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Days passed and Jungkook was starting to get outside of his imaginary walls. walls that were only accessible for Taehyung. He was starting to spend more time with Hoseok and his new friends. While Taehyung would work Jungkook would go out and meet up with Hoseok or Yoongi. He was really blooming up.

At this moment Taehyung found it was the perfect time to check up on his inner health again. He had taken Jungkook to the hospital for some blood samples and basic check up. Currently he was waiting for the results to come out of the printer.

"So how was the weekend?" Sal asked standing next to Taehyung with her coffee, she just left the lunch room when she noticed taehyung standing next to the printer.

"Oh hey Sal, my weekend was good. i went out for food with my boyfriend"

"that's so cute! i didn't know you had a boyfriend" she immediately stepped inside the room and sipped her coffee raising a brow. "tell me more"

"a-ah what uhhh.. what do you want to know" taehyung blushed and scratched his head, distracting himself by checking the progress of the printer which still hasn't finished loading.

"What is he like? Where did you meet? Is he romantic?"

"a-ah well. it's the guy that was with me when we came to uhm.. visit mr. Jung."

"oooh the black haired man! oh my, you have a handsome boyfriend, luckyyy" she smiled. "mine is still in Australia, i can't wait to see him again"

"didn't he come with you here?" taehyung frowned.

"No, i am here only for my study, he can't fly with me on this visa"

"ahw, well it's almost time for our vacation. i hope you can see him then"

"definitely, so about your boyf-"

"Sal, here you are." Soojin said. "come now, we have to get back to work" Soojin had to keep an eye out on Sal, she would get distracted quickly and before she knew it would be chatting with colleagues for way too long. its not that she didn't take her job seriously, she really did, but she was such a social butterfly.

"right, sorry. i'm on my way, it was nice seeing you Taehyung. see you tomorrow!" Sal waved when she walked away, she knew taehyung was done with his shift soon.

"See you!" Taehyung waved and was startled by the sudden sound of the printer printing his papers. with a smile he grabbed the two papers and left the room.

"This is good, Tae, you're a genius," he said to himself. The results were outstanding. Jungkook was healthy, as healthy as he can be with the fact he isn't quite alive. The cells from Taehyung that he mixed with the mixture of counter blob bacteria were working well. They kept his mutant calm and unable to take control. the 'second' soul was just pushed deep down in Jungkook. It could only watch, but it could not take the body over. Taehyung doesn't know how long the medication will work, he probably will have to concentrate the capsule more when the effect is fading. but that is a problem for later. For now it was only good news. He can't wait to tell Jungkook, he will be relieved with this news.


Speaking of Jungkook, at that same time he was at the apartment playing video games with Jimin. The older came over for dinner but Taehyung wasn't home yet so they decided to play video games until Taehyung got back.

"Yah, you definitely cheated," Jimin said and with a sigh he flopped back on the couch. "i don't wanna play anymoree"

"don't be a baby, I'll go easy on you next round. come onnn, done leave me alone here"

"No, I'm done. '' Jimin chuckled and disconnected the controller. "You always win, it's not fun anymore, i suck at games like this. come play cards, i will beat you so hard in that"

"I haven't tried cards yet. i will have to learn the rules first" jungkook turned off the device and put the controllers back on their charger. "but, i accept your challenge"

"next week again?"

"Sounds good" the two shook hands as if it was an official contest until they were interrupted by the door opening. Taehyung greeted them smiling.

"heyy Koo, oh Chim! you're already here" he hugged his friend, leaving jungkook pouting at the side. He thought he was going to get the first attention, but Taehyung chose Jimin over him.

"Jungkook, I have good news. Look" taehyung hugged Jungkook and gave him a quick kiss before handing the raven the test results.

The raven gave Jimin a short side eye. even if he was second here he was the one getting all the kisses. so that puts him still far above jimin.

"Bro, he is all yours." Jimin laughed seeing the eye jungkook gave him. "but the soulmate title is already mine" he pointed a daring finger at the raven.

"yah, look, i didn't come here to listen to you bicker.": taehyung said and grabbed Jungkook's chin to turn his head to the paper that taehyung wanted to show him. Mumbling a 'sorry' the younger started reading. slowly a smile forming on his lips.

"That's amazing, thank you so much" Jungkook hugged his boyfriend again. "oh that is really good news."

"what is it, can I see?" Jimin asked curiously.

"sure" Jungkook handed Jimin paper. Which the blonde didn't really understand a lot of. "i don't know what the fuck blob and xync-8 and all that shit means but. I see the word 'negative' so I guess that's good?"

"yup, it's only good news. The negative is the result of the amount of active corruption, It hasn't spread any further, it's frozen in place. so that's really good news Chim" taehyung explained it into regular known words.

"Great! that deserves a celebration, shall we get cooking? I brought wine with me from my mother's farm!" Jimin said and grabbed a bottle of his mother's home made wine from his bag that stood next to the door. His parents lived on the wine farms in the mountains, whenever he visits he always gets a bottle to take back home.

"yesss, i love your mom's wine. you're amazing Jiminie" taehyung smiled. "I'm sure you will like it too, Kook" He didn't know if Jungkook even drank alcohol. He doesn't remember seeing him drink any. Either way, Jungkook had to try it.

"but... red..." Jungkook said. fearing that the red wine would trigger him, it would make him think it was blood and might cause a bad effect on his mutant and his own mind.

"don't worry, I brought white wine this time. just for you" Jimin smiled and showed Jungkook the bottle.

"you're too kind" Jungkook smiled, he felt so loved by everyone. All of Taehyung's friends were so great in their own way. He really felt welcome in their circle.


Thankies for reading again. i will probably make the next chapter the last- uhm yea. About the smut i was maybe gonna add. I will see later if i will add it as a bonus chapter but i cant make any promises😭✋ i wasnt even planning to add a lot of smut, it didnt quite fit the story so this was unexpected lol.

anyway, thank you for reading this chapter. and see you soon in the next!


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