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After their morning the two had gone outside to the nearby park. The path would end in the centre of the city. so it was the perfect route to take before they go to have lunch. they didn't talk a lot, they didn't have to. Being together was enough to let them enjoy the moment. They have all the time to talk about things, right now they just want to appreciate all the time they can spend together after it had been so difficult for them.

"I wish i could have hurt him, killed him, eat him alive"

Taehyung's eyes went a little confused at the sudden comment. But he didn't really say anything to it, he will have to get used to the 'eat' comments. He felt like it won't be the last time Jungkook says it.

"sorry...i didn't mean to say that"

"it's fine" taehyung smiled and held jungkook's hand, in the distance the3y could see the walls of the pure zone. soon the gates will be turned off and the two parts will become one city again. the big mall that was inside will change its name to pure to still keep the memory of the city its original purpose.

Seeing the walls makes Jungkook think back and remember what he wanted to say to the older.

"you know....'' Jungkook started, staring at his hands that looked so normal. There was no more blood, no more ooze. It was just clean skin. "i can still feel it inside of me but.." he paused. Taehyung didn't interrupt him, and waited for the other to finish talking patiently. turning his head towards him. "I am not angry... its just there..'' Jungkook found it hard to explain into words. But he still shared his body with the mutant, he felt it. It was like someone else was watching through his eyes in silence. But he still heard his voice that night. "It spoke to me that night when we... you know." he felt shy to say the word so he just shrugged and it was enough for both of them to know what he was talking about. "It said that you were... ours. but don't worry! i don't think it means hard right now, it doesn't feel violent anymore!'' Jungkook quickly added hoping he didn't scare the older off.

"That's okay" Taehyung just smiled and held his hand.


"I told you, I love every part of you. The mutant is a part of you, I can live with that."

"I love you" Jungkook sighed and smiled. "I was hesitant to tell you this, but I thought it might be best to tell you since the mutant is still showing itself in new ways. But I think it accepted its defeat."

"he better or else i will hurt it back with new medication"

"hey hey, don't kill me" jungkook jokes.

"af if i would do that." he chuckled. "shall we go for lunch now?"


They had a good lunch, Jungkook's request to limit the red and white of his sandwich was well taken and he got the perfect food. Both had an amazing meal and filled their bellies.

Well, as much Jungkook could, yet he still felt hungry... it was still hard to ignore it, he kept feeling it and smelling people around him, causing the mutant inside of him to stir around restless. They spent enough time outside and soon it would rain so they were walking home hand in hand. They were having a good time until someone on the other side of the street stared at them.

"What's his problem?" taehyung muttered and slowed down. Jungkook noticed now too and turned his head. there were two, they were definitely looking at him.

"It's that mutant, '' he heard them whisper. "Why can he live freely, why isn't he in for neutralisation, so unfair"

"they should have killed him like the others, he is just the same as those monsters" the hate in their voices affected Jungkook and he chewed on his lip.

"what are they saying?" Taehyung asked softly, noticing Jungkook was bothered by something.

"that i am a monster and should have been killed" only it didn't stay at that.

"What are you looking at, rat!" one of the two men shouted, waving his hand annoyingly at jungkook. "stupid mutant"

"Why did you say that, he probably eats people for breakfast, don't get his attention"

"Whatever man" the other rolled his eyes.

"Just let it go Kook," Taehyung said, taking Jungkook's hand, but the raven was already approaching them with an angry expression.

"You want a monster?" Jungkook said and his eyes darkened. "you want to see what an actual monster looks like!?" His hands went black and he grabbed one of them by his neck pressing him against the wall. "you want to feel how i would rip your flesh apart?"

the man began to scream and kick around in fear. "Yung, Yung help, please help. Where are you going!?? don't leave me here!!" he shouted at his friend who ran away. "come back here!! aah fuck, please. look, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it!"

"you're the rat here" jungkook said and gritted his teeth his fingers clenched around the neck cutting off the scream, but then he felt that warm soft hand on his arm, his jaw unclenched and he let go of the man who fell to the ground and as fast as he could ran off.

"Koo.... calm down please," Taehyung said. He felt bad to see how Jungkooks face changed from angry into a sad one.

"they were right... I'm a monster. just a rat that escaped death"

"don't say that" taehyung cupped the others head making jungkook look at him. "That's not true, you're Jungkook. you are you, they don't know your story, they have no right to judge you. Please don't listen to those people. Listen to me, I know the truth, I can say what's right."


"no buts" taehyung cut the other off and hugged him. "Just listen to me"

The raven didn't say anything to that and just hugged the older back. Even after all that happened even after he is taking this medication he still couldn't get rid of his mutant mindset. He would always still have a part inside of him that is not human, that is hungry, that is always ready to hurt others.

Even with everything, he still needs to rely on Taehyung.

He can't lose him

he can't let him go, he needs him.

He will do everything to keep taehyung safe and at his side. no matter what. 


im not sure how many chapters i will add, i dont really have anything else i wanted to write about, my notes are finished lol. does any of you still have things you have questions about in the story?

see you in the next update!


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