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Taehyung had no idea what time it was when he suddenly heard his house phone ring non stop. He groaned when the ringing didn't stop.

Who dared to call him at THIS time, he was sleeping! With a sigh he turned on his nightlight. If someone called him at this hour it better be important.

Taking a deep breath he grabbed the phone from the holder and spoke "yes, this is Taehyung"

"T.....Taehyung?" a familiar voice answered him.

Worry went through Taehyung's body and he snapped his head to the side looking at the couch which was empty. "jungkook?"

"Help me....."

"Jungkook, where are you?" Taehyung said through the phone.

"I don't know. Somewhere with a lot of lights, please come find me" Jungkook said. "I'm scared. They are here, they are here"

"Please be more precise. What do you see?" Taehyung was gathering his stuff, as soon as he hung up he would lose contact with Jungkook, this was his freakin house phone and jungkook was in a random call booth.

They can't find Jungkook, if they do then it will be over. He cant let them take him back. Taehyung had to find him first. "Jungkook, tell me more," he ushered.

"I see ... a green palm a-and ..." then it was silent. Heavy breathing was heard.

"Jungkook ?! What do you see ?!" Taehyung started to get really worried.

"t-they saw me, t-taehyung they saw me...."

The phone started beeping indicating the call had ended. "Jungkook?! JUNGKOOK???" Taehyung cursed and put the phone away running out of the apartment. He had never taken the stairs here before but right now he did, almost falling down the stairs with his speed. He dashed into the dark night streets looking around which way he had to go.

"palms palms....Where the fuck is that!?" Taehyung gripped his hair ruffling it as he thought. "the cocktail bar?" that was his best guess. He vaguely remembers the colour green being there a lot and their theme being tropical. Not wasting more time he headed that way.

It was a long run but he arrived in the street. He noticed a row of six lights had all popped. Even from the shops, glass shards spread over the road and sidewalk.

"Jungkook, are you here?"he asked, not too loud. If jungkook was here he would hear him, he seemed to have some sensitive hearing and sense of smell.

There was no reply so Taehyung walked further towards the call booth. The phone was dangling down with a loud monotone 'beeeeeep'. Taehyung placed the phone back and frowned when his fingers got wet.

"b...Blood?" he asked himself when his fingers had red drops of blood on them. His eyes looked around seeing more blood on the ground leading into a small street. "shit..." he feared he was too late, jungkook was on the phone and there was blood. This did not look good....

Taehyung frantically began running around following the trails of blood until he came to a body on the ground. Their torso had a big gaping hole. Taehyung almost puked at the sight and covered his eyes while walking further. So maybe the blood wasn't Jungkooks? He didn't know...

There was a lot of broken glass and lights, what happened here? What was going on with Jungkook? Why was he even out here?! Did he want to leave? Did he not feel at home? Was it something taehyung said-

Suddenly his ears caught sniffles. He halted in his steps and neared the source of the sound. There it was, around a small newly made wall sat Jungkook on his knees. Blood on his hands and on the ground that came from the dead body near him.

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