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Taehyung sat at Jungkook's side. The raven is awake now, but he isn't talking much other than apologizing over and over again. After Taehyung told him to shut up and stop apologizing he didn't talk much else.

Taehyung didn't like this change in Jungkook. This whole virus thing changed him. He was going back to his closed off self. He didn't talk a lot anymore.

"Koo... would you like to eat something? maybe drink?" he asked looking at jungkook who stared at him. That is all he did over the past time. just looking at Taehyung.

"Water is fine"

"Alright, I will go get a glass," Taehyung smiled and gently caressed Jungkook's hair before he stood up and filled a glass with water. While he returned Jungkook had sat up right and began to put on the shirt Taehyung left on his lap earlier.

"Here you go," Taehyung said, handing Jungkook the water who gulped it down as if he was dried out. which he did feel like. Jungkook felt hungry and thirsty. no normal water would make him stop feeling like this. but he refused to feed the way the mutant needs him to.... he does not want to give in and be the monster they want him to be.

*riiiing* The sound of the doorbell alarmed both of them, mainly Taehyung who had seen the news on the tv. His heart sank to the bottom and he stood up cautiously.

"What's wrong?" Jungkook looked at the other, noticing how alarmed he was.

"I'm afraid those are guards, I heard on the news that they are going to run an inspection of every household here..."

Jungkook stood up weakly and shuffled to the hallway where he took a deep breath. Taehyung was standing behind him worriedly. again the doorbell rang, this time a bit longer than the first.

"Its Jimin"

"how do you know how he smells?" Taehyung frowned, confused.

Jungkook shrugged. He didn't need to be around someone long to remember their smell. and Jimin wasn't hard to recognize, he wore a faint sweet rose perfume, easily recognizable for jungkook. perfumes were really strong in his nose, which is why he was glad taehyung didn't use any. It would only give Jungkook a bad headache all day.

"Tae... are you awake?" Jimin's soft voice was heard against the door. right away, Taehyung walked forward and unlocked it, letting his friend inside.

"Jimin," he said with relief. He was happy to see a friendly face. After a short look at the other he hugged him tightly. "i'm so happy to see you"

"I am too. How are you two doing?"

"were alive. I'm doing a lot better. but Jungkook is getting worse every day." Taehyung sighed and they walked inside after locking the door. "why didn't you use the key? you gave us a heart attack. especially after the news"

"Sorry, I didn't think just walking in would be alright. you might be sleeping, i didn't want to startle you two."

Taehyung hummed and they went to sit at the dining table where Taehyung sighed and started talking again. "I need to go to the mutant center Jimin, I called Namjoon about it but our line got cut off."

"It's a security measure, people in the pure zone aren't allowed to call outside the walls without permission. You will not be able to call again for a while. But about that, I got a letter from Namjoon, he wanted me to get it to you." Jimin took out the folded paper from his pocket and handed it to his friend. while he let taehyung read it he decided to start some small talk with Jungkook, they haven't been able to properly talk yet.

"sooo you're jungkook."

"jimin" jungkook gave a short nod. He didn't have the energy to talk a lot. his throat felt so dry Jimin's presence was only making him more hungry, he was trying to be collected to not trigger his mutant.

"how are things now"

"I don't want to talk about it," Jungkook replied. Jimin just went 'o' and decided to stop talking. Jungkook didn't seem interested in talking to him. He didn't blame him seeing the situation and his condition. He didn't look like he was even alive. it reminded Jimin of a walking corpse, a bit unsettling. But he did not judge, he had heard from Jimin why he was the way he was, e only could feel sorry for him.

Meanwhile Jimin read the note. Namjoon had a plan set out for him to reach the center. yoongi had offered help to shut off the cameras in that whole area, giving taehyung the needed time to get from A to B. After that the guard would surely come to them, but that would take a good thirty minutes. it might be just enough for Taehyung to get it done and escape. The plan was not solid, but it was their only shot right now. It has to be done now or else they will lose Jungkook completely. and taehyung will not let that happen. He was going to help him, no matter what.

The human was ready to give everything up for the younger.

"Here, read it," Taehyung said, handing the plan to Jimin. They will need his help too. they were going to need all the help they could get. These guards were armed and trained. They were just people. people with certain jobs. they are going to rely on them to have a shot at them.

"This is crazy. if they find you, they will kill you, "Jimin said. He was on the plan, but he had to mention the danger. they had to be absolutely sure about this. they had to be willing to risk their lives, one mistake and this whole plan would go badly wrong. "were o fighters, i mean not like them"

"I know, we will find a way. That's a problem for later."


"I will be there, '' Jungkook said. "i won't let them hurt any of you"

"kook, you're in no condition to do that. we don't know what will happen of you let that thing out again"

"I will do it if I have to," he replied softly. Jungkook knows the danger of shifting in his current condition. He was too weak to fight the mutant. if he let it take over he might never be able to come back. But if it means taehyung and his friends would be safe it was okay, taehyung does not deserve to be hurt because of Jungkook's problems.

"so, when did you have in mind to go?"

"later tonight when the hospital lab is closed. I would be able to work without interruption. they are going to ask questions otherwise"

"Alright, I will go back to the front of them. the walls are shut off already but i will open the side entrance for you. Just give my door a knock and I will open it."

"okay. got it. Can you call Namjoon for me? i cant use the phones here anymore"

"yes, will do. i will await you two" jimin stood up and zipped up his jacket while he headed for the door. "Also, you have to be away before morning, I've seen the inspectors were three streets away. they will most likely continue tomorrow morning. you shouldn't be here when they come''

"i don't think we will come back here soon.'' Taehyung said, giving a sad smile. If things work they might be able to go back, and if it fails they will be either dead or brought back to the lab where he will eventually die.

"okay, see you later then" jimin then left the house.

There was silence in the house. Taehyung looked at Jungkook who stared blankly in front of him. "Are you alright?" he asked the raven.

"im fine" jungkook replied. inside he was just worried for this whole thing. He didn't have a good feeling about this. He was not scared like this before. He could rely on his powers to keep them safe, but right now he was not in control anymore. He didn't feel good about this. But it had to be done.


thankies for readingggg, see you in the next chapter! i will probably update again later todayy


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