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"as today the special forces against mutants has cleaned the streets once more. Taking two more mutants in for neutralization. People living in sector **** can go outside freely again now their safety is back. the forces tell you not to worry and call in if you see anything suspicious or worrisome.-"

The news was playing as the three ate dinner. a simple ramen soup with fried chicken on the side. They didn't speak much, besides that they were just very hungry. They also were listening to the news. They made this report very quick.

"....they are lying," Jungkook said, looking at the pictures that came with the report. a photo of the guards standing in the street. the same street he destroyed that mutant earlier today. "... they are covering it up" he frowned. The news made no sense of what really happened. the guards did not take any mutant in, they killed them. and Jungkook killed the other. there was nothing to take anymore, yet they made it seem as if they were the heroes here.

"They are holding up a fake act," Namjoon said. "but there has to be something to call them out on. but for that we would need proof"

"You still want to go against them?" Taehyung asked, looking at his friend.

"Of course, that's what I'm doing all this time. one day i will have enough evidence to call out the corruption of the government and get them arrested, i know it's possible. but they are annoyingly good at hiding everything"

"i think this whole mutation stuff will be enough" taehyung chuckled and grabbed the last chicken.

"So what are your next moves?"

"Well, I am planning to check the hospital's files if I can find anything about that C-blob bacteria. Maybe there has already been a cure for it. Who knows? "Taehyung said. He was almost certain there wasn't anything. but he still gotta look, he doesn't care what info it was but there got to be something. Hopefully more details to what this bacteria was made of. as long as he doesnt know what it is he wont know where to start.

"Alright, I will hear from you if you need me. And if you ever need a place to stay my office is open for you, also for you Jungkook, "Namjoon said and looked at the younger.

"Thank you.... i guess, "Jungkook replied, not really sure what to say.

After a good filling dinner Namjoon had gone home. The streets were luckily back to normal. something the special forces were really good at doing. they would hunt a mutant and then leave no trace behind, quickly removing everything that they left behind. 




"Sir, I think we have a problem," a guard said entering the scientist's office.

"what do you mean?" the scientist stood up from his chair taking off his reading glasses.

"I have checked the cell of subject seventeen but... he seems to be missing from his room.."

"he... what!?" the scientist walked to the other side of the table placing his glasses down. "show me"

"a-alright" the guard led the scientist through the white blank halls until they reached the furthest cell. thick metal door with three heavy locks. a tiny peep hole to look inside. "look for yourself"

the scientist approached the door and put his eyes to the peephole looking inside. the lights were off, yet he could just see enough from the small light on the door.... Jungkook was not in there.

"Go take a look" the scientist said, handing the guard the keys. "Maybe you can see how he... escaped," the scientist grinned as he watched the guard open the door. as he turned the key the three locks clicked open with a heavy sound.

"It's impossible"

"its subject seventeen. nothing is impossible good sir" the scientist pushed the door closed behind the guard and quickly locked it looking inside.

"Hey!'' The guard was alarmed by the shut of the door and started banging against the metal. But he was already done for. next to him he could see a pair of glowing eyes. "ah....a-ah aaaaaahhh!" he screamed as he backed away from the figure that appeared from the shadows. His steps were steady and intimidating, but his eyes were wide, the sound of sniffles and soft sobs were heard. "stay back!!" the guard put his arms up in protection. reaching for his gun with his free hand but it was too late. his panic took too long and Jungkook was already near him. his mutated boney hands wrapped around his neck and a foot stomped on his thigh. "aaaahhhh, noooo aahhh!!!!" his screamed slowly changed into a gurgling sound....and then a disgusting crack as his head got torn off.

Jungkook dropped his head on the ground and stared at the dead body as he slowly turned back to normal, tears still streaming down his face. He could hear the familiar chuckle of the scientist behind the door.

"you're not smarter than me kid" his voice was heard through the radio on the ceiling. "I can see through you... do not forget who is keeping you alive..." with that the scientist turned off the radio and walked away with a big evil grin.





Jungkook sat on the couch in the dark, he couldn't stop reliving these moments. it's as if they were haunting him. Will he ever be able to let the past go? even when he was like this.... Jungkook looked at his hands and he could see his skin tightening around his bones taking a strange color as it shaped up... Jungkook just stared at it, with no reaction on his face. The words of the scientist kept repeating in his head....... will this all work? what would happen to him if they find a cure?

'do not forget who is keeping you alive....'


hehehe im enjoying this.

sorry that this chapter is a little short, but it is an important one. thank you for reading, see you soon in the next update!


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