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the next day

Jungkook had agreed to meet Hoseok and talk to him. so that's where they were heading now. Taehyung wasn't on work duty so he just wore his regular clothes and entered with Jungkook through the normal entrance.

"Good Morning Sal!" he greeted the blonde girl behind the counter, she was currently following a study here, she came from abroad. "how is everything going so far? I see Soojin isn't here?"

"she is getting coffee, but i can do this. i already know a lot, she is a great mentor!" Sal said cheerfully. "What can I do for you two? Are you coming to visit someone?"

"yes, i would like to see Jung Hoseok, he shared the room with Kim Seokjin earlier"

"Ah yes i remember him, Mr.Kim got discharged this morning. He has already been brought back home. But Hoseok is still in the same room. You know where it is. You can head there" she smiled. "Enjoy your time, see you!"

"Thanks Sal, see you later" Taehyung waved at her and walked Jungkook to the room. Once in front of the door he turned to the raven. "I will let you go in alone, I will wait for you."

"thank you" jungkook hugged taehyung.

"you got this Koo, don't worry '' Taehyung stroked Jungkook's hair feeling his deep breathing attempt to relax.

"Yes, okay." Jungkook stepped back and took one last breath before grabbing the door handle. Taehyung waited for a little longer before he walked away from the room.

Jungkook stood inside the room. Hoseok had noticed him walking in. "Hey... Jungkook" he said, unsure what to say else. He was nervous to see him after so long, knowing that he might now remember everything.

Jungkook didn't say anything, he just stood there, staring at Hoseok who sat on the edge of the bed looking at him. Hoseok nervously hoped that it was really true or that he had been lied to. Seeing Jungkook not say a word got him thinking that Jungkook still didn't remember him or maybe just didn't want to see him..

"Jungkook, i-"

"im sorry Hoseok" Jungkook said looking at the older's feet. "I'm sorry for being a bad friend, for forgetting you, for hurting you, for everything..."

"Jungkook...." hoseok had been told that Jungkook remembered him, but actually hearing it from the younger made his heart jump a little. He was really still in there.

"i... i didn't want to be so mean, I didn't want to forget you but I just... I forgot everything, I didn't even know my name. I don't know if you can forgive me but-"

"Kook, I already forgave you long ago. It's okay now, I'm just happy you got your memories back" Hoseok stood up and walked to the raven. "So... how is everything now? after what happened?"

"It's going fine. Im starting to live my life. But.... i miss my friend"

"I miss you too," Hoseok smiled. He didn't think he would ever get to talk to Jungkook like this again, he didn't think he would ever be on the same side again. Jungkook had just been a stranger all this time, but now... he was back. He should really thank Taehyung later, without him Jungkook would never be again, he would have died there and turn into that thing Dr.White waned and feared for.

"What will you do now?" Jungkook asked. Hoseok and Seokjin were both jobless now, Dr.white was arrested and as soon all mutants were contained then they would not be needed anymore, their faction would be discontinued and deleted.

"I think I will request a transfer to the police force, I'm not going to throw those years of training away. And i think they can use some good ones like me and Jin."

"thats nice"

"and you?"

"me? uhm...i.." Jungkook fell silent. He had actually never thought about it before. What was he going to do? Who does he even want to be? What does he even like?

Jungkook didn't know, he didn't even know who he was...

"Ah don't worry about it, I'm sure you will find something when you're ready!" hoseok said trying not to stress the raven out. He didn't know Jungkook hadn't thought about such things yet. But then, he could have expected it, after what Jungkook has been through he first had to get everything back on one line before he can take steps like getting a job. "so uhm..." hoseok started again. " do you think we could be...friends again?"

"I would like that," Jungkook smiled a little and looked at the other. a friend he really missed, a friend he only now remembered, he really wanted him back. Hoseok had always been his escape from reality when he was younger, he was sad that they had to miss such a big gap in their lives together. Jungkook might not remember everything of his whole past, but he was grateful to at least remember Hoseok. He would have something that reminded him of who he was, something that he knows.

"hug?" hoseok asked, spreading his arms. He didn't expect a 'yes' and he certainly did not expect Jungkook to immediately fall into his arms holding onto him tightly. It broke his heart a little... he could feel Jungkook's sadness and damage. Hoseok hasn't been told what happened inside the lab, he doesn't know the details of what they did to Jungkook, all he knows is that it was something that really damaged him mentally. something that he might never recover from.


Jungkook had returned to Taehyung who was waiting in the car for him. While the older drove them off the parking lot he asked Jungkook about it. "so, did you have a good talk?"

"Yes, we're friends again," Jungkook smiled while saying it.

"really? thats amazing! im happy for you"

"thank you '' Jungkook thought back, he had told hoseok about what happened, he did not include any details, saying he will explain everything more when they meet in a more private environment. "He was happy to talk to me when he knew I remembered him. I'm so glad he isn't mad at me."

"that's really great, you were so nervous i worried for how you were going to do, i know talking isn't your strongest side"

"I even surprised myself this time," Jungkook chuckled. "i think i will be fine, i just have to try to not think so much, that will always stress me out for no reason"

"you will be fine Koo, im hundred percent sure. it just takes time, time you now have. And you will have me!'' Taehyung smiled and with a free hand he held Jungkook's hand. Just like this he will hold Jungkook's hand in life and guide him through it, guide him towards his happiness. 


i never know how to end a story. i've thought it over, i dont have anything major thing to add. only one thing that needs some more explanation and then i think im going to end it.

I already have a new story planned about Sirens, crime and of course love. So im looking forward to that one when i finish labrat first. 

see you in the last few chapters!


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