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Jungkook didn't realize he had fallen asleep until he felt the bed dent next to him and a warmth coming closer.
The gentle soapy scent reached his nose and an arm snaked over his chest holding him carefully.

He shifted closer to the other. "I'm here," Taehyung said, seeing the other move around. He didn't mean to wake the other or alarm him.

"...Thank you..." Jungkook whispered back softly. But he didn't stay awake long. Being in the comfort of the older he found his sleep in just a few seconds. Letting the land of dreams get to him and bring him rest.

While he slept. Taehyung couldn't close an eye. How was he supposed to do that? How can he possibly sleep like this? After all that happened, all that he had seen.

Everytime he closed his eyes he could see and hear the bodies, the blood, the screams, the cracking of bones....Jungkook in pain. It made his heart shiver. He had seen so much death in such a short time. No person should ever see it. Taehyung knows he will never be able to forget about this. It would most likely keep a bad stain on him, seeing how Jungkook is dealing with everything.

Jungkook definitely held a trauma of it all. He had a lot of triggers. But the pain and constant remembering was the worst. For Jungkook and for Taehyung.

He hates to see Jungkook like that. So hurt so....Afraid.

He hates to see what Dr.White makes him do, what he did to him. To see how much it hurts Jungkook mentally to do all those things.

"it will be okay now..." he whispered with teary eyes and sniffled scooting closer against Jungkook. But he did not dare to close his eyes... Afraid of the possible nightmares, afraid of the fear coming to him like it does to Jungkook.

He doesn't know what to do.


The two had slept basically through the rest of the day like that. The next morning Taehyung was up first. Still tired from the lack of sleep.In silence he was folding their washed clothes in the bedroom, using the cupboard to lay the clothes on. He was almost finished with it when he heard Jungkook's breathing changed, indicating that he had woken up. Which he was, he turned his head around and saw Jungkook staring at him while laying on his side.

"good morning" taehyung smiled.


"how do you feel? Are the medicines working?"

Jungkook nodded. He felt the calm inside, expect for mental parts of course, but they really helped. He hadn't felt the mutant inside of him, it was put into a sleep. Faded into the distance and leaving him alone. "thank you"

"anything for you '' Taehyung smiled again. He will have to make more later these weeks, he only made a few capsules but they were going to go quickly. But they will have a good supply, not to worry about it. As long as Taehyung was alive he would be able to provide blood for the medicine. after that.... he doesn't want to think of it, he will leave it to time to show them what would happen.

Jungkook kept watching the older. his eyes followed him around when he placed the clothes back in the closet. "is something wrong?"

"I'm just looking at you," Jungkook chuckled. but there was something bothering him actually. "you look tired"

"oh, don't worry about it. just couldn't sleep"

"why?" Jungkook frowned a little. Taehyung was always the one that slept peacefully, Taehyung never had trouble sleeping before as far as Jungkook knew. The raven sat up, pushing his pained body into a sitting position.

"Uh.... i wasn't very tired"

"you're really bad at lying, what's troubling you"

"Nothing really, don't worry about me. how did you sleep?" taehyung tried to change the topic. Jungkook didn't blame him, taehyung was caring. He probably didn't want Jungkook to worry about him while this was all about Jungkook. But Jungkook didn't see it like that. Yes he was the problem in this but that doesnt mean everything should revolve around him. Taehyung was just as important, he loves him, why wouldn't he worry about him.

Taehyung turned back around and continued folding, but all these questions made him remember the scenes he saw and his hands started shaking. that didn't go unnoticed by Jungkook, who had pushed himself out of bed and walked his way snaking his arms around the other to grab taehyung's hand and pull them against the older's stomach, he hugged him until he felt the hands stop shaking before talking. "I know how you feel.... it will get better i promise.... you have me, talk to me, don't hold it in" jungkook spoke. "please lean on me too, your feelings and health mean just as much to me as mine do to you... so please, don't ignore yourself"

"Koo....'' Taehyung teared up, his heart warmed by the younger's words. Jungkook really thought like an angel. how could they hurt someone like him, he didn't deserve what happened. Slowly he turned around and faced the raven. placing two hands on his cheeks, cupping his face that was now clean. Yet in his head he could still see the blood that had dripped down his mouth over his chin. He shook his head a little to get rid of that image. Jungkook wasn't like that now. This was just Jungkook.

"I love you Tae, I want nothing more than to be with you. Please let me be your pillar too..."

Taehyung smiled a little, Jungkook was the one, ever since that day he had felt something new. He was sure about it. there was no one else for him other than Jungkook. He tilted his head and pulled the younger in for a quick kiss. "I love you... and I promise I will not hide them anymore from you... I just didn't want to invalid your condition.."

"It's okay, I get it. you don't have to explain." Jungkook smiled and cupped taehyung's face as well, squishing his cheeks a little before chuckling and stepping back. "i should go brush my teeth if i want to kiss you again. My breath stinks"

"i held my breath"

"Damn, it's that bad?" Jungkook smiled. "i will be right back"

Taehyung felt better. He was happy that in the end they found a way to save Jungkook, even if it looked impossible. They can both have the future they want so badly. they deserved to be happy now. Jungkook deserved it...

But there was one more thing left, Dr. white was still out there somewhere.


quite short chapter. thank you for reading, see you soon in the next update!


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