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Two days passed, and Jungkook had been taking a good rest. Yet he still didn't look any better, even if he told taehyung he felt fine. The older still thought Jungkook looked concerningly sick. So with determination to help the raven taehyung was bend over his notebook writing down all the new solutions he had in his head. the pages filled with all kinds of bacteria names and mixes. It did not contain any words that you would learn at school, almost everything was found out by Taehyung and the others. specifically mutant related things. It contained mostly numbers.

"c-blob could be compatible with X6-ty.... but that would not slow things down..... i think it breaks the bacteria, no.. fuck this also wont work" taehyung sighed and put his pen down staring at all the failed ideas so far. It was difficult to do things out of his head. at the hospital he would be able to run tests and visualize things, here it was just words and how much he remembered of everything. But maybe the solution was not the existing mutations... "wait..... i got it!" his eyes widened and he hastily grabbed his pen flipping to a new page and began writing.

Meanwhile Jungkook sat in the shower, he just washed his hair when he started to feel really bad. He was kneeling down curled up and holding his arms as he bit his lip. He could feel his muscles move around, tightening around his bones. The mutation was breaking him, a crack was heard and Jungkook let out a short gasp falling on his side, his arm growing longer, mutating and giving off ooze. The water washed off the ooze that kept being released, the shower water turning black. "stop...." Jungkook said softly, he couldn't control it. The bacteria was growing, the lack of human cells inside of him was making it hard for him to contain the virus. the virus began to have a soul on its own. He could hear it, he could feel it, it was fighting for control.

'feed yourself...... you're hungry..... there is food here.... dont starve yourself' the voice said, it sounded like a ghostly whisper in his head, a demanding tone ordering him what to do.

"no.... i won't do it, "Jungkook replied, his eyes tearing up. He won't hurt taehyung, he can't do that. He would never forgive himself if he was the one hurting the older.

'You will rot away.... you want to die that badly? come now, we know you want to' the voice kept talking while it hurt jungkook more.

"shut up"

'You can't fight me.... you know that.' the voice sounded annoyed.

Jungkook was gonna say something back when he felt an immense pain go through him, it was as if his own body was shrinking around his bones breaking him from the inside, deforming his body into a monster. The mutant was right. Jungkook can't fight it. Jungkook was fading, soon enough there won't be anything left of him. That's why he made taehyung promise him.

*knock knock* There were two soft knocks on the bathroom door. "Jungkook, are you alright?..." Taehyung's gentle voice warmed Jungkook's body and the pain seemed to fade away. It's like a light was turned on in the dark room giving him peace.

"Taehyung" is all he said. He didn't know what to respond. should he be honest and say 'no' or lie to not worry the other... he had a hard time thinking with his mind being occupied by the new being.

"I'm coming in alright?" taehyung warned before he opened the door. he gasped when he saw Jungkook. the raven sat there in the shower, the water below him black his arms misformed and coated in the ooze. his eyes dull and sunken. "koo..."

'eat... eat... eat... feed your hunger!' the voice shouted at him, making jungkook's head go empty. 'Look how fresh, you want to , I can feel it...'

Taehyung stared at the raven, something felt off. Jungkook looked.. different. "uhm, are you okay?" he asked, taking a step back when Jungkook started to slowly crawl out of the shower, his eyes blank. Suddenly the light inside the bathroom flicked off and the water froze, Taehyung let out a scream when Jungkook jumped at him, his fangs ready to bite. quickly he jumped back and closed the door, hearing a loud bang against the door when Jungkook's path was blocked by the door.

with wide eyes taehyung fell back against the wall shaking violently. this was not Jungkook. this was something else, he never thought he would see this. He was so used to Jungkook being in control over his mutation, he was used to a normal soul being in his body. it scared him to see that Jungkook was becoming one of the others. to see he was being taken over by the monster inside of him.

Taehyung was too scared to move or open the door. But he can't blame Jungkook. he got reminded there was still time. Because at the other inside of the door he could hear sobs. sobs that hurt his heart, he doesn't like hearing Jungkook cry.

"....im sorry.....im so sorry....." jungkooks soft voice said between his tears.

Taehyung moved closer to the door. He didn't dare to unlock it. But he also doesn't want to leave Jungkook alone right now.


"i-im so sorry....." Jungkook said and placed his forehead against the door, trying to be as close to Taehyung as possible. He could smell him, and not in a way he liked. He smelled him as food... "I'm so scared..... it hurts so much Tae...."

"I will make a medicine, i promise"

"...I'm scared of it.... it's talking to me... it wants me to do things."

"don't listen to it" taehyung said, it was a stupid reply. if jungkook could then he wouldn't be so scared. but taehyung didn't know what else to say.

"i cant.... it hurts me"

"I want to hold you-"

"dont! dont come in!" jungkook said panicked when he heard taehyung stand up. "it's still here" Jungkook sat up and stepped back from the door. in the corner of his eye he could see his reflection, his heart broke at the sight of the monster that looked back at him. the only things that were still seen as Jungkook were his crying eyes.

"Okay" Taehyung said softly and the smell started to fade, Taehyung was walking away.

This angered the mutant who screamed at Jungkook. The raven fell to his knees and held his head screaming back at it. Everything hurts.


oh no

anyway thank you for reading, see you in the next chapter!


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