be on his side.

Because even Taehyung had his suspicions with this whole mutant situation. It just didn't make sense. They were told it was an unknown virus, but there was no origin record of with who it started with. There were just too many vague points in their story. Something wasn't right, and Taehyung wanted to know what was really going on. He wasn't blind and just followed whatever the government told them.

"i don't...Lie"

"I believe you," Taehyung smiled." so uhmm. I don't really have a spare room but i can change the couch to a bed. There is a mattress under it. Do you wanna sleep here, or..."

"if it's no trouble.." jungkook said. He doesn't want to be a bother. He doesn't have anywhere else to go either, people hate mutants. He will not find someone like taehyung again. Today he was just lucky to have run into someone not controlled by the government's words.

At least, that's what the scientists told him.

"Of course not, I hope you don't try to kill me at night heh" taehyung felt really nervous to go to sleep knowing a mutant was in his house. Even if he wasn't dangerous to him or showed any signs of hostility towards him. It was just so unusual.

"I don't want to hurt....Anyone" Jungkook said, it seemed like what taehyung said hurt him somewhat. "i-im not a monster.... im want to be just me"

Taehyung felt bad that he said that, Jungkook really looked sad about that, he really wasn't lying. Everything he said so far was the truth.

"Sorry i didn't mean it like that" he quickly apologized.

"no....it's me." Jungkook said, staring at his hands as a distraction. "i should be sorry-"

"Let's just get your bed ready, leave this behind us. Tomorrow is a new day and then we can talk. I'd like to know you more"

"Why are you... helping me?"

"Huh '' Taehyung looked back up while he flipped the couch seat over to create a bed. "well, because I know that they will kill you, they kill almost all mutants, they see them as animals, but you're not like that. you can control it, you have feelings, you shouldnt get caught by them. Who knows what they will do...." seeing so many dead people who have been infected dead entering the center was always making him feel so off. He had seen it so many times that a corpse did not scare him anymore. it would just be another part of his day. Some mutants even came in all messed up, and it was clearly not done by themselves, but by these men who were sent to take them out. Nothing about this felt right.

"i'm already gone....its a waste" jungkook realized his whole situation. even if this human was so kind to help him, jungkook will never be normal. he will never get rid of this. the trauma in his head was enough to limit his social skills and then these things inside of him making him a monster in other's eyes. he was a danger to others and himself. There was no way he could be normal, on records he was already dead anyway. all he was was a lab rat to be used. 


 Thank you for reading, see you soon in the next chapter!


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