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After a long shower Jungkook joined his boyfriend at the dining table where taehyung was waiting for him with pancakes. He had been making them during Jungkook's bathroom use.

It smells so good, I'm hungry "Jungkook smiled and immediately grabbed the syrup and snatched himself a pancake from the pile.

"I'm glad you are, eat as much as you want. I made some extra" Taehyung smiled. He was glad Jungkook got his appetite back, he really hadn't eaten properly for quite a while. It was all because of the medication taehyung made. It was giving space for Jungkook to be himself.

"I think that would be everything, sadly, '' Jungkook said with a chuckle. But he wasn't lying. His human parts had almost completely died off, he was literally living on his mutant's alterations. Human food wont give him the satisfaction to make him feel full. It would just be food. But it wont fill the hunger he felt for raw human flesh. The hunger of the mutant inside of him.

But he will manage to live with it. At least he was back in control now. He can make his own decisions again.

"So how are they? I added some vanilla sugar to it this time"

"they are really good. Thank you for always making food for us"

"not a problem. As long as I have ideas for food it's fine."

"I will try to get over my trigger of red so I can also cook.... But-"

"don't push yourself so hard already. One step at a time."

"i love you so much"

They smiled and ate their pancakes. While they were eating, Taehyung looked at Jungkook's wrist, the barcode was still there. Jungkook didn't cover it up with anything this time.

"you didn't cover it"

"huh...Oh...That" Jungkook glanced at it. "I decided to accept it there. Its part of me"

Taehyung smiled. Jungkook will be okay, he was sure of it. Now everything.. well mostly everything is behind them he can focus on himself. He can finally live without fear and worries of that place.

"Oh.. the guys have been texting me asking how you are and if they can come see you"

"...really?" Jungkook's eyes widened like a puppy. He did not expect them to ask about him, and then even want to see him? Jungkook didn't think he was that important to them, he didn't think he was a good friend, he didn't even think they were friends. He thought he was just the tag along with taehyung.

"yes! they care about you Jungkook, even if they didn't directly tell you. They helped us with all of this because they also care about you being safe. they see you as a friend Kook"

"...friends....'' Jungkook smiled a little, he felt happy knowing that they saw him as a friend. Maybe Jungkook was capable of making friends after all? Even with his mutation he was capable of having normal friends.

"Yes, they see you as one of the group. so.... if you want to, can they come over?"

"yes! they can"

"yay! i will text them back, "Taehyung said happily.


and so they ended up with a crazily ringing doorbell with an annoying loud Jimin in the apartment camera almost poking his eye into the camera. "yaaaahhhhh Tae dear let us innnnn it's cold outside!" Jimin whined tapping the camera with his finger making the other guys chuckle at his actions.

"The sun is out, Chim and you're not even wearing a jacket!" Taehyung replied through the intercom while he opened the door with his free hand. it didn't take the boys long to get up to his floor and make a lot of noise in the hall before entering the apartment.

"Taehyungieeeeee!!" Jimin chirped and pulled his best friend in a tight hug, tighter than any other time they met. "Oh my god, you have no idea how happy i am too see you are doing well.I was beyond worried that day. fuck i waited forever to come see you" jimin said sounding like he was going to cry any second now.

"I'm lucky to have you Chim '' they parted and Taehyung cupped Jimin's face smiling at him. '' I can assure you I'm fine, don't worry about me from now on."

"Alright, then I can worry about Jungkook now. Jungkookiee, how are you?" Jimin asked and the line of men went each to hug Taehyung before circling around Jungkook to check up on him. all of them were so worried for them. especially Jimin and Yoongi, they were the ones that brought them home after taehyung called them while crying about how Jungkook just collapsed and was not waking up.

"a-ah uhm" jungkook didn't know what to do with so much attention on him. He wasn't used to being in the center like this. He was used to negative stares and words like he was an object. but now he was getting positive attention and he didn't know how to act. "ah im....doing better?"

"Really, that's great!" Namjoon said and clapped his hands together with a smile.

"is the mutant still there, are you still in pain? anything on your head?" Jimin kept asking the questions while the others nodded in agreements, all curious for the answers.

"No... it's just me right now.... and i feel just fine.. it hurts less" jungkook started to feel out of place. he didn't like this much people talking to him. He prefers it when taehyung spoke for him. So with pleading eyes he looked at taehyung, who got the hint and filled in.

"He is still feeling some sort of pain, but he is taking painkillers so he is feeling better right now. and no the mutant is not active right now, the medication is keeping it under control. But he will be fine '' Taehyung smiled and offered everyone a chair before sitting down himself, taking the chair next to jungkook. The raven gave him a soft 'thank you' while looking down at the table. His doors were closing around him

Yes, Jungkook knows that he will have to do it himself one day, to speak for himself. but right now he isn't ready, he needs time to open up. He isnt used to it and it scared him off. just like now, he was just sitting there in silence while letting taehyung talk for him. Jungkooks doors kept closed. he just looked confused and stuttered a bit when a question was asked him directly.

it's not that he didn't want to talk, he really did want to. But it was hard for him to talk to people. He was trying, but the words won't come out. If the attention wasnt on him he wouldn't have a problem talking a bit, but right now that he was the center of the conversation gave him pressure. All he could do was look at taehyung for help each time he had to talk. 


uhh yea a double update again, i was stressed so i just decided to write a bit.. anyway, i hoped you liked it. it was more of  a filler, nothing special happening. 

also a question for my next story. how is the length of the chapters. should i make them longer in my next story or is this length fine?

see you in the next chapterr, thankies for reading again!


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