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Taehyung got up from his position and approached the younger that laid on the ground. Jungkook was looking worse than before, this time he actually looked like he won't move again, his eyes blankly opened, chest not moving at all.

"Jungkook?" he asked, kneeling down next to the other, gently touching his face before shaking his body. "Jungkook! wake up" he shook the other more violently not caring about the blood and ooze that was staining his clothes. "kook! ple-ah!"

Suddenly the raven took a sharp breath and jolted up in a sitting position, his eyes falling back again. his skin turned black. painful cracks were heard from him and he screamed, hitting his head.

"no no '' Taehyung saw the monster grow again and crawled back in fear. "Please, give him back! Give Jungkook back, you monster!" he shouted at it. but it didn't seem as if the monster was going to attack him. It was just screaming and clawing its own flesh.

Was it fighting with jungkook?

Suddenly the monster grabbed onto his leg and yanked him closer, scaring the shit out of taehyung. he yelped and tried to grab onto the ground in fear, but the monster did not hurt him. it just held onto him changing back and forth faster than usual.

"J-jungkook" taehyung said softly, he didn't dare to move. The grip of the other was tight, he was unsure if this was the mutant or jungkook holding him.

"you promised.....to..... leave" jungkook's voice breathed out.

"I know.... but I can't leave you alone," Taehyung replied, feeling so glad to hear his voice again. But it wasn't for long. Jungkook fell back and his body was mutating again. The mutant won't give up so easily.

"stop!" Taehyung tried to say, but of course his words had no effect. He could only watch how Jungkook rolled around in pain before he sat up and threw up on the ground, blood dirtying the pathway. He was shaking and holding his head looking at Taehyung.

"p-please....help me" his desperate and sad voice said softly. Taehyung almost cried at it, but he can't cry now. Jungkook needs him. Quickly he reached in his pockets for the bottle he filled with the capsules and grabbed three of them, just to be sure it will have enough effect right now.

"take them!" Taehyung said, but Jungkook didn't reply, he just groaned in pain and threw up again. So taehyung did it himself. he grabbed Jungkooks face and forced the capsules in his mouth making him swallow them. As much as Jungkook wanted to throw up again he couldn't. his body was on fire, he could hear the mutant screaming in pain and trying to hurt him back. But the pain was fading, the screaming was distancing...

Taehyung sat there holding the rave who limply rested against him, his head on his shoulder. They stayed just like that until Jungkook let out a deep sigh and closed his eyes. "Its....silent" he said in a whisper.

"Is it just.. you?'' Taehyung asked, hoping so bad that it worked. but he wasn't sure, hey didn't get to test it out.

"yes.... its me....just me"

It was as if all the troubles fell off his shoulders right there, Taehyung's face retorted into pain but he tried his best not to show it. His arm felt as if it was torn off. The ooze was hurting his body, it had so many harmful bacteria that he was almost certain it would leave a scar.

"is he... okay?" hoseok asked, walking their way while holding his ribs, he definitely bruised or broken one with his fall earlier. The mutants' push was so harsh.

"for now." Taehyung replied, but Jungkook started talking again.

"Im sorry....im so sorry....i'm sorry to everyone..... Please don't hate me...." Jungkook sniffled before he started crying, sobs leaving his lips while he desperately tried to hold onto Taehyung as if the older would go away. "don't leave me, please don't leave me, im sorry"

"koo, it's okay. I'm here, your friend is here. you're not alone, and we don't hate you"

"I really don't hate you, Jungkook, I'm just happy you remember" hoseok smiled and sat down next to the two looking at Jungkook's crying eyes. He looked so exhausted, so drained. it broke Hoseok's heart to see his old friend like this.

But Jungkook wasn't looking back at him, he just stared at the mess around them. the bodies.... the blood...the ooze. He hated himself for this....


Jungkook didn't know how or when he got here. But he opened his eyes and found himself staring at a familiar ceiling. His body is warm under a soft blanket. his head sunken into the most fluffy pillow he ever had. He felt comfortable, he felt..... sick. his calm face scrunched up and he rolled on his side throwing up outside of the bed, where to his surprise were two big buckets awaiting him. He was relieved that he wouldn't have to ruin the floor with it.

He groaned, his body still felt in pain. every movement it was as if his bones were cracked and breaking more and more when he move them. Slowly the memories of what happened came back to him. The mutant, the pain, the murder... and ugh the feeding. The thought of eating those people made his stomach turn again and he stuck his finger down his throat, he didn't want it inside of him. He doesn't want to eat humans. He doesn't want to remember it.

"Tae.." he said and sat up with a concerned expression. "Oh no. no no no '' he jumped out of bed, not paying attention to his condition. Immediately he sank through his legs and fell down with a thud. His legs were unable to support him properly and were shaking a lot when he tried to stand up, but they had to carry him. He had to find Taehyung, he had to see if he was okay. Holding onto every piece of furniture that was in his path he made his way into the room of taehyung's apartment.

"taehyung!? Tae!" he called out worriedly and let go of the cupboard to approach the couch, but halfway his legs gave up and he fell down again. "taehyung!!?? Tae-"

"im here, im here" the soft voice of his boyfriend reached his ears. Immediately Jungkook calmed down and he stayed seated, letting the other kneel in front of him cupping his face with his gentle hands. "Im here, don't worry"


"Why are you out of bed? you should stay there, the painkillers are not working yet. your body needs rest-oh" he was cut off when jungkook grabbed his arm and looked at the wound that he had been stitching just now.

"I'm sorry..."

"stop apologizing. there is nothing you did, you didn't hurt me. it was that thing. and besides, I'm okay. I'm alive, I'm smiling, I am still the same. just with a few holes in my arm" he chuckled trying to lighten the situation.

"but still"

"dont worry about it, now let's get you back in bed. it's only been a few hours, you need to rest big boy" taehyung helped jungkook up on his feet and supported him back to the bed where he tucked him in like a mother would do. Making sure the covers would keep him warm and his pillow was positioned right, then stroke his hair and place a soft kiss on his forehead. The only difference with a mom was that he kissed his forehead and his lips. "I love you, take a rest. I will wrap up my arm and come back okay?"

Jungkook just looked at him sadly.

"I promise, I'm not leaving you. I will come back in five minutes."

"I love you too" Jungkook responded and did as told. staying in bed and closing his eyes.


not such a good chapter, but its something lol. thanks for reading again, see you in the next


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