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The next morning Taehyung was on the phone with namjoon again. standing in his bedroom with the phone to his ear. "So.. you got in?" he asked.

"yes, i had to ask Yoongi for help. But i got all the information you needed. I just send you a few photos of the barcodes you send me a few days ago."

Taehyung put the hone on speaker to look at the pictures. pressing the first one. It seemed to be some kind of document... a profile as taehyung suspected. At the top was the number of the barcode and next to it a 'name',

'SUBJECT 101  [dead]

Age: 16

Bacteria: V-blob 203-X,  Yesteria-C 10

Results: complete mutation, body rejected the bacteria. Subject died.'

There were more like this. ages variating... these were indeed profiles of the mutant. so every barcode was a person. The lab was really creating these like they did to Jungkook. He began to wonder...what would Jungkook's profile look like?

"Uhm Namjoon, do you still have access to their system?" he asked.

"i downloaded most of their things to my computer but i can't get in anymore."

"Can you look up one more thing for me?"

"Sure, what do you need?"

"can you look for me if you can find anything about a Subject seventeen?'' Taehyung asked and sat down on the edge of his bed.

"give me a minute" on the other side of the line he could heat the tapping of the keyboard keys. It took quite a while for Namjoon to say something again. a good four minutes had passed when taehyung got a new picture to their chat.

"this is Subject seventeen, i just send you a photo"

"thanks, i will check it now" taehyung opened the photo and noticed it was a lot more text than the others.

'SUBJECT 17 [highly dangerous]

Age: 20

Bacteria: C-blob 203-X, Yesteria-V 10, Allostryl, Adaparinex-116-Y, C-blob-211-Z, C-blob-901-OQ, C-blob-01, [to be updated]

Results: partial mutation, body is accepting the bacteria, subject is able to control its mutation, successful infection.

Notes: do not approach or interact with this mutant, it is unpredictable and dangerous, do no let it out of the isolation'

Taehyung sighed. He felt bad for the other. so many things they put in him, and it wasn't even all of it. He had no idea what all this was, but he did notice the name C-blob coming back a few times. He wondered what it was.

"what's with that one? why did you want to see it?" namjoon asked curious.

"No specific reason, thanks for getting me all this. I got what I wanted to know, "Taehyung said, trying to end the conversation before Namjoon were to ask questions. "uhm. Also, can we meet somewhere soon?"

"No problem, and sure. when do you want to meet?" Namjoon had no idea what Taehyung was up to but it did pique his interest. Both their suspicion of the government made them good friends and trustworthy of each other. There were not a lot of people who dared to question the rulers' ways.

"Can you see me in two days at our usual spot?"

"Alright, you're acting a bit weird but I will come see you," Namjoon chuckled.

"I will tell you more soon, please come without anyone knowing. you have to promise me that. not especially Seokjin can't know alright"

"I will not say a thing. dont worry"

"okay, i gotta go now, see you then"

"see you, take care"

They ended the call and Taehyung sat there. He just saw proof that just answered the questions he had about things. and it now really seems that the laboratory was behind this whole virus, they were creating these mutants, they were experimenting. But why were they out there? they were still not hundred percent sure about their whole motive. yes he knows that they want to make a weapon. but why are all these mutants on the streets, why cause this chaos, why not keep it all low and hidden from the public? it didn't make sense.

After collecting his thoughts he exited his bedroom and went into the living area. seeing Jungkook sit on the couch with his legs under his bedsheets, watching a tv show. Even if Jungkook didn't really react to him sitting down next to him, he knew Jungkook heard his call with namjoon.

And Jungkook did, he heard everything. especially when taehyung asked about Jungkook's number. But he didn't ask the other. He trusts Taehyung. But this time he didn't even have to ask anything because Taehyung started talking by himself.

"I spoke to a good friend of mine. I wanted to know what was behind all those barcodes." Taehyung said. "I've also seen yours.."

"don't worry about me....." Jungkook replied, knowing what taehyung must have seen.

"I know what they put inside of you, and I will look for anything that can help fix it.... but I will need help to keep you out of their hands and eyes." Taehyung looked at the other but Jungkook didn't show any sign of worry... well just anything at all.. there was no emotion on his face, just blank. "I will meet with him in two days at a secret location. would you be comfortable going with me and let him meet you?"

"If you trust him, I will go," Jungkook said. He doesn't know this person but he trusts Taehyung basically literally with his life, so if Taehyung feels comfortable telling him about him then he will go.

"I'm not forcing you to, if you prefer to not let anyone know about you then i wont tell him."

"I trust you" Jungkook said and turned his head to look at the other.

Taehyung smiled. He is happy they can trust each other like this. "thank you" he said, placing his hand on Jungkook's, the simple touch sending sparks through both their arms. The older awkwardly chuckled and looked away blushing a little. "a-ah uhm i will go make lunch." he stood up leaving Jungkook there staring at him. The intense stare made him even more nervous.

did jungkook know? could se sense things too? was it obvious? taehyung began to think a lot of things. and Jungkook stare from the couch at him was NOT helping calm him down. he only got more nervous, almost dropping the pan he grabbed from the drawer. "he knows he knows" he muttered to himself, he felt embarrassed. there was no way jungkook didn't know at this point. 


were moving slowly but surely to the more exciting parts of the story. see you soon in the next updateee


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